
  • 详情解释cKN中文字网

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  • 英英释义cKN中文字网

  • 词典解释cKN中文字网

  • 网络解释cKN中文字网

  • 歪斜,弯曲,翘曲
  • 乖戾,歪曲,心理反常
  • 【海】绞船索,拖船索
  • 【纺】经(纱)
  • 偏见,偏倾
  • 曲解
  • 【农】沉泥
  • Wavelength Routing Protocol,波长路由协议
  • (使)变形
  • (使)弯曲,(使)翘曲,(使)卷曲
  • 变弯,变翘曲,变歪
  • 受歪曲,变乖戾,被曲解
  • (使)扭曲,使乖戾,使有偏见,使偏倾
  • 歪曲,曲解
  • 挠曲,扭歪,弄歪
  • 歪,偏
  • 【海】用绞船索牵曳
  • 引水淹没(土地)
  • 使不合情理
  • 使不正常
  • [S] 弯曲,歪斜 a twist out of a true level or straight line
  • vt. & vi. 弄弯,变歪 (cause to) turn or twist out of shape



一. yarn arranged lengthways on a loom and crossed by the woofcKN中文字网

二. a moral or mental distortioncKN中文字网

Synonym: warpingcKN中文字网

三. a shape distorted by twisting or foldingcKN中文字网

Synonym: bucklecKN中文字网

四. a twist or aberration
especially a perverse or abnormal way of judging or actingcKN中文字网

Synonym: deflectioncKN中文字网


一. bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heatcKN中文字网

e.g. The highway buckled during the heat wavecKN中文字网

Synonym: heavebucklecKN中文字网

二. make false by mutilation or addition
as of a message or storycKN中文字网

Synonym: falsifydistortgarblecKN中文字网

一. (尤指因受热、受潮而)(使)翘曲,(使)变形
If something warps or is warped, it becomes damaged by bending or curving, often because of the effect of heat or water.cKN中文字网

e.g. Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases...
e.g. It should have prevented rain water warping the door trim...

The key was fractionally warped.

二. 扭曲;摧毁;不利于
If something warps someone's character, it damages them or it influences them in a bad way.cKN中文字网


e.g. I never had any toys, my father thought that they would warp my personal values...
e.g. Their lives have been warped by war.

The individual's whole personality appears to be permanently warped.
...a person with a very warped mind.

三. (时间或空间的)扭曲,偏差,错觉
A warp in time or space is an imaginary break or sudden change in the normal experience of time or space.cKN中文字网


e.g. When a divorced woman re-enters the world of dating and romance, she's likely to feel as though she has entered a time warp.

四. 经线;经纱
In weaving, the warp is the threads which are held in a frame or machine called a loom while another thread is passed across through them.cKN中文字网



一. 翘曲:Moldflow分析主要包括充填( fill)分析、流动(flow)分析、冷却(cool)分析和翘曲(warp)分析.cKN中文字网

二. warp什么意思cKN中文字网

二. 经纱:sizing指玻璃布在经纬交织以前,其经纱(Warp)部份需在连续牵引平面并拢后,以其全幅的宽度浸渍通过于特别 配方的浆料(Size)槽液中,希望各支纱束的外表都能沾附上一薄层浆料,以减少后来纬纱穿梭织过时的摩擦损伤.cKN中文字网

三. 扭曲工具:的变形和扭曲工具(WARP)可以帮您轻松改变图像比例或整体特性,修改工具则支持您快速进行微调或大幅度修改.cKN中文字网

四. warp:weak axiom of revealed preference; 显示偏好弱公理cKN中文字网

五. warp:weather and rader processor; 气象与雷达处理器cKN中文字网

六. warp:web archiving project; 网页存档计划cKN中文字网

  • 常用例句cKN中文字网

  • 经典引文cKN中文字网

  • There's a warp in this record.
  • This wood warps easily in damp conditions.
  • Enoch Powell has..changed the warp and woof of British politics.cKN中文字网

  • Warped by sea damp, the doors were all stuck ajar.cKN中文字网

    出自:E. Bowen
  • She accused him of warping the Beatles album she'd given him.cKN中文字网

    出自:L. Alther
  • 词语用法cKN中文字网

  • warp可引申指歪曲、曲解某事或扭曲某人的心智等。
  • 近义词cKN中文字网

  • 反义词cKN中文字网

  • 临近词cKN中文字网

  • confuse使困惑
  • misrepresent误称
  • deflection歪斜
  • bend弯曲
  • garble断章取义
  • falsify伪造,篡改
  • change变化
  • distort歪曲
  • heave用力举起
  • damage损害
  • contort(使)扭曲
  • warping翘曲(淤填)
  • knot结
  • alteration改变
  • buckle扣子
  • distortion扭曲
  • deviation偏离
  • twist缠绕
  • pervert误用
  • deform使变形
  • color颜色
  • weft纬线
  • warning
  • warpig
  • Warpman
  • warp rib
  • warrant
  • warpage
  • warplane
  • warpath
  • warper
  • warpwise
  • warpland
  • warping
The ultimate time warp is at the surface of a black hole, where in a sense time stands still relative to our time.(最终极的时间扭曲发生在黑洞的表面,在那里从某种意义上说时间仍是我们的时间。)
Einstein’s theory recognizes that massive objects warp the very fabric of space and time.(爱因斯坦的理论指出巨大的物体会对息息相关的时间和空间产生扭曲。)
Is Warp Speed Safe?(翘曲速度安全吗?)
Should you worry whether such a game will warp your children's minds?(你该担心一下,是否这类游戏有伤孩童心智?)
Years of living alone may warp one's personality.(长期的孤身生活会使人的性格变得乖戾。)
And anyway, aren't there far more disturbing images out there to warp our children's tiny minds?(无论如何,玩偶上并没有其它会扭曲孩子们心灵的干扰图像。)
This warp-speed revival is the result, in part, of good luck.(这种快速变形式的复活,从某种程度上来说,是运气的结果。)
Are however, not valuable as timber because of their tendency to split and warp when dried.(并不是珍贵的木材,因为它们干燥时容易裂开和弯翘。)
In 一九九四, when he was 二三, he plowed his substantial savings into creating WARP, to develop and publish video games.(一九九四年他二三岁时,他投入大笔的积蓄创立了WARP公司,用以开发发行电脑游戏。)
Over the last decade, it has grown at warp speed and now commands more than 五零 percent of world production.(在过去十年里,钢铁行业以非常快的速度增长,现在控制了全球一半的钢铁生产。)