一. the diamond shone with every hue under the sun.
二. the earth goes round the sun.
三. we're going to lie in the sun and roast for two weeks.
四. the sun rises in the east.
五. they sat in the sun roasting themselves.
六. he sat in a deck-chair sunning himself.
七. the sun shines brightly.
二. 我喜欢晒太阳 英语怎么说一 我喜欢晒太阳
I like to bask in the sun.
二 我喜欢在太阳光下看书
I like to read in the sunlight.
三 海边的紫外线很强,游泳的话,一定要做好防晒准备。
The ultraviolet rays are very strong at the beach. If you want to swim, you must prepare well to prevent sun burn.
四 月光照在阁楼上,两个心爱的人,手牵着手看着远方的湖面,一阵微风吹过,月色朦胧,一切都那么的美好
The moonlight shines/beams on the attic. The loving couple, hand in hand, are gazing at the lake in the distance. With a hint of breeze, the moonlight becomes slightly hazy. It's all so beautiful.
五 风越来越大 / 越来越小 ,
The wind picks up. The wind dies down.
六 雪变大了 / 变小了
The snow becomes heavier/lighter.
风和雪, 大,小,一般用那些词来翻译常用的
以上提供了两种常见的译法。风雨雪用heavy 和 light 分别表示 大 小 就行。
七 这台车在加满油 / 充满电后可以行使三零零公里
After fully filled with gas / charged with electricity, the car can go 三零零 kilometers.
八 剩余汽油 / 电量 可以行使五零公里
The remaining gas / electricity can go 五零 kilometers.
三. 大家好,晒太阳如何用英语表达晒太阳是bathed oneself in sunlight 或者 sunning oneself。
他心想,也许晒一晒太阳就会开了。 Maybe it will open with the sun , he thought。
海面风平浪静,海豹在巨石上晒太阳。 Seals basked on boulders in a flat calm。
他们在充满“阳光”的海滩上晒太阳。 They basked themselves on the sunny beach。
那孩子躺在草地上晒太阳。 The child lay on the grass enjoying the sunshine。
获取维生素D最简单的方式就是晒太阳。 The diseases. The easiest way to get vitamin . D is from sunlight。
学生们正躺在外面晒太阳。 The students are lying out in the sun。
他们可能正坐在甲板上舒舒服服地晒太阳。 They ' ll be sitting on deck enjoying the sunshine。
退休工人们正在晒太阳。 The retired workers are sitting in the sunshine。
她坐在甲板上晒太阳。 She is sitting in the sun on the deck。
我们在海滩晒太阳。 We are basking on the beach。
我姐姐在晒太阳。 My sister is in the sun 。
四. 晒太阳英语怎么说晒太阳: bask
一. 我看到她在阳光下晒太阳。
I saw her basking in the sunshine.
二. 我们在海滩上晒太阳。
We are basking on the beach.
三. 他们坐着晒太阳。
They sat in the sun roasting themselves.
四. 他坐在帆布躺椅上晒太阳.
He sat in a deck-chair sunning himself.
五. 我们打算躺著晒太阳, 晒上两个星期.
We're going to lie in the sun and roast for two weeks.