一. conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
e.g. coarse language
a crude joke
crude behavior
an earthy sense of humor
a revoltingly gross expletive
a vulgar gesture
full of language so vulgar it should have been edited
Synonym: crudeearthygross
二. being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language
e.g. common parlance
a vernacular term
vernacular speakers
the vulgar tongue of the masses
the technical and vulgar names for an animal species
Synonym: commonvernacular
三. of or associated with the great masses of people
e.g. the common people in those days suffered greatly
behavior that branded him as common
his square plebeian nose
a vulgar and objectionable person
the unwashed masses
Synonym: commonplebeianunwashed
四. lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
e.g. he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
behavior that branded him as common
an untutored and uncouth human being
an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy
appealing to the vulgar taste for violence
the vulgar display of the newly rich
Synonym: coarsecommonrough-cutuncouth
一. 粗俗的;庸俗的;俗气的;不雅的
If you describe something as vulgar, you think it is in bad taste or of poor artistic quality.
e.g. I think it's a very vulgar house...
e.g. The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.
二. (图画、姿势或言论)下流的,猥亵的
If you describe pictures, gestures, or remarks as vulgar, you dislike them because they refer to sex or parts of the body in a rude way that you find unpleasant.
e.g. The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar jokes...
e.g. The lyrics were vulgar.
三. 粗俗的;无礼的;粗鄙的;粗鲁的
If you describe a person or their behaviour as vulgar, you mean that they lack taste or behave rudely.
e.g. He was a vulgar old man, but he never swore in front of a woman...
e.g. 'Don't be vulgar,' she reprimanded.
一. 俗:事实上,我们今天的问题恰恰是,针对当代艺术越来越大众(Popular)、越来越平常(Common)、越来越庸俗(Vulgar)的现实,作为艺术批评非但没有形成反向的制约力量,反而推进了这一大众化过程,其自身在这一过程中扮演了同样斯文扫地的角色,
二. vulgar
二. 粗俗:A.该言论是否粗俗(vulgar)或令人震动(shocking)?A.在公元一九七五年之判准中,并未将系争言论的价值(merit)列入衡量该言论是否低俗不雅的标准中,从而具有文学、艺术、科学或是政治价值之言论即可能因内含低俗不雅部份而遭禁止;
The quality of labour which in the vulgar course we..employ.
出自:BurkeThis current vulgar theory dominates the minds of classical scholars.
出自:R. G. Collingwood近义词