
  • 详情解释kWE中文字网

  • 英英释义kWE中文字网

  • 词典解释kWE中文字网

  • 网络解释kWE中文字网

  • 变宽,放宽,加宽,加阔,变阔;扩大起来,扩张
  • 使宽,使阔
  • 使扩大,使扩张
  • 推广
  • 增亮
  • 增长,数目增加
  • 扩展,拓展


一. become broaderkWE中文字网

e.g. The road broadenedkWE中文字网

二. make broaderkWE中文字网

e.g. broaden the roadkWE中文字网

三. vary in order to spread risk or to expandkWE中文字网

e.g. The company diversifiedkWE中文字网

Synonym: diversifybranch outkWE中文字网

四. extend in scope or range or areakWE中文字网

e.g. The law was extended to all citizens
widen the range of applications
broaden your horizon
Extend your backyardkWE中文字网

Synonym: widenextendkWE中文字网

一. 变宽
When something broadens, it becomes wider.kWE中文字网

e.g. The trails broadened into roads...
e.g. The smile broadened to a grin.

二. 扩大…的范围;增长,增加(经验、受欢迎程度)
When you broaden something such as your experience or popularity or when it broadens, the number of things or people that it includes becomes greater.kWE中文字网


e.g. We must broaden our appeal...
e.g. I thought you wanted to broaden your horizons...

三. 开阔(心胸)
If an experience broadens your mind, it makes you more willing to accept other people's beliefs and customs.kWE中文字网


e.g. They say that travel broadens the mind.

相关词组:broaden outkWE中文字网

一. kWE中文字网

一. 放宽:broadcloth 细毛织品 | broaden 放宽 | broadish 稍宽阔的kWE中文字网

二. 变宽:Exceeded 超过 | Broaden 变宽 | Encompass 包含kWE中文字网

三. kWE中文字网

三. 加宽:strengthen加强 | broaden加宽 | weaken削弱kWE中文字网

四. 扩大:broadcast 广播 | broaden 扩大 | build=建造kWE中文字网

  • 高考真题例句kWE中文字网

高考真题例句 OG 一.broaden

If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden our view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books.kWE中文字网

如果我们去国外旅行, 我们可以开阔眼界, 学到书本上学不到的知识。kWE中文字网


  • 近义词kWE中文字网

  • 临近词kWE中文字网

  • add加
  • diversify使多样化
  • swell(使)膨胀
  • expand使 ... 膨胀
  • stretch伸展
  • inflate使膨胀
  • distend扩大
  • spread传播
  • aggrandize增加
  • magnify放大
  • open up打开
  • to对于
  • supplement增刊
  • open开着的
  • thicken变浓
  • develop发展
  • increase增加
  • widen加宽
  • spread out伸开
  • deepen 使 ... 加深
  • dilate使扩大
  • extend延伸
  • amplify扩大
  • add to增加
  • out出
  • augment增加
  • enlarge扩大
  • branch out横生枝节, 扩大范围...
  • generalize概括
  • up向上
  • broaden reform
  • broaden sales
  • broadening
  • broaden thoughts
  • broadened major
  • broaden-build
  • broadcast
  • broaden curve
  • broaden horizons
  • broadside
  • broaden ray
  • Broadened gait
It is also lowering its minimum sizes in order to broaden its appeal.(他们也降低了最小的型号来增加吸引力。)
Reading can not only make me feel relaxed but also satisfy my need to broaden my horizon.(阅读不仅可以让我感到放松,而且还可以满足我扩大视野的需求。)
These offerings are not necessarily loss-leaders, as they broaden the appeal of outlets to groups of diners that include some people who don't want to eat a burger.(这些产品不一定是赔本的,因为它们扩大了餐厅对食客群体的吸引力,其中就包括一些不想吃汉堡的人。)
It is common knowledge that travel can broaden our horizon and enrich our life.(众所周知,旅行可以开阔我们的视野,丰富我们的生活。)
Instead, think of it as a way to broaden your knowledge.(相反,把他看作是一种拓宽知识的方式。)
Spending a year working in the city helped to broaden his horizons.(在城市工作的一年拓宽了他的视野。)
He thinks traveling can relax and broaden minds.(他认为旅游可以放松头脑,开拓心智。)
So how can narrowly focused companies broaden their portfolio?(那么业务较为单一的公司如何才能扩展他们的业务?)
They are doing their utmost to broaden the market.(他们正在尽最大努力以扩展市场。)
New permanent members would broaden the regional balance.(新的常任理事国成员会扩大地域性平衡。)