好句子 健康饮食的英文句子

一、若要身体壮,饭菜嚼成浆。If you want to be strong, chew the food into pulp.二、少吃荤,多吃素,健康又幸福。Eat less meat, eat more vegetarian, healthy and happy.三、若要百病不生,常带饥饿三分。If you want to avoid all illnesses, you will always be hungry for three points.四、晚上少吃一口,肚里舒服一宿。Eat less in the evening and have a comfortable night in your stomach.五、若要不失眠,煮粥添白莲。If you want to keep awake, cook porridge and add white lotus.六、少吃荤腥多吃素,没有医生开药铺。Eat less meat, eat more vegetarian, no doctor prescribed medicine.七、贪吃又贪睡,添病又减岁。Gluttony and sleepiness add to illness and decrease in age.八、防止脚气病,米糠煮粥饮。To prevent beriberi, rice bran boiled porridge.九、一天三顿粥,郎中朝我哭。Three meals of porridge a day made Langzhong cry to me.一零、吃米带点糠,营养又健康。Eat rice with bran, nutritious and healthy.一一、饮食讲科学,金秋好生活。Food is scientific and golden autumn is a good life.一二、话多不值钱,吃多不香甜。It's not worth talking much, but it's not sweet to eat much.一三、口渴又烦躁,粥加猕猴桃。Thirsty and irritable, porridge and kiwifruit.一四、三餐不合理,健康远离你。Three meals are unreasonable and health is far away from you.一五、食五谷杂粮,保身体强壮。Eat five grains to keep your body strong.一六、热饭冷茶泡,娘做郎中医不好。Hot rice and cold tea make a bad doctor.一七、药补食补,不如心补。It is better to nourish the heart than to supplement the food with medicine.一八、西红柿,营养好,貌美年轻疾病少。Tomatoes, good nutrition, beautiful young disease less.一九、能忌烟和酒,活到九十九。can avoid smoking and alcohol, live to 九九.二零、精细粮食巧搭配,少荤多素有营养。Fine grain collocation, less meat and more nutrients.二一、三餐不过饱,无病活到老。Three meals are not enough, and you live to old age without illness.二二、常吃萝卜菜,啥病也不害。Eat carrots and vegetables regularly, and nothing is harmful.二三、食物缺了钙,骨牙就损坏。If food is deficient in calcium, the bones and teeth will be damaged.二四、粥里加红枣,常食皮肤好。Add jujube in porridge and eat skin often.二五、汤泡饭,嚼不烂。Soup soaks rice, chews not rotten.二六、早餐天天有,晚上减一口。Breakfast is available every day. Take a sip at night.二七、口渴心烦燥,粥加猕猴桃。Thirsty and upset, porridge and kiwifruit.二八、药补不如食补。Food is better than medicine.二九、欲得长生,肠中常清。If you want to live long, your intestines will always be clear.三零、晚餐宜清淡,益身防早衰。Dinner should be light and healthy to prevent premature senility.三一、少吃多得味,多吃伤脾胃。Eat less, eat more and hurt the spleen and stomach.三二、精粮合口味,粗粮润肠胃。concentrated grain suits the taste, coarse grain moistens the intestines and stomach.三三、肉生火,油生痰,青菜豆腐保平安。meat makes fire, oil makes phlegm, green vegetable tofu keeps safety.三四、人想长寿安,要减夜来餐。People want to live a long life. They need to eat less at night.三五、吃千吃万,不如吃粥吃饭。Eating porridge is better than eating thousands of meals.三六、丈夫有泪尽情弹,英雄流血也流泪。Husbands shed tears and heroes shed tears.三七、臭鱼烂虾是冤家,饮食干净百病防。Stinky fish and rotten shrimp are enemies. Eat a clean diet and prevent all diseases.三八、挑食偏食害处大,损害身体碍健康。Preferential eating is harmful and harmful to health.三九、午茶助精神,晚茶不安眠。The afternoon tea helps the spirit, the evening tea does not sleep.四零、肠胃缓泻症,胡桃粥最好。Walnut porridge is the best for gastrointestinal diarrhea.四一、晨吃三片姜,如喝人参汤。Eat three slices of ginger in the morning, such as ginseng soup.四二、苹果每日啖,不用去医院。The apples are puffing every day, so you don't have to go to the hospital.四三、多吃不如细嚼。Eat more than chew.四四、要想身体好,早餐要吃饱。If you want to be healthy, you should have a full breakfast.四五、五谷杂粮壮身体,青菜萝卜保平安。Five grains and cereals strengthen the body, green vegetables and radishes keep safe.四六、饭吃八成饱,老来胃肠好。Eighty percent of the food is full, and the stomach and intestines are good when you are old.四七、饭后走一走,能活九十九。A walk after dinner will make you live ninety-nine years.四八、干活细心,吃喝当心。Work carefully, eat and drink carefully.四九、寒从脚上起、病从口中入。cold comes from the feet and sickness comes from the mouth.五零、人要自安,少吃夜餐。People should be safe and eat less dinner.五一、若要饭菜吃得香,细品慢咽嚼成浆。If you want your meal to taste good, chew it slowly to make a pulp.五二、枸杞煮粥吃,增加肝功能。Lycium barbarum cooked porridge to increase liver function.五三、人愿长寿安,要减夜来餐。People want to live a long life and have dinner at night.五四、狂饮伤身,暴食伤胃。Drinking hurts the body and eating hurts the stomach.五五、闲话不可乱讲,东西不可乱吃。Don't gossip or eat anything at random.五六、不做害人事,不吃有毒物。Don't do harmful things, don't eat poisonous substances.五七、好吃不痴胀,痴胀伤五脏。Delicious food does not inflate, inflate and injure the internal organs.五八、若要身体康,饭菜嚼成浆。If you want to be healthy, chew the food into pulp.五九、吃得慌,咽得忙,伤了胃口害了肠。Eating panicked, swallowing busy, hurting the appetite and injuring the intestine.六零、病从口入,祸从口出。Diseases come from the mouth, and misfortunes come from the mouth.六一、甜言夺志、甜食坏龄。Sweet words win ambition, sweet food bad age.六二、五谷杂粮身体壮,青菜萝卜保健康。Five grains and miscellaneous grains are strong and green vegetables and radishes are healthy.六三、甜言夺志,甜食坏齿。Sweet words win ambition, sweet food bad teeth.六四、大葱蘸酱,越吃越胖。Spring onion dipped in sauce, the more fat you eat.六五、五谷加红枣,胜似灵芝草。Five grains and red dates are better than Ganoderma lucidum.六六、一顿吃伤,十顿喝汤。one meal hurts, ten meals of soup.六七、主粮掺杂粮,蒸饭喷喷香。The main grain is mixed with grain, and the steamed rice smells good.六八、不喝隔夜茶,不喝过量酒。Do not drink overnight tea, do not drink excessive alcohol.六九、吃要有所节制,饮需适可而止。Eat moderately and drink moderately.七零、吃萝卜喝茶,气的医生满街爬。The doctor who eats radish and drinks tea climbs all over the street.