
  • 英英释义5v1中文字网

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一. carefully observant or attentive
on the lookout for possible danger5v1中文字网

e.g. a policy of open-eyed awareness
the vigilant eye of the town watch
there was a watchful dignity in the room
a watchful parent with a toddler in tow5v1中文字网

Synonym: argus-eyedopen-eyedwakeful5v1中文字网

一. 警惕的;警觉的;警戒的
Someone who is vigilant gives careful attention to a particular problem or situation and concentrates on noticing any danger or trouble that there might be.5v1中文字网

e.g. He warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious...
e.g. All but one of these letter bombs had been intercepted by vigilant post office staff.

Drugs are a problem that requires constant vigilance.

一. 5v1中文字网

一. 警惕的:四八. malignant 恶意的 | 四九. vigilant 警惕的 | 五零. omnipotent 全能的, 万能的5v1中文字网

二. 5v1中文字网

二. 警戒,注重的:vigilance 注重,警戒,警惕 | vigilant 警戒,注重的 | vigor 生气,精力充沛的5v1中文字网

三. vigilant的近义词5v1中文字网

三. 警惕的 alert 警惕的:三二四 vast 宽广的,巨大的 large 巨大的 | 三二五 vibrate 震动 convulse 震动 | 三二六 vigilant 警惕的 alert 警惕的5v1中文字网

  • 经典引文5v1中文字网

  • He had been a vigilant and faithful watchdog of the state's interest.5v1中文字网

    出自:S. Naipaul
  • 近义词5v1中文字网

  • 临近词5v1中文字网

  • wakeful(人)醒着的
  • awake醒着的
  • cautious谨慎的
  • attentive注重的
  • wary小心的
  • watchful注重的
  • alarmed惊恐的
  • circumspect细心的
  • careful小心谨慎的
  • heedful深切注重的
  • on the alert注重
  • wide-awake完全醒着的
  • alert警觉的
  • open-eyed留神的
  • observant观察力敏锐的...
  • aware知道的
  • vigilantness
  • vigilant-avoidant effect
  • vigilantly
  • vigilant group
  • vigilante
  • vigilant attention
  • Vigilant behavior
  • vigilance
  • vigilantism
So be vigilant about cleaning, especially if someone in your home is ill.(因此要对清洁保持高度警醒,尤其是当你的家里有患者。)
We have to stay vigilant.(我们必须保持高度的警惕。)
She added: 'The Advertising Standards Authority is also vigilant.(她还说:“广告标准管理局也警备着。”)
Zbik calls on parents to be vigilant in spotting these talents.(兹毕克召集了一些家长,要他们保持警觉性地去发现这些才能。)
The organism is more awake, more vigilant; this increased vigilance results in the apprehension of ever more subtle signals as the organism becomes more sensitive to its surroundings.(有机体更清醒,更警觉;随着有机体对周围环境变得更加敏感,这种提高的警惕性导致对更细微信号的理解。)
Countries with no or only a few cases should remain vigilant.(无病例或仅有少数病例的国家应继续保持警戒。)
However, surprises can and do happen and, as ever, it will pay to be vigilant.(然而意外总能并且确实会发生,就和往常一样,因此保持警惕总是好的。)
If individuals on the edge of a group are more vigilant because they are at greater risk of being captured, then individuals on average would have to be more vigilant in smaller groups.(如果处于群体边缘的个体由于被捕捉的风险更大而变得更加警惕,那么个体通常在较小的群体中就必须更加警惕。)
Divorced parents especially have to be vigilant to avoid the indulgence trap.(离异的父母在为避免对孩子过多的溺爱方面表现的尤其警惕。)
Rule 七: Remain vigilant and always question.(规则七:保持警惕并一直持有怀疑态度。)