
  • 词典解释Z89中文字网

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一. 警觉的;警惕的
Someone who is watchful notices everything that is happening.Z89中文字网

e.g. The best thing is to be watchful and see the family doctor for any change in your normal health...
e.g. He looked tall and powerful and, with his dark, watchful face, a little threatening.

二. 在(某人)的警觉目光下;在…的监视下
If you do something under the watchful eye of someone who has authority over you, they watch you carefully to make sure there are no problems.Z89中文字网

e.g. There were demonstrations in the streets today, under the watchful eye of police...
e.g. Children swim at the pool, under the watchful eye of lifeguards.

三. 看护;提防
If you keep a watchful eye on someone or something, you watch carefully to make sure there are no problems.Z89中文字网

e.g. Keep a watchful eye on babies and toddlers.

一. 警觉的:技巧的skillful; adept; dexterous | 警觉的alert; watchful; on guard; wary of | 忍受bear; put up with; endure; standZ89中文字网

二. 注重的:watcher 看守人 | watchful 注重的 | watchfully 警惕地Z89中文字网

三. 注重的警惕的戒备的:watcher 值班者值班员指示器 | watchful 注重的警惕的戒备的 | watching device 监视装置Z89中文字网

四. Z89中文字网

四. 注重的,警惕的:wasteful 消费的 | watchful 注重的,警惕的 | waterfall 瀑布Z89中文字网

  • 经典引文Z89中文字网

  • Ever anxious and watchful of her mother.Z89中文字网

  • 近义词Z89中文字网

  • 反义词Z89中文字网

  • 临近词Z89中文字网

  • alarmed惊恐的
  • observant观察力敏锐的...
  • vigilant警戒的
  • on the alert注重
  • careful小心谨慎的
  • insomniac失眠患者
  • alert警觉的
  • sleepless无眠的
  • attentive注重的
  • wide-awake完全醒着的
  • cautious谨慎的
  • circumspect细心的
  • awake醒着的
  • incautious不小心的
  • careless粗心的
  • watchful as a hawk
  • watchfulness
  • watchfully
  • watchfully mother's home with me.
  • watchfull
  • watchful face
  • watchman
  • watcher
  • watchful waiting
  • Watchful and alert.
  • watchful for
Another option if cancer is found is watchful waiting - that is, doing nothing - but that can mean high anxiety.(另一个选择是如果发现肿瘤就是观察和等待——也就是什么都不做——那也许意味着要高度的焦虑。)
Finally, be watchful for claims of all-too-consistent returns.(最后,对财务顾问声称非常一贯的回报保持警觉。)
The best thing is to be watchful and see the family doctor for any change in your normal health.(最好的做法就是保持警惕,身体一有变化就去看家庭医生。)
The children played under the watchful eye of their father.(孩子们在父亲悉心看护下玩耍。)
The children played under the watchful eye of their teacher.(孩子们在老师的看护下玩耍。)
The elite should be watchful, since they have been faced with a big test.(精英阶层们应注重了,你们面对如此大的考验。)
We'll have to be watchful, said Father Terry.(那么我们对他多观察着点儿好了,特里神甫说。)
Even today the Gitga'at and Kitasoo/Xai'xais people keep a watchful eye on their bears during hunting season.(即使到了今天,吉特盖特人和科塔索赛赛(Kitasoo/Xai'xais)人到了狩猎季节还在留心他们的精灵不被盗猎。)
We should be watchful of computer viruses.(我们应该警惕计算机病毒。)
Watchful waiting costs just a few thousand dollars, in follow-up doctor visits and tests.(在后续的医生访问和检验中,观察等待成本只有几千美元。)