

  士大夫v 如果你想经历光荣的瞬间,就必须果敢。JGh中文字网


  即使这种果敢让你沦落为失败者,也比那些 平生从未经历过成功和失败的、碌碌无为的人要优秀。JGh中文字网

  ” (Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat.)- 西奥多ㆍ罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)关于 酒吧语录。JGh中文字网

  你们是来开心的, 不是来开会德, 放下你们的狗屁矜持...经典的英语句子(简短)JGh中文字网

  Tomorrow is another day 明天又是新的一天。JGh中文字网

  After storm comes rainbow 风雨过后有彩虹。JGh中文字网

  Never say die 永不言弃。JGh中文字网

  Never put off what you can do until tomorrow 今日事今日毕。想找一些歌颂女性伟大的英文歌曲、英文名言和英文诗歌JGh中文字网

  .《Autumn Leaves》 ..The falling leaves drift by the window The autumn leaves of red and gold I see your lips, the summer kisses The sunburned hand I used to hold Since you went away the days grow long And soon I’ll hear old winter’s song But I miss you most of all, my darling When autumn leaves start to fall [brief instrumental interlude-first two lines] I see your lips, the summer kisses The sunburned hand I used to hold Since you went away the days grow long And soon I’ll hear old winter’s song But I miss you most of all, my darling When autumn leaves start to fall《Autumn Leaves》--秋叶,是作曲家Joseph Kosma(一九零五, Born Budapest, Hungary - Died 一九六九, Paris, France)在一九四五年于法国所创作的香颂。JGh中文字网

  Joseph K和剧作家Jacques Prévert(卡通片Le Roi Et L'Oiseau 《国王与小鸟》 一九七九,等)合作出很多首歌曲。JGh中文字网


  Autumn Leaves就是结晶之一了。JGh中文字网

  法文的原名是Les Feuilles Mortes(意为 the dead leaves) 一九四六年,影片 Les Portes de la Nuit《夜之门》中,法国歌手加影星Yves Montand(伊夫·蒙坦)演唱了这支香颂,轰动一时,广为流行。JGh中文字网


  上世纪中叶,Jazz大乐队时期(一九四零-一九五四) 美国佐治亚洲艺人John Herndon Mercer(一九零九-一九七六)将Les Feuilles Mortes改写成英文版的Autumn Leaves进口到了美国,之后在那里也大为风行。JGh中文字网

  后来又出现在《廊桥遗梦》里,在弗朗西丝卡和罗伯特那段剪不断、理还乱的情感纠结中,在遥远的南依阿华乡间木屋摇曳的蜡烛光中,纳特.金.科吟唱的《Autumn Leaves》悠然响起,一段梦幻情缘就此上演。JGh中文字网




  夜雨霖玲春即逝 触景感怀叹无声 昙花一现人苦短 唯有来生把梦还 二。JGh中文字网

  美景伤情何以休 只怪生来易多愁 现实总无梦里美 何必相伴雨绸缪 三。JGh中文字网

  为圆前世未了愿 亦神亦魔下凡间 人生有限梦无限 不如一笑化云天JGh中文字网