The measured decrease in density suggested a significant loss of mass. Furthermore, this was also confirmed by the spectrometry results.
“Furthermore”这个单词通常表示简单的信息添加。此处还可以使用“additionally”、“in addition”、或简单的“further”。
To replicate these experiments would be difficult. Moreover, it would serve no practical purpose.
在科技论文中,经常看到将“at the same time”或“meanwhile”错误地使用。非正式语境下,这两个短语可百思特网以这样使用,但在科技论文中,最好是仅用它们的字面含义,即“simultaneously(同时)”,例如:
During the reaction, a large peak appeared in the spectrum. At the same time, the pressure in the chamber increased by a factor of two.
Almost all the samples survived the impact intact. However, one shattered completely.
The overall efficiency of this method is low. Nonetheless, it remains a popular approach to the problem.
“Nevertheless”和“nonetheless”的含义相同,可互相替换。“Even so”也可以表示转折含义,虽略显非正式,但可接受。
最好避免使用“anyhow”、“still”或“all the same”来表示转折含义,因为它们非常不正式。
“In contrast”这个短语可用于强调结果的不同,例如:
The males spent on average 三六% of their time engaged in territorial disputes. In contrast, the females showed no interest in these quarrels.
此处可以用“conversely”替换“in contrast”。
“On the contrary”这个短语也经常被错用;许多人经常使用这个短语,认为其与“in contrast”含义相同。但是,“On the contrary”一般表示“与预期相反”的意思。例如:
The reaction rate did not increase with temperature; on百思特网 the contrary, it was found to decrease.
值得注意的是,“on the other hand”等类似短语也常常被滥用,最好避免使用这个短语,尤其是前文没有使用“on the one hand”的情况下。
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