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  • 使打寒颤,使感到冷,使变冷,使冰冷
  • 【冶】使冷凝;冷凝
  • 冷却,冷藏,冷冻,凝结
  • 使沮丧,使扫兴,使寒心
  • 感到严寒,变冷
  • 使惧怕
  • 恐吓,吓唬
  • 放松,冷静,镇静,平静下来
  • 【冶】冷铸,冷淬
  • 冷得发抖,寒颤,哆嗦
  • 使(轻度)冷冻
  • 严寒,寒气,寒意,发冷,凉意
  • 冷淡
  • 扫兴,寒心
  • 寒颤,风寒,着凉,受寒
  • 害怕的感觉
  • 冷却
  • 冷冻
  • 扫兴的,令人寒心的
  • 冷淡的,冷酷的,冷若冰霜的
  • 冷的,寒的,凉飕飕的
  • 薄情的
  • 隔膜的
  • 阴冷的,阴森森的
  • vt. & vi. (使)变冷,(使)变凉 make or become cold or cool
  • [S]严寒,寒气 a slightly unpleasant degree of coldness
  • [C]寒战,发冷 an illness marked by coldness and shaking of the body


一. coldness due to a cold environmentdsW中文字网

Synonym: icinessgeliditydsW中文字网

二. an almost pleasurable sensation of frightdsW中文字网

e.g. a frisson of surprise shot through himdsW中文字网

Synonym: frissonshiverquivershudderthrilltingledsW中文字网

三. a sudden numbing dreaddsW中文字网

Synonym: palldsW中文字网

四. a sensation of cold that often marks the start of an infection and the development of a feverdsW中文字网

Synonym: shiveringdsW中文字网



一. loose heatdsW中文字网

e.g. The air cooled considerably after the thunderstormdsW中文字网

Synonym: coolcool downdsW中文字网

二. make cool or coolerdsW中文字网

e.g. Chill the fooddsW中文字网

Synonym: coolcool downdsW中文字网

三. depress or discouragedsW中文字网

e.g. The news of the city's surrender chilled the soldiersdsW中文字网

一. (使)冷却;(使)凉下来;冷藏
When you chill something or when it chills, you lower its temperature so that it becomes colder but does not freeze.dsW中文字网

e.g. Chill the fruit salad until serving time...
e.g. These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill.

二. 使变冷;使冰凉
When cold weather or something cold chills a person or a place, it makes that person or that place feel very cold.dsW中文字网

e.g. The marble floor was beginning to chill me...
e.g. An exposed garden may be chilled by cold winds...

三. 惊吓;使惧怕
If you say that something you see, hear, or feel chills you, you mean that it frightens you.dsW中文字网

e.g. There was a coldness in her that chilled him...
e.g. Some films chill you to the marrow of your bones.

四. 害怕;焦虑;紧张
If something sends a chill through you, it gives you a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety.dsW中文字网


e.g. The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia...
e.g. He smiled, an odd, dreamy smile that sent chills up my back.

五. 着凉;伤寒
A chill is a mild illness which can give you a slight fever and headache.dsW中文字网

e.g. He caught a chill while performing at a rain-soaked open-air venue.

六. (天气)阴冷的,严寒的
Chill weather is cold and unpleasant.dsW中文字网

e.g. ...chill winds, rain and choppy seas.

相关词组:chill outdsW中文字网

一. dsW中文字网

一. 严寒:姿势必需保持平衡助记法:拐杖(f)+烟(i)+老人(eld) 老人拄着拐杖,叼着烟到田野里干活去了想象:在初秋的夜晚,一轮弯弯的月亮(c)挂在天空,当你一个人站在小山(hill)上,感觉到一丝丝的严寒(chill)想象:烛光(i)里dsW中文字网

二. 寒颤:发烧的特性,於发烧之前有寒颤(Chill)的现象,可能意味著高烧的来临. 年纪小的小孩不会说「我在寒颤」,有时会发生抽搐的热痉挛也会随寒颤而来. 有些疾病如菌血症及大叶性肺炎,常有寒颤发生,一些病毒性的感染及淋巴瘤(属於非感染性疾病) 也会有寒颤情形.dsW中文字网

三. 冷:姿势必需保持平衡助记法:拐杖(f)+烟(i)+老人(eld) 老人拄着拐杖,叼着烟到田野里干活去了想象:在初秋的夜晚,一轮弯弯的月亮(c)挂在天空,当你一个人站在小山(hill)上,感觉到一丝丝的严寒(chill)烛光(i) 妈妈(dsW中文字网

四. dsW中文字网

四. 打冷颤:night sweat 盗汗 | chill 打冷颤 | pale 脸色发白dsW中文字网

五. chill的翻译dsW中文字网

五. chill:ccitt high level language; 国际电报电话咨询委员会高级语言dsW中文字网

  • 常用例句dsW中文字网

  • 词汇搭配dsW中文字网

  • 经典引文dsW中文字网

  • Put the whisky in the ice box to chill.
  • I want this wine to chill so I'll leave it in a cold place for an hour.
  • Our hearts chilled when we heard that our team had lost again.
  • The dreadful scene chilled him to the marrow.
  • Don't chill their enthusiasm.
  • Rain chilled the glittering pageant.
  • This great poet's imagination was not chilled by trifles.
  • The child was chilled to the bone.
用作动词 (v.)
  • enthusiasm chills热情冷落下来
  • sight chills sb to the core情景使…大为失望
  • chill sb's enthusiasm给某人的热情浇冷水
  • chill bitterly刺骨地严寒
  • chill dreadfully非常严寒
  • chill hopelessly严寒地令人绝望
  • chill increasingly越来越严寒
  • chill mortally致命地严寒
  • chill suddenly忽然变凉
  • chill to the bone寒气刺骨
  • chill to the marrow寒气刺骨
  • chill with fear吓得浑身打战
用作名词 (n.)
  • cast〔depress〕 a chill对…泼冷水
  • catch〔get, take〕 a chill着凉
  • strike chill感到沮丧
  • He began to complain that he felt a chill.dsW中文字网

    出自:E. Roosevelt
  • He contracted a chill that quickly became pneumonia.dsW中文字网

    出自:P. F. Boller
  • The atmosphere outside the stove was chill.dsW中文字网

    出自:Arnold Bennett
  • He adored the chill green drink, clear and clinking with ice-cubes.dsW中文字网

    出自:W. Boyd
  • My very blood chills at the mention of the name of Newgate.dsW中文字网

  • 词语用法dsW中文字网

  • chill的基本意思是“(使)…变冷”“(使…)温度降低到使人发抖的程度”,引申可表示“情绪沮丧”“给(热情)浇冷水”“使…不寒而栗”等等。
  • chill可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其主语可以是人,也可以是事物,其宾语可以是人,也可以是表示感情(如热情)的名词。
  • chill的基本意思是“严寒,寒气”“寒战,发冷”,引申可表示“令人寒心,感到扫兴”“冷淡,不友好”。
  • 近义词dsW中文字网

  • 反义词dsW中文字网

  • 临近词dsW中文字网

  • coolness
  • cold
  • heat热度
  • warm温暖的
  • chiller
  • Chillan
  • Chilla
  • Chillaz
  • Chille
  • chili
  • chilled
  • Chilles
  • Chillon
  • chillum
  • chillax
  • chilli
A chill shiver rippled over his skin.(一阵寒颤传遍了他全身。)
I felt a chill creep over me.(我感到周身发冷。)
A deadly chill went to Huck's heart--this, then, was the revenge job!(一阵致命的寒意袭上哈克的心头——这就是所谓的复仇!)
He caught a chill while performing at a rain-soaked open-air venue.(他在一个被雨浸湿的露天场地表演时着了风寒。)
The marble floor was beginning to chill me.(大理石的地板开始让我感到很冷。)
"Madam came in," she said, "as chill as an icicle, and as unattainable as a princess."(“夫人走进来了,”她说,“像个冰柱似的冷冰冰,又像个公主似的高不可攀。”)
September is here, bringing with it a chill in the mornings.(九月到了,带来了清晨的寒意。)
"It was one of the few times at Apple when I got a chill," says someone who was in the meeting.(“这是我在苹果为数不多的几次感到寒意的会议之一。”一位与会者表示。)
The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia.(对学生使用暴力使得整个印度尼西亚不寒而栗。)
The wind-chill factor will make it seem colder.(风寒系数大,会使人觉得比实际温度更冷一些。)