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一. finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nestszjd中文字网

Synonym: weaverbirdweaver finchzjd中文字网

二. a craftsman who weaves clothzjd中文字网

一. 织布工;编织者
A weaver is a person who weaves cloth, carpets, or baskets.zjd中文字网


一. weaver的解释zjd中文字网

一. 织坊:几乎所有工业类建筑,都对环境有很强的负影响;但玉雕(Jade Carver)、织坊(Weaver)为弱的负影响. 纪念性建筑,如陵墓、长城等,对环境无影响;但建造此类建筑的工棚对环境有中度负影响. 所有仓储类建筑,包括贸易站,都对环境有中度的负影响.zjd中文字网

二. 织工:在公元前二八零零年的埃及陵墓内绘有织工(weaver)在工作的情形,其中至少有一幅在描述编织棋盘花格之地毯. 公元前二四零零年,古埃及和叙利亚之遗迹(monuments)中也发现有地毯和布料的制造. 而公元前九零八年,zjd中文字网

三. weaver的解释zjd中文字网

三. 纺织作坊:)从桑树采摘成功养蚕后,所获蚕丝再送至纺织作坊(weaver)织成丝绸. 在这关卡中,可以通商只有两个城市而已,即半坡村(Banpo)和河姆渡(Hemudu),半坡村有粟(millet)出售,而河姆渡则有稻米(rice),都是作为本身城市的第三种食物主要来源,zjd中文字网

  • 经典引文zjd中文字网

  • Sedentary weavers of long tales Give me the fidgets.zjd中文字网

    出自:W. Cowper
  • 近义词zjd中文字网

  • 临近词zjd中文字网

  • weaverbird鸟之一种
  • weaver's warp
  • weavery
  • Weavers
  • web
  • weave
  • weaver's web
  • weaverbird
  • weaver rs web
  • weaver bird
  • weaver's knot
  • Weaverham
  • Weaverville
McGonagall was a weaver in Dundee, Scotland who often recited his works on the street and tried to sell them.(麦戈纳格尔曾是苏格兰敦提市的一名纺织工人。他常在大街上朗诵并推销自己的诗作。)
The father of machine translation, Warren Weaver, chose to regard Russian as a "code" obscuring the real meaning of the text.(沃伦·韦弗被誉为机器翻译之父,他将俄语视为表达真实意义的“代码”文本。)
The weaver ants, it turns out, are very thorough about hunting down and eating fruit flies, as well as a host of other pests.(调查结果显示,编织蚁对于捕捉和消灭果蝇以及很多其他的害虫都有非常彻底的效果。)
Practice makes perfect for the Botswanan Southern Masked Weaver, shown above weaving a complex nest of out grass.(博茨瓦纳南部的黑脸织布鸟也能熟能生巧,上图显示的是它们用草编织了一个复杂的鸟巢。)
How weaver ants could come to the rescue of African mango farmers?(编织蚁是如何拯救非洲的芒果种植户的。)
Fancy Jodie Foster and Sigourney Weaver.(对朱迪·福斯特和西格妮·韦弗心存幻想。)
Golden Orb Weaver Spider Spiders in this group are known for the golden sheen of their silk.(金球织网蜘蛛这类蜘蛛以发光的金丝得名。)
To create a pattern, a drawboy would sit inside a loom and move the threads according to the directions of the weaver.(要织出一种纹样,牵线童(drawboy)要坐在织布机里面,根据织布工发出的指令移动经线。)
For this to happen, you must be able to invoke an AOP compiler or weaver within your IDE.(要达到这个目标,必须能够在IDE中调用AOP编译器或编织器。)
Weaver agrees that the fear of public speaking is the phobia he has seen to be the most detrimental to a persons' career.(韦弗也认为害怕公共发言是他见过的对一个人职业最不利的惧怕 症。)