
  • 双解释义mt3中文字网

  • 英英释义mt3中文字网

  • 词典解释mt3中文字网

  • 网络解释mt3中文字网

  • [C] 看守人,管理员 a person who looks after a place (and place)
  • [C] 监察员,监察官 an official who helps to see that certain laws are obeyed



一. the chief official in charge of a prisonmt3中文字网

一. 监督员;管理员
A warden is a person who is responsible for a particular place or thing, and for making sure that the laws or regulations that relate to it are obeyed.mt3中文字网


e.g. He was a warden at the local parish church...
e.g. Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire.

二. 监狱长;典狱长
The warden of a prison is the person in charge of it.mt3中文字网

e.g. A new warden took over the prison.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 governor

一. warden的解释mt3中文字网

一. 监狱长:研究方向为分子遗传学. 一九九八年起主要从事写作和网站建设. 一九九三年,肖传国到纽约Bronx区民事法庭打监狱长(Warden)的官司,可见肖坐过美国的大牢. (肖告监狱长一案是做为犯人申请人身保护令(habeasmt3中文字网

二. 看守人:特伦特(Trent)是一位可信赖的仲裁人(trusted arbitrator),中立的第三者,根据存在的协议而判断. 特鲁迪(Trudy)是侵入者(intruder),等同马洛里. 沃特(Walter)是看守人(warden). 根据已存在的协议而保护爱丽丝和鲍伯.mt3中文字网

  • 常用例句mt3中文字网

  • He is the warden of an old people's home.
  • They were taken to the warden's office.
  • 近义词mt3中文字网

  • 临近词mt3中文字网

  • custodian管理人
  • supervisor监督人
  • steward乘务员
  • superintendent监督人
  • keeper看守人
  • curator(博物馆、展览馆等的)馆...
  • guardian保护人
  • warder看守
  • wardens
  • Wardenburg
  • Wardenburg's syndrome
  • Wardenbach
  • ward
  • Wardenga
  • wardenry
  • Warden Jack
  • wardrobe
  • Wardenski
  • Wardenburg syndrome
  • wardenness
George replied, "Oh, sure I do, Warden. It's just that they're all in here!"(乔治回答:“哦,当然有,警官,只不过他们也都被关在这儿了。”)
C.O.S Patterson and Mack run down the tier, "Warden, they just found Bellick."(狱警Patterson和Mack跑上过道告诉他,“狱长,他们刚刚找到了Bellick。”)
If Jan had gone to the officers she trusted, they would have had to repeat her story to the same warden.(如果简去找了她信任的警官,他们就不得不向同一个典狱长重复她的故事。)
As the Warden turns to leave, Lincoln asks Pope who was in the viewing room for his execution.(狱长转身准备离开,Lincoln向他询问,在行刑时观刑室里的都是些什么人。)
This is a wonderful goal; I've often railed against Apple's jail-warden model of app development.(这确实是个很不错的目标;我经常很反感苹果的对iphone应用程序监狱管理员式的管理模型。)
Outside their Windows, they see the Warden, Sara and a C.O. move quickly into Michael's cell.(从他们门上的窗户,他们看到狱长,Sara和一个狱警快速地走进了Michael的牢房。)
Finally, however, the decision came down to pardon and release Hanna, and the warden called me.(但是,裁决终于赦免了汉娜,将她释放出狱,监狱长给我打来电话。)
Warden Pope tells Bellick he has two more hours and then he must go to the media.(狱长告诉Bellick,他还有二个小时来抓住Lincoln,到那时狱长就必须通知媒体。)
The warden gave him a cigar, and they shook hands.(监狱长递给他一支雪茄。他们握了握手。)
He was a warden at the local parish church.(他是本地教区教堂的监察员。)