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  • 裂开,豁开
  • 打哈欠,打呵欠
  • 张开(口),张着大口
  • 打着呵欠说,打着呵欠表示,打着哈欠说
  • 呵欠,哈欠
  • 凹口,裂口,豁口,裂缝,间隙,裂开
  • 乏味或枯燥的人或事物
  • 令人厌烦的观点或人,讨厌的人
  • 张开大口
  • vi. & vt. 打呵欠 take a deep breath with the mouth wide open as sleepy or bored


一. an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth
usually triggered by fatigue or boredomVWS中文字网

e.g. he could not suppress a yawn
the yawning in the audience told him it was time to stop
he apologized for his oscitancyVWS中文字网

Synonym: yawningoscitanceoscitancyVWS中文字网


一. utter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tiredVWS中文字网

e.g. The child yawned during the long performanceVWS中文字网

二. be wide openVWS中文字网

e.g. the deep gaping canyonVWS中文字网

Synonym: gapeyawVWS中文字网

一. 打哈欠
If you yawn, you open your mouth very wide and breathe in more air than usual, often when you are tired or when you are not interested in something.VWS中文字网

e.g. She yawned, and stretched lazily...
e.g. They looked bored and yawned at the speeches.

二. 乏味的事物;枯燥的事物
If you describe something such as a book or a film as a yawn, you think it is very boringVWS中文字网


e.g. The debate was a mockery. A big yawn...
e.g. The concert was a predictable yawn.

三. (裂隙或缺口)裂开,豁开
A gap or an opening that yawns is large and wide, and often frightening.VWS中文字网

e.g. The gulf between them yawned wider than ever...
e.g. Liddie's doorway yawned blackly open at the end of the hall.

一. 哈欠:看到戒指就谄媚(cringe),专家拿戒指设圈套(springe),小 p 变 y 注 射器(syringe) 飞来小鹿(fawn)怕典当(pawn),小蛇在前才产卵(spawn),不要肌肉(brawn)来草坪(lawn),打 个哈欠(yawn)到黎明(dawn) 大胆的(bold)秃驴(bald),VWS中文字网

二. 打哈欠:氨 (Ammonia) 太高,会引起精神疲劳 (Tired; Weary; Exhausted) 、打哈欠 (Yawn),甚至造成心烦焦虑不安 (Anxiety). 乳酸...VWS中文字网

三. (呵欠):/wrath (愤怒) | /yawn (呵欠) | /yay (因高兴而欢呼)VWS中文字网

四. 你打了個大大的哈欠,似乎很疲倦的樣子:ya 你作出胜利的 V 字,高兴的喊了声『 YA !! 』. | yawn 你打了个大大的哈欠,似乎很疲倦的样子. | zip 你咻~~的一声跑过去.VWS中文字网

  • 常用例句VWS中文字网

  • 词汇搭配VWS中文字网

  • 经典引文VWS中文字网

  • He yawned and fell asleep.
  • He yawned heavily.
  • She yawned during the lecture.
  • The hole yawned before him.
  • A great gap yawned between the rocks.
用作动词 (v.)
  • yawn a reply打着呵欠回答
  • yawn drowsily昏昏欲睡地打着呵欠
  • yawn ferociously使劲地打着呵欠
  • yawn furtively〔secretly〕偷偷地打着呵欠
  • yawn heavily深深地打呵欠
  • yawn lazily懒惰地打着呵欠
  • yawn loudly大声打呵欠
  • yawn prodigiously惊人地打着呵欠
  • yawn publicly在众人面前打呵欠
  • yawn widely嘴张得大大地打呵欠
  • yawn out打着呵欠说
  • yawn for为…张大嘴
  • yawn over在…时打呵欠
  • Now gapes the graves, and through their yawnes let loose Imprison'd spirits.VWS中文字网

    出自:J. Marston
  • When the silent tomb shall yawn..I shall be ready for burial; not before.VWS中文字网

  • Great fogs yawned beyond stone walls along the precipices.VWS中文字网

    出自:J. Kerouac
  • The..writing desk..yawned open, too overflowing to close.VWS中文字网

    出自:E. Bowen
  • 词语用法VWS中文字网

  • 词源解说VWS中文字网

  • yawn的基本意思是“打呵欠”,指由于困乏或不耐心而表现出的把嘴张得大大地,深深地、慢慢地呼吸。引申可指“张开,裂开”。
  • yawn一般用作不及物动词。偶尔也用作及物动词,后接名词作宾语。
  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的ginian,意为打哈欠。
  • 近义词VWS中文字网

  • 临近词VWS中文字网

  • drag拖
  • nod点头
  • fly open忽然打开
  • stretch伸展
  • drowse打瞌睡
  • oscitancy打呵欠
  • nonevent大肆宣扬即将来临而结果未...
  • gape裂口
  • yawning打呵欠
  • bore使厌烦
  • yaw(船、飞机等)偏航...
  • gap缺口
  • split分裂
  • sigh叹气
  • yawning gulf
  • yawning
  • yawn publicly
  • yawl
  • Yawnghwe
  • yawn loudly
  • ye
  • yawn heavily
  • yawny
  • yawningly
  • yawn a reply
  • yawnful
Then they start to yawn, we start to yawn.(然后他们开始打哈欠,我们也开始打哈欠。)
The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish.(这个会议自始至终都无聊透顶。)
Have you ever yawned in front of someone, only to have them yawn right back?(你有没有在别人面前打呵欠,结果对方也打呵欠?)
Before you yawn, rub your eyes and hit the snooze button, consider the consequences of living in a nation of sleepheads.(在你打哈欠、揉眼睛、准备打盹之前,想一想生活在一个瞌睡虫遍地的国家是怎样的一个情况吧。)
It was many hours since he had eaten anything and he started to yawn from hunger.(他已经很多个小时没吃东西了,饿得开始打呵欠。)
He faked a yawn.(他装着打了一个呵欠。)
This accords with anecdotal evidence that people often yawn in situations where they are neither tired nor bored, but are preparing for impending mental and physical activity.(这与坊间流传的证据相符,即人们常会在既不累也不无聊的情况下打哈欠,只是为即将到来的精神和身体活动做准备。)
At last the Rat, with a tremendous yawn, said, "Mole, old chap, I'm ready to drop."(最后,水鼠兰特打了一个大大的呵欠,说:“莫尔,老伙计,我快要倒了。”)
She managed to stifle a yawn.(她忍住了呵欠。)
He gave an ostentatious yawn.(他张扬地打了个哈欠。)