

一、有时我在想,把每一天当作生命的最后一天,不失为一条极佳的人生法则。,Sometimes I think that taking every day as the last day of life can be regarded as an excellent rule of life.,二、既不想为自己辩解,也不想埋怨任何。,I do not want to defend myself, nor do I want to complain about anything.,三、只要有信心、恒心与毅力,人类的潜能往往能达到某种我们难以想象的情度。,As long as we have confidence, perseverance and perseverance, human potential can often reach a certain degree that we can not imagine.,四、知识给人以爱,给人以光明,给人以智慧。,Knowledge gives love, gives light and wisdom.,五、有形的东西是短暂的,无形的才能永垂不朽。,Tangible things are ephemeral and intangible are immortal.,六、好好儿利用你的眼睛吧,就像明天你将遭到失明的灾难。,Use your eyes well, as tomorrow you will suffer from blindness.,七、心还在,希望便不会消失。,Heart is still, hope will not disappear.,八、永远不要垂下头。要高昂着头,直面这世界。,Never hang your head. Hold your head high and face the world.,九、我们不能停住脚步;我们要时时刻刻充实自己,好为尽善尽美的明日奉献出我们努力的成果。,We can't stop; we need to enrich ourselves all the time so that we can contribute the fruits of our efforts to the perfect tomorrow.,一零、世界大部分不幸也许都有补救之法,但其中最不幸的却无药可救,那就是人类的冷漠。,Most of the world's misfortunes may have remedies, but the most unfortunate of them is hopeless: human indifference.,一一、世界上最美丽的东西,看不见也摸不着,要靠心灵去感受。,The most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or touched, but must be felt by the heart.,一二、生命要不是一场大冒险,要不然就是一无所有。,Life is either a big adventure or nothing.,一三、对于凌驾命运之上的人来说,信心就是生命的主宰。,For those above the fate, confidence is the master of life.,一四、也许人就是这样,有了的东西不知道欣赏,没有的东西又一昧追求。,Maybe people are like this. They don't know what they have.,一五、我努力求取知识,目的在于希望日后能活用,为社会人类贡献一点力量。,I strive to acquire knowledge, hoping that I can use it in the future and contribute a little to the society.,一六、把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。,Live every day as the last day of life.,一七、在我的那个寂静而又黑暗的世界里,根本就不会有温柔和同情。,In my quiet and dark world, there is no gentleness and sympathy.,一八、把脸一直向着阳光,这样就不会见到阴影。,Keep your face straight to the sunshine, so you won't see the shadow.,一九、读一本好书就是与一颗伟大的的心灵对话。,Reading a good book is a dialogue with a great soul.,二零、把你活着的每一天当做你的最后一天。,Take every day you live as your last day.,二一、知识教人学会爱,给人以光明和智慧。,Knowledge teaches people to love, to give people brightness and wisdom.,二二、一切事物的可爱皆因它们的用途。,All things are lovely because of their uses.,二三、在它那温柔的触摸之中,其实暗藏着锋利的爪子。,In its gentle touch, there are hidden sharp claws.,二四、也许人类的悲哀便在于此,拥有的东西不去珍惜,对于得不到的却永远渴望。,Perhaps the sadness of mankind lies in this, not cherishing what we have, but always yearning for what we can't get.,二五、生活,要么是场大胆的冒险,要么什么都不是。,Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.,二六、带笑背负起自己的十字架。这并不是对命运投降,而是面对命运,进而设法克服它。,Laugh and bear your cross. This is not to surrender to fate, but to face destiny and try to overcome it.,二七、夏日流逝,用什么来安慰我的寂寞,惟有那绚丽多彩的秋叶。,As summer passes, what comforts my loneliness, only the colorful autumn leaves.,二八、思想的火花和智慧的种子,竟能播种在无知与腐朽的草堆里,令人叹息。,The spark of thought and the seed of wisdom can be sowed in ignorance and rotten haystack.,二九、爱是摸不着的,但你却能感到她带来的甜蜜。,Love can't be touched, but you can feel the sweetness of her.,三零、视觉的敏锐度不在于我们能够看到多少,而在于我们内心的感觉。,Visual acuity lies not in how much we can see, but in our inner feelings.,zPd中文字网

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