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一. a fervent and even militant proponent of something3wO中文字网

Synonym: partisandrumbeater3wO中文字网

一. (尤指政治或宗教信仰方面的)狂热分子,极端分子
If you describe someone as a zealot, you think that their views and actions are very extreme, especially in following a particular political or religious belief.3wO中文字网


e.g. He was forceful, but by no means a zealot.

一. 狂徒:一个新兵种Protoss航母光子炮座光明圣堂和体Enjoy 狂徒(Zealot):狂徒是神族基本的战斗单位之一. 依然利用双光刃来与敌人近身肉搏,狂热者现在拥有的冲锋(Charge)技能...<>(G联赛)是由上海文广互动电视有限公司(SiTV)主办,3wO中文字网

二. zealot在线翻译3wO中文字网

二. 热心者:所以只好辛劳 一点,让科学船随时在大部队周围转一转,发现污染者就用辐射对付它.如果不幸中招,SCV就要赶紧修理.在对神族的战斗中.前期应多造喷火兵,其打了兴奋剂后对付热心者(Zealot)堪称奇效.再加上医疗兵,3wO中文字网

三. zealot在线翻译3wO中文字网

三. 狂战士:联盟之间可以实现资源共享吗?在预设组队中,同盟者之间能进行聊天是默认的吗?狂战士(Zealot)的Charge能力是否也能升级?你们未来的社区将升级成什么样子?Q:狂战士(Zealot)的Charge能力是否也能升级?3wO中文字网

  • 经典引文3wO中文字网

  • Dedicated, and single-minded, he became a zealot in his determination to record..the rock art of Texas.3wO中文字网

    出自:W. W. Newcomb
  • The Professor was also a practicing Catholic, though hardly a zealot.3wO中文字网

    出自:W. Styron
  • 近义词3wO中文字网

  • 临近词3wO中文字网

  • nut坚果
  • communicant领圣餐的人
  • bigot(宗教、政治等的)盲信者...
  • evangelist福音传道者
  • fanatic狂热者
  • dogmatist独断家
  • drumbeater作宣传的人
  • partisan偏袒的
  • extremist极端主义者
  • enthusiast热心人
  • zealots of power struggle
  • zealots
  • Zealot All Video Sound Extractor
  • zealotic
  • Zealand
  • Zealots Uprising
  • zealous
  • zealotry
They will turn into either a Zealot, Marine, or Zergling, depending on what enemy race they encounter.(他们会根据碰到的种族变成狂热者,机枪兵或小狗。)
The artistic zealot devoted his life to the completion of a great masterpiece.(这位艺术热心者奉献他一生来完成一伟幅大的作品。)
Scarcely the action of a free-market zealot.(这显然不是一个热衷自由市场的人该做的事情。)
But like most of the general public, Depp is not a Broadway zealot.(但是如同普通大众一样,戴普并不是一个百老汇的粉丝。)
I've been a web zealot for about seven years.(我当网络发烧友大约有七年了。)
Roaches are the best at countering units that attack a bit slower and do not do huge amounts of damage with a single attack, such as the Zealot.(小强最适宜用在对抗攻击速度慢且对个体伤害输出不高的单位,比如狂热者。)
Three hours later, the police arrested Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion zealot.(三小时后,警方逮捕了斯考特·罗德,一名反堕胎的狂热者。)
Yet a zealot is far more than the technology they bear.(现在狂徒的力量已经远远超出了他们所能承受的科技范围。)
Zealot: En Taro Adun! There is no time to waste. We must join our brethren in battle.(狂热者:吾神在上!一分一秒都不能浪费了!我们必须马上前去支援友军!)
He's part of a plan to get more men on the diet and has become a zealot.(他是打算让更多的男人减肥的计划中的一部分,同时他也成为一个狂热拥趸。)