
  • 详情解释FeS中文字网

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  • 【语】元音,母音(符号)
  • 【语】元音字母,母音字母
  • 母音的,元音的
  • 元音字母的
  • 加母音(符号)于



一. a speech sound made with the vocal tract openFeS中文字网

Synonym: vowel soundFeS中文字网

二. a letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken vowelFeS中文字网

一. 元音
A vowel is a sound such as the ones represented in writing by the letters 'a', 'e' 'i', 'o' and 'u', which you pronounce with your mouth open, allowing the air to flow through it.FeS中文字网

e.g. The vowel in words like 'my' and 'thigh' is not very difficult.
e.g. ...English vowel sounds.

一. 元音:辅音(Consonant)+元音(Vowel)+辅音(Consonant)而根据西方的音节定义,音节是不包括声调(tune)的,这也是汉语音节定义出现争议的根本原因. 但是,西方语言中,声调(tune或调高tone)在音节中的作用跟汉语是不同的,FeS中文字网

二. FeS中文字网

二. 母音:值得注重的是,旧约原稿的希伯来文都只有子音(consonant),母音(vowel)是以后才加进去. 从公元一百三十五至一千年,旧约圣经开始有分节,分段和分章,以方便读者的阅读. 这时候,在以色列加利利湖西岸的一个城(Tiberian),FeS中文字网

三. 元音字母:pronunciation 发音 | vowel 元音字母 | consonant 辅音字母FeS中文字网

四. 母音 元音字母:volatile 易挥发的、易变的 | vowel 母音 元音字母 | window 视窗 窗口FeS中文字网

  • 近义词FeS中文字网

  • 反义词FeS中文字网

  • 临近词FeS中文字网

  • vowel sound元音声
  • consonant辅音
  • Vowels
  • vowelless
  • vowel verb
  • vowelly
  • vox
  • vow
  • vowellike
  • vowelise
  • vowelize
  • vowel mark
  • vowel chart
  • Vowel Final
Cantonese has 五九 vowel sounds, twice as many as Mandarin's 二三.(粤语有五九个元音,普通话二三个,前者是后者的两倍多。)
In non-initial syllables, there was more vowel reductions.(在非初始音节中,有更多元音弱化。)
Examples of ablaut as a grammatical marker in Latin are the vowel changes in the perfect stem of verbs.(例如在日耳曼语强动词中的元音变换是拉丁动词变形范例的直接派生。)
"What distinguishes one vowel from another is the shape of the waveform entering the ear," Dr. Shamma said.(“区分元音的根据是进入耳朵的波形形状,”夏玛博士说。)
The Greeks improved upon it and made it a true alphabet by taking some signs that they didn't need for their own language by turning them into vowel sounds.(希腊人将它改良,他们通过把一些他们自己的语言中并不需要的符号变成元音使用,使其成为真正的字母表。)
Head to this site to look up all-vowel words, magic words, magic archetypes, how to identify unicorns and other odd material.(StrangeandUnusualReferences:该站点提供全元音单词,魔法字,魔法原型,如何识别独角兽和其他古怪素材。)
Dr DE Boer, of the University of Amsterdam, then played the sounds to people and asked them to identify the vowel.(阿姆斯特丹大学的deBoer博士向人们播放这些声音,并请他们辨别元音。)
Almost every language has an O vowel, a K consonant, and an A vowel.(几乎每一种语言都有一个O元音、一个K辅音和一个A元音。)
Not only did types of vowel sounds change, but some sounds simply disappeared from the general pronunciation of English.(不仅数种元音发生了变化,而且一些语音还从英语的整个发音体系中消失了。)
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell, the name will carry.(你的孩子的名字要以元音结尾,这样当你喊他时,这样的名字会助你一臂之力。)