一、Every man worth his salt.谁也不是白吃饭的。
二、this is so meant to be!这就是天意!
三、I love what u have done with this place.我喜欢这里的布置。
五、What do you do in your free time? 你空闲时都在做什么?
六、How are you?你好吗?
七、And what’s that? 还有那是什么?
八、Is it salty? 它是咸的?
九、Close your book,please. 请把书合上。
一零、I have racked my brain.我已经绞尽了脑汁。
一一、I agree. 我同意。
一二、Why is she so insecure? 她为什么这么局促不安?
一三、What's he like normally? 他平常为人怎么样?
一四、I'll catch you later. 再会。
一五、she's gonna be crushed.她会崩溃的。
一六、I have no idea why I was thinking about him. 我也不知道为什么会想起他。
一七、Yes,I am.是的,我是。
一八、She is particularly keen on nurturing the flowers.她对养花特别着迷。
一九、Do we have an accord?我们达成共识了吗?
二零、Why are you always all thumbs? 你怎么总是苯手笨脚的?
二一、Listen and repeat. 先听,然后再重复一遍。
二二、What's good here? 什么比较好?
二三、That’s ridiculous. 那太荒唐了。
二四、Do you understand?你明白了吗?
二五、It’s time to begin. 到开始的时候了。
二六、I'll be back in a sec. 我等下就回来。
二七、It never rains, it pours. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。
二八、Have/get your back. 我挺你,我支持你。
二九、What makes you say that? 你这么说的理由是什么?
三零、How awful, poor guy. 太惨了,真可怜。
三一、Footsteps announced his return.听脚步声就知道他回来了。
三二、I have no idea what you're talking about. 我不知道你在说什么。
三三、That’s your book. 那是你的书。
三四、Come and meet my friends. 过来见见我的朋友们。
三五、Something must be done about it.必须得想个办法。
三六、We should definitely play together some time. 我们一定要找个时间一起打球。
三七、No,that’s not my book. 不,那不是我的书。
三八、Those colors don't really suit you either. 这些颜色也不太适合你。
三九、Where are you from?你是什么地方人?
四零、Nothing could damp down his spirits.任何事情都不能破坏他的兴致。
四一、why are u changing the subject?为什么要转移话题?
四二、I guess not. 当然不是。
四三、I hate you. 我讨厌你。
四四、He who would search for pearls must dive below.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
四五、I didn’t follow you. 我没明白你的意思。
四六、Someone told me that it's a really boring book. 有人告诉我说,这本书很无聊。
四七、Would you excuse me a moment? 能打扰一会儿吗?
四八、How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?
四九、We're square.我们扯平了。
五零、he can't come to the phone now.他现在不能接电话。
五一、Is that a book? 那是一本书吗?
五二、Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。
五三、Stand up,please. 请站起来。
五四、Have you eaten? 吃了吗?
五五、She's a great networker. 她的人面很广。
五六、It's been nice taking to you. 很高兴与你交谈。
五七、What’s this? 这是什么?
五八、There is a call for you. 有你的电话。
五九、Can we calculate on their help?我们能指望他们的帮助吗?
六零、He could not make both ends meet.他入不敷出。