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一. causing to become limp or droopingp9z中文字网

Synonym: wiltingp9z中文字网

二. any plant disease characterized by drooping and shriveling
usually caused by parasites attacking the rootsp9z中文字网

Synonym: wilt diseasep9z中文字网



一. become limpp9z中文字网

e.g. The flowers wiltedp9z中文字网

Synonym: droopp9z中文字网

二. lose strengthp9z中文字网

e.g. My opponent was wiltingp9z中文字网

一. 枯萎;凋谢;发蔫
If a plant wilts, it gradually bends downwards and becomes weak because it needs more water or is dying.p9z中文字网

e.g. The roses wilted the day after she bought them...
e.g. Remove any damaged or wilted leaves.

二. 变得萎靡不振;打蔫儿;消沉
If someone wilts, they become weak or tired, or lose confidence.p9z中文字网


e.g. She soon wilted in the morning heat...
e.g. The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.

一. wilt的意思p9z中文字网

一. 枯萎:骂人有污点(maculate) 试验的木板(slab),缺乏的马虎(slack),落后的煤渣(slag)躺下残杀(slay),晚来的提名(slate), 跌落的肿块(slump) 他倾斜(tilt),我枯萎(wilt),蛇入淤泥(silt)皆抛弃(jilt) 一个大门是玛瑙(agate),p9z中文字网

二. 萎蔫:四)萎蔫(wilt) 植物的萎蔫有各种原因. 茎基的坏死和腐烂、根的腐烂或根的生理活性受到破坏,使根部水分不能及时输送到顶梢,致使地上部枝叶表现萎垂. 典型的萎蔫症状是指植物根茎的维管束组织受到破坏而发生的凋萎现象,p9z中文字网

三. 萎蔫病:植物育种家们已经培育出有抵御疾病能力的植物品种,它们可以抵御枯病(rot)、黑穗病(smut)以及萎蔫病(wilt)的侵袭. 实验者们还可以根据特别 的需要进行育种,比如开双排花的牵牛花、无籽的西柚、早熟的小麦.p9z中文字网

四. 枯萎病:wild type 野生型 | wilt 枯萎病 | Xanthomonas albilineans 白纹黄单胞菌p9z中文字网

  • 经典引文p9z中文字网

  • Leaves of aspidistras wilted in the fumes of beer and smoke.p9z中文字网

    出自:A. Sillitoe
  • 近义词p9z中文字网

  • 临近词p9z中文字网

  • droop低垂
  • pine松树
  • wither枯萎,干枯
  • dry干的
  • wilt disease落叶病
  • deteriorate恶化
  • up向上
  • sag下垂
  • fade逐渐消失
  • shrivel(使)枯萎
  • languish衰弱无力
  • wilting萎蔫
  • dry up(使)干涸
  • wane衰落
  • Wilters
  • Wiltsey
  • Wiltse
  • wily
  • wilted
  • wilting
  • Wiltz
  • Wilson
  • Wilten
  • Wilton
  • Wiltman
  • Wilthan
But thou wilt see her now with other eyes.(但现在你要用另一副目光来见她。)
Similarly crops grow too fast, then wilt.(同样,庄稼生长也会过快,然后干旱枯萎。)
Do plants wilt at the sight of you?(植物一看见你就枯萎了?)
And wilt thou deliver them into mine hand?(你将他们交在我手里吗。)
He said, "None believe in me--neither wilt thou."(他说:“没有人相信我,你也不相信。”)
Wilt thou not love him?(难道你不肯爱他吗?)
Wilt thou did not love him?(难道你不爱他吗?)
Wilt thou have thy child again, or shall I go with it there, where thou dost not know!(你是还要把你的孩子抱回去呢,还是让我把它带到你所不知道的地方去呢?)
Further research has shown that caterpillars become virtually immune to the wilt virus as the trees on which they feed respond to increasing defoliation.(进一步的研究表明,毛虫对萎蔫病毒几乎具有免疫力,因为它们赖以为生的树木会对越来越多的落叶做出反应。)
He said, sleepily, "Thou wilt sleep athwart the door, and guard it."(他睡意朦胧地说:“你就睡在门那边,守着门。”)