一. a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired
二. a complete list of saints that have been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church
三. a rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental in a field or art or philosophy
e.g. the neoclassical canon
canons of polite society
四. a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts
五. a ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall
Synonym: canyon
六. a priest who is a member of a cathedral chapter
一. (大教堂的)咏礼司铎
A canon is a member of the clergy who is on the staff of a cathedral.
二. 精品集;真作集
A canon of texts is a list of them that is accepted as genuine or important.
e.g. He had to read a canon of accepted literary texts.
e.g. ...the Irish literary canon.
三. 规范;规则;原则
A canon is a general rule or principle.
e.g. The very first canon of nursing is to keep the air inside as fresh as the air outside.
一. canon是什么意思
一. 教规:在庵室里,每个修士都要按教规(canon)行事:天天叩拜三零零次,作六零零个十字,并读<>. 如果不去晨祷,也不守教规的修士,在开始作他们的工作前直到晚上为止是不能领受食粮的. 同时,修士不准许在庵室里接待家属,不允许有私钱,