一. 关心;在乎;在意
If you care about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it.Crp中文字网
e.g. ...a company that cares about the environment.
e.g. ...young men who did not care whether they lived or died...
二. 爱;喜爱
If you care for someone, you feel a lot of affection for them.Crp中文字网
e.g. He wanted me to know that he still cared for me.
e.g. ...people who are your friends, who care about you.
caring...the 'feminine' traits of caring and compassion.
三. 照料;照顾;护理
If you care for someone or something, you look after them and keep them in a good state or condition.Crp中文字网
e.g. They hired a nurse to care for her.
e.g. ...these distinctive cars, lovingly cared for by private owners.
四. (政府)收养,监护
Children who are in care are looked after by the state because their parents are dead or unable to look after them properly.Crp中文字网
e.g. ...a home for children in care...
e.g. She was taken into care as a baby.
五. 喜欢;喜爱
If you say that you do not care for something or someone, you mean that you do not like them.Crp中文字网
e.g. She had met both sons and did not care for either.
六. 想;愿意
If you say that someone does something when they care to do it, you mean that they do it, although they should do it more willingly or more often.Crp中文字网
e.g. The woman tells anyone who cares to listen that she's going through hell...
e.g. Experts reveal only as much as they care to.
七. 愿意,要(一种有礼貌的询问)
You can ask someone if they would care for something or if they would care to do something as a polite way of asking if they would like to have or do something.Crp中文字网
e.g. Would you care for some orange juice?...
e.g. He said he was off to the beach and would we care to join him.
八. 小心;用心
If you do something with care, you give careful attention to it because you do not want to make any mistakes or cause any damage.Crp中文字网
e.g. Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care...
e.g. We'd taken enormous care in choosing the location.
九. 担心;忧虑;惧怕
Your cares are your worries, anxieties, or fears.Crp中文字网
e.g. Lean back in a hot bath and forget all the cares of the day...
e.g. Johnson seemed without a care in the world.
一零. see also: caring;aftercare;day care;intensive careCrp中文字网
一一. 毫不在乎
You can use for all I care to emphasize that it does not matter at all to you what someone does.Crp中文字网
e.g. You can go right now for all I care.
一二. 毫不在意;毫不关心(美国英语中亦可用could care less)
If you say that you couldn't care less about someone or something, you are emphasizing that you are not interested in them or worried about them. In American English, you can also say that you could care less, with the same meaning.Crp中文字网
e.g. I couldn't care less about the bloody woman...
e.g. Personally, I couldn't have cared less whether the ice-cream came from Italy or England...
一三. 经由…转交;由…收转
If someone sends you a letter or parcel care of a particular person or place, they send it to that person or place, and it is then passed on to you. In American English, you can also say in care of .Crp中文字网
e.g. Please write to me care of the publishers...
e.g. I addressed their letters in care of the bars and clubs where I'd known them.
一四. 照顾;照看;看护
If you take care of someone or something, you look after them and prevent them from being harmed or damaged.Crp中文字网
e.g. There was no one else to take care of their children...
e.g. You have to learn to take care of your possessions.
一五. 保重,珍重(用于道别)
You can say 'Take care' when saying goodbye to someone.Crp中文字网
一六. 确保(做);特意
If you take care to do something, you make sure that you do it.Crp中文字网
e.g. Foley followed Albert through the gate, taking care to close the latch.
一七. 处理;应对
To take care of a problem, task, or situation means to deal with it.Crp中文字网
e.g. They leave it to the system to try and take care of the problem...
e.g. 'Do you need clean sheets?' — 'No. Mrs. May took care of that.'
一八. (表示说话者毫不在乎)谁在乎?
You can say 'Who cares?' to emphasize that something does not matter to you at all.Crp中文字网
e.g. Who cares about some stupid vacation?...
e.g. 'But we might ruin the stove.' — 'Who cares?'