好句子 自用文案,简单干净,专属于你!

一,幸无所爱 无畏山海。fortunately, without love, fearless mountains and seas.二,我想你在睡 这是三句话。i think you are sleeping. these are three sentences.三,不要把坏情绪带给别人。don't bring bad feelings to others.四,熬夜的人总是劝熬夜的人早睡。people who stay up late always advise people who stay up late to go to bed early五,情绪不对那就少说话。if you're in a bad mood, talk less.六,我们的关系像雾 模模糊糊也迟早会散。our relationship is like fog, and it will break up sooner or later.七,喜欢你的人连晚安都会说很多遍。people who like you will say good night many times.八,我闭上眼哭的那一瞬间想起来很多事。the moment i closed my eyes and cried, i remembered a lot of things.九,偏爱是亲密关系的杀手锏我永远吃这套。preference is the killer of intimacy. i will always eat it.十,男孩追求新鲜感 女孩追求安全感。boys pursue novelty, girls pursue security.十一,不是所有人都能熬到柳暗花明。not everyone can survive.十二,对现在的你半无好感 却又对以前的你念念不忘。i don't like you now, but i never forget you before.十三,男孩要过得精致 多挣钱爱自己 爱父母 不要整天为感情烦恼 那样真没多大出息。boys should live exquisitely, earn more money, love themselves, love their parents, and don't worry about their feelings all day. that's not much promise.十四,虽然明天还会有新的太阳,但永远不会有今天的太阳了。although there will be a new sun tomorrow, there will never be today's sun.图片来自网络,如有侵权,请联系删除十五,放手即是放松。to let go is to relax