
  • 详情解释lxh中文字网

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  • 英英释义lxh中文字网

  • 词典解释lxh中文字网

  • 网络解释lxh中文字网

  • 圆的,圆形的
  • 循环的
  • 环形的
  • 环行的
  • 迂回的,拐弯抹角的,不直截了当的
  • 供流传的,供传阅的
  • 巡回的,环游的
  • 通告的
  • 伙伴的
  • 团体的
  • 【逻】循环论证的
  • 绕圈的
  • (信函)大量送发的
  • 传单,报单
  • 通知,公告,通报,通告
  • 传阅文件,供传阅的函件、通函
  • 无袖女外衣
  • 弧形
  • 圆形
  • 印刷信函
  • 通知性照会
  • 圆形的,环形的; 循环的 round and usually flat; shaped like a circle; forming or moving in a circle
  • [C]通知,通告 a printed advertisement, paper, or notice given or sent to a large number of people for them to read


一. an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distributionlxh中文字网

e.g. he mailed the circular to all subscriberslxh中文字网

Synonym: handbillbillbroadsidebroadsheetflierflyerthrowawaylxh中文字网


一. describing a circle
moving in a circlelxh中文字网

e.g. the circular motion of the wheellxh中文字网

Synonym: rotaryorbituallxh中文字网

二. having a circular shapelxh中文字网

Synonym: roundlxh中文字网

一. 圆的;圆形的
Something that is circular is shaped like a circle.lxh中文字网

e.g. ...a circular hole twelve feet wide and two feet deep...
e.g. Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.

二. (旅程或路线)环行的,巡回的
A circular journey or route is one in which you go to a place and return by a different route.lxh中文字网

e.g. Both sides of the river can be explored on this circular walk.

三. (论证或理论)循环论证的
A circular argument or theory is not valid because it uses a statement to prove something which is then used to prove the statement.lxh中文字网



四. (同时发送给很多人的)广告印刷品,通告
A circular is an official letter or advertisement that is sent to a large number of people at the same time.lxh中文字网

e.g. The proposal has been widely publicised in BBC-TV press information circulars sent to 一,八零零 newspapers.

一. lxh中文字网

一. 圆形的:缓动函数可以定制动画从开始进行到结尾的方式,内置的缓动函数提供了很大范围的行为,例如圆形的(circular),指数型的(exponential),有弹性的(elastic),反弹型的(bouncy)动画进程等.lxh中文字网

二. 通告:[三零]在一些案件中,争议产生行政机关在作出决定时是否必须考虑政府政策,这些政策一般是规定在没有法律效力的政府通告(circular)中. 根据英国法院的判例,地方当局有权不执行违反法律规定的政策文件,另一方面,lxh中文字网

三. 循环:在将任何数据从缓冲池写到数据库结构之前,事务会从 日志缓冲区(log buffer)写到 日志文件(事务性日志记录). 用于记录事务的文件叫作 事务日志. DB二 UDB 有两种可用的日志记录类型 - 循环(circular)日志记录和 归档(archive)日志记录.lxh中文字网

  • 常用例句lxh中文字网

  • 词汇搭配lxh中文字网

  • She paid a circular visit among her relation.
  • The full moon has a circular shape.
  • The full moon is circular.
  • The bus route was circular.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • circular building圆形建筑物
  • circular measure弧度法
  • circular note巡回票
  • circular number循环数
  • circular ticket环游车票
  • circular road环路
用作名词 (n.)
  • address〔issue, send〕 a circular宣读〔发布,送〕通知
  • brief circular简短的通知
  • confidential circular机密通知
  • circular letter通知书,传阅文件
  • circular in the form of questions问答式的通告
  • 词源解说lxh中文字网

  • ☆ 一四世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的circuler;最初源自拉丁语的circularis,意为圆形的,循环的。
  • 高考真题例句lxh中文字网

高考真题例句 OG 一.circular

A typical pie graph looks like a circular pie.lxh中文字网



  • 近义词lxh中文字网

  • 反义词lxh中文字网

  • 临近词lxh中文字网

  • round
  • straight
  • square
  • circular ray
  • circularis
  • circuitry
  • circularcut
  • circularly
  • circular lip
  • circular fan
  • circularise
  • circularity
  • circularize
  • circulate
  • circulars
There's a circular track that goes right around the park.(公园周围有一条环形跑道。)
If Sadiq Khan wins and extends it to the North and South Circular roads in 二零二一 as he intends, it is sure to spark intense opposition from the far larger number of motorists who will then be affected.(如果萨迪克·汗获胜,并按照他的计划,在二零二一年将其推广到南北环线道路,这肯定会引发更多驾车者的强烈反对,因为他们将受到影响。)
If they were shadows of the planets, they would be circular, right?(如果它们是行星的影子,它们就会是圆形的,对吧?)
Modern irrigation devices, each capable of spraying 四.五 million liters of water a day, have produced a landscape dominated by geometric patterns of circular green islands of crops.(现代灌溉设备,每台的日喷水量可以达到四百五十万升,从而形成了一种像群岛一样的由几何圆形的绿色农田所构成的景观。)
They built thousands of circular stone windbreaks and gardened inside them, and used broken volcanic rocks to keep the soil moist.(他们建造了成千上万的圆形石质防风林并在其中种植花草,还用破碎的火山岩来保持土壤湿润。)
Symptoms: circular, itchy rash.(症状:圆斑、发痒发疹。)
The nearly circular orbits of planets in our solar system led scientists to expect that planets around other stars would also reside in circular orbits.(在我们的太阳系中,行星的轨道几乎是圆形的,这使得科学家们猜测,其他恒星周围的行星也会位于圆形轨道上。)
I understand that a circular to this effect will be issued in the next few weeks.(我得知,接下来的几星期内将发布大意如此的传阅文件。)
Cut the circular cake in half and set each semicircle against adjoining sides of the square to form the top of the heart.(把圆形蛋糕切成两半,把每个半圆放在正方形的两边,形成心形的顶部。)
Most known extrasolar planets reside in highly elongated, not circular, orbits.(大多数已知的太阳系外行星都居住在高度拉长而非圆形的轨道上。)