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  • 相距,相隔
  • 分开地,分离,分,离,不在一起
  • 有距离地,相间隔地
  • 拆散地,散开地
  • ...除外,除去,撇开
  • 单独地,个别地
  • 与众不同地
  • 成碎片
  • 相隔;相距 separated by a distance, of space or time
  • 向一边;在一边 to or on one side
  • 不在一起;分离地 not together; separate or separately
  • 拆开,成碎片 into separate pieces; broken or divided into many different parts or pieces
  • 除去,撇开 without considering;aside


一. not taken into account or excluded from considerationuLV中文字网

e.g. these problems apart, the country is doing well
all joking aside, I think you're crazyuLV中文字网

Synonym: asideuLV中文字网

二. into parts or piecesuLV中文字网

e.g. he took his father's watch apart
split apart
torn asunderuLV中文字网

Synonym: asunderuLV中文字网

三. separated or at a distance in place or position or timeuLV中文字网

e.g. These towns are many miles apart
stood with his legs apart
born two years apartuLV中文字网

四. one from the otheruLV中文字网

e.g. people can't tell the twins apartuLV中文字网

五. placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purposeuLV中文字网

e.g. had a feeling of being set apart
quality sets it apart
a day set aside for relaxinguLV中文字网

Synonym: asideuLV中文字网

六. away from another or othersuLV中文字网

e.g. they grew apart over the years
kept apart from the group out of shyness
decided to live apartuLV中文字网


In addition to the uses shown below, apart is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘grow apart’ and ‘take apart’.
除下列用法外,apart还可用于grow apart, take apart等短语动词中。

一. (在空间上)相隔,相距
When people or things are apart, they are some distance from each other.uLV中文字网

e.g. He was standing a bit apart from the rest of us, watching us...
e.g. She saw Sheila standing some distance apart...

二. 往不同方向;分开
If two people or things move apart or are pulled apart, they move away from each other.uLV中文字网

e.g. John and Isabelle moved apart, back into the sun...
e.g. He tried in vain to keep the two dogs apart before the neighbour intervened.

三. 分手;分离
If two people are apart, they are no longer living together or spending time together, either permanently or just for a short time.uLV中文字网

e.g. It was the first time Jane and I had been apart for more than a few days...
e.g. Mum and Dad live apart.

四. 成零碎;散开
If you take something apart, you separate it into the pieces that it is made of. If it comes or falls apart, its parts separate from each other.uLV中文字网

e.g. When the clock stopped he took it apart to find out what was wrong...
e.g. Many school buildings are unsafe, and some are falling apart.

五. 垮掉;分裂;解体
If something such as an organization or relationship falls apart, or if something tears it apart, it can no longer continue because it has serious difficulties.uLV中文字网

e.g. Any manager knows that his company will start falling apart if his attention wanders...
e.g. Her marriage to film producer Michael Greenburg fell apart.

六. 与众不同地;独特地
If something sets someone or something apart, it makes them different from other people or things.uLV中文字网

e.g. What really sets Mr Thaksin apart is that he comes from northern Thailand...
e.g. Health spending tends to rise disproportionately as countries become richer; but even adjusting for this, America is a case apart.

七. 意见不一致的;有分歧的
If people or groups are a long way apart on a particular topic or issue, they have completely different views and disagree about it.uLV中文字网

e.g. Officials say they're so far apart on such a wide range of issues there's no telling how long the talks could drag on...
e.g. Their concept of a performance and our concept were miles apart.

八. 区分;分辨
If you can't tell two people or things apart, they look exactly the same to you.uLV中文字网

e.g. I can still only tell Mark and Dave apart by the colour of their shoes!
e.g. Free range and battery eggs, boiled for four minutes, were hard to tell apart.


一. 除了…外(别无)
You use apart from when you are making an exception to a general statement.uLV中文字网

e.g. The room was empty apart from one man seated beside the fire...
e.g. She was the only British competitor apart from Richard Meade.

二. 除…之外(表示例外)
You use apart when you are making an exception to a general statement.uLV中文字网


e.g. This was, New York apart, the first American city I had ever been in where people actually lived downtown.

三. 除…外(尚有);此外
You use apart from to indicate that you are aware of one aspect of a situation, but that you are going to focus on another aspect.uLV中文字网

e.g. Illiteracy threatens Britain's industrial performance. But, quite apart from that, the individual who can't read or write is unlikely to get a job...
e.g. There was always something to look forward to, apart from Rachel's visits.

四. 除…以外(尚有);此外
You use apart to indicate that you are aware of one aspect of a situation, but that you are going to focus on another aspect.uLV中文字网

e.g. That argument apart, it is for the Germans themselves to work out how their forces should come together.

一. 分开的:而是指向了成功之路. 即使当一个东西是分开的时,它也永远是一起的,因为它无法真的分开,而只是变得更大了. 所以,即使当一个东西看起来是分开的(apart)时,其实它仍是一个部分(apart),也即是意谓着它根本没有分开.uLV中文字网

二. 分离:apart from 除 | apart 分离 | apartheid 种族隔离uLV中文字网

三. 分离,隔开,相距:anyhow 无论如何,不管怎样 | apart 分离,隔开,相距 | apartment 一套公寓房间uLV中文字网

四. 相间隔;分开;分离的:anyway无论如何;至少 | apart相间隔;分开;分离的 | apartment一套公寓房间uLV中文字网

五. apart的意思uLV中文字网

五. apart:automated packet recognition/translation; 信息包自动识别与转换uLV中文字网

  • 常用短语uLV中文字网

  • 相关词组uLV中文字网

  • 常用例句uLV中文字网

  • 词汇搭配uLV中文字网

  • 经典引文uLV中文字网

    即便不考虑…也quite apart from; used for saying that even if you ignore one thing, there is still another important fact or question to consider

一. apart from : 除了...之外;uLV中文字网

  • They straightened and jumped apart.
  • He and his wife are living apart .
  • Aitken and his wife have been living apart .
  • How far apart do you live?
  • Over the years, Rosie and I had drifted apart .
  • The boxers stood apart, waiting for the signal to start fighting.
  • The man was alone, sitting apart, watching people come and go.
  • This problem should be handled apart.
  • We planted the trees wide apart.
  • I was sitting somewhat apart from the rest.
  • She lives apart from her parents.
  • The boy was standing apart from the others.
  • The shy child sat apart from the other children.
  • While they talked of him,he stood a little apart from the others.
  • The house stands apart from the village.
  • The kitchen stood apart from the house.
  • The station stands apart form the city.
  • Bribery apart, there is almost no method of persuasion that is not allowed.
  • Colin apart, not one of them seems suitable for the job.
  • Considered apart, his reasoning was faulty.
  • Cooking apart, what a bride needs to know most about is money.
  • These difficulties apart, the project ran smoothly.
  • They live on the same street, about two blocks apart.
用作副词 (adv.)
  • break apart解体
  • break sth apart把某物折断或分开
  • come apart破碎
  • cut sth apart切开
  • draw apart拉开;越离越远
  • drift apart漂离;疏远
  • fall apart分裂;崩溃
  • joking apart认真地说
  • keep sth apart使…分离
  • know apart区分开
  • live apart夫妻分居
  • live far apart from each other彼此住得很远
  • pull sth apart把…拉开;批驳
  • push sth apart把…推开
  • rip sth apart撕开;捣乱
  • set apart分别摆放
  • set sb apart使某人与众不同,技高一筹
  • stand apart不合群;避开
  • stand far apart facing each other遥遥相对
  • take sth apart拆开;严厉批评
  • tear sth apart撕裂,拆开
  • tell apart区分开
  • view each idea apart分别审察每一种办法
  • walk apart各自行走
  • far apart远离
  • wide apart相距甚远
  • widely apart相差很远
  • Thy heart is big, get thee apart and weep.uLV中文字网

    出自:Julius Caesar,Shakespeare
  • The precise period at which the Commons first sat apart from the Lords is unknown.uLV中文字网

    出自:H. P. Brougham
  • Their experience had set them apart and the effect was to make me feel childish and cut off.uLV中文字网

    出自:V. S. Pritchett
  • 词语用法uLV中文字网

  • 词义讲解uLV中文字网

  • 词源解说uLV中文字网

  • apart的基本意思是“相距,相隔”,可指在时间或空间方面有距离或相间隔;也可表示纪律、组织、机关或国家等解体、崩溃或者关系“破裂”。既可表示静态的“相距”或“相隔”;也可表示动态的“分开”或“离开”。apart有时还表示“单独地;独自地;个别地;分别地”。
  • apart在句中常置于形容词、副词之后或句尾作状语,也可置于名词之后作后置定语,还可用于动词get, hold, keep, pull, put, tear, tell之后或介词with之后作宾语补足语,这时后面常接表示目的的动词不定式作状语。
  • apart表示具体的时间或距离时须置于数量短语之后。询问相隔多远时要用How far apart...?
  • apart不用于比较等级。
apart from, besides, except (for)
  • 这组词语都可译为“除了”,但含义并不相同:except (for)表示排除意义,即“除了…别无”; besides表示补充意义,即“除了…尚有”;而apart from 则既表示排除意义,又可以表示补充意义。
    • ☆ 一四世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的apart,意为到一边去;最初源自拉丁语的ad (去) + partem (一边)。
    • 近义词uLV中文字网

    • 反义词uLV中文字网

    • 临近词uLV中文字网

    • separate
    • distant
    • aside
    • one from another
    • near
    • adjoining
    • to-gether
    • surrounded
    • Apart style
    • aparthied
    • aparticipator
    • apart from
    • Apache
    • apartel
    • apartotel
    • apartness
    • apartheid
    • aparthotel
    • aparthrosis
    • apartado
    He stood with his legs wide apart.(他站在那里,两腿叉開。)
    We had to take the engine apart.(我们不得不卸下引擎。)
    The book just came apart in my hands.(这本书就在我手中散开了。)
    John and Isabelle moved apart, back into the sun.(约翰和伊莎贝尔彼此分开了,回到阳光下。)
    The dogs tore the fox apart.(几条狗把那只狐狸撕成了碎片。)
    What other sports do you like apart from football?(除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动?)
    My whole life had come apart at the seams.(我的整个生活都崩溃了。)
    The country was torn apart by strife.(这个国家被内部纷争搞得四分五裂。)
    Her pregnancy was tearing the family apart.(她的怀孕引起了家庭的不和。)
    Nothing else matters to him apart from his job.(对他来说,除了工作以外,什么事都无关紧要。)