He is an eligible bachelor in this city.(他是这个城市里的黄金单身汉。)
After school Nick went on with further study and get a double bachelor degree.(毕业后尼克继续深造,获得了双学士学位。)
Believe it or not, he is still a bachelor.(信不信由你,他还是个单身汉。)
A bachelor pad doesn't necessarily scare women off.(一个单身汉的公寓不一定必须把女士吓跑。)
I used to travel a great deal by air as a bachelor.(当我还是单身的时候我总是坐飞机到处旅游。)
He attended college at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he took part in a program with IBM and in 一九六三 he received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.(他就读于伦斯勒理工学院,在那里他参加了IBM的一个项目,一九六三年他获得了电子工程理学学士学位。)
Why a bachelor at 五六? Because I love it.(为什么五六岁了还是单身呢?因为我喜欢这样。)
For young adults without a bachelor degree, as of 二零零八 living at home with their parents was more prevalent than living with a romantic partner.(对于没有学士学位的年轻人来说,在二零零八年,其与父母同住的现象比与恋人同住更为普遍。)
Bookish bachelor seeking single Noetic Scientist?(书呆子单身汉在追求单身的抽象的科学家?)
Only men are invited to the bachelor party.(只有男性受邀参加单身派对。)