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  • 化学家,化学师,化学工作者
  • 药(剂)师
  • 化学药(品)商
  • 药房,药店
  • 炼金术士,炼丹术士
  • [C]化学家 a scientist who specializes in chemistry
  • [C]药剂师 a person skilled in the making of medicines



一. a scientist who specializes in chemistryLMf中文字网

二. a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugsLMf中文字网

Synonym: pharmacistdruggistapothecarypill pusherpill rollerLMf中文字网

一. (兼卖化妆品和某些日用品的)药店
A chemist or a chemist's is a shop where drugs and medicines are sold or given out, and where you can buy cosmetics and some household goods.LMf中文字网


e.g. There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection...
e.g. She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin.

二. 药剂师
A chemist is someone who works in a chemist's shop and is qualified to prepare and sell medicines.LMf中文字网



in AM, use 美国英语用 druggist, pharmacist

三. 化学家
A chemist is a person who does research connected with chemistry or who studies chemistry.LMf中文字网

e.g. She worked as a research chemist.

In British English, the usual way of referring to a shop where medicines are sold or given out is chemist or chemist's. She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin. Pharmacy is also used, but is not as common. In American English, the word drugstore is used, but this usually refers to a shop where you can buy drinks, snacks, and other small items, as well as medicines. At the drugstore I bought a can of Coke and the local papers.
在英国英语中,卖药或发药的商店通常叫做 chemist 或者 chemist's: She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin (她进了一家药店,买了些阿司匹林)。也用 pharmacy,但并不常见。美国英语中用 drugstore, 但这种商店除药品以外,往往还出售饮料、零食及其他小东西:At the drugstore I bought a can of Coke and the local papers (我在药店买了一听可乐和几份当地的报纸)。

一. chemist在线翻译LMf中文字网

一. 化学师:现在到Rimmington的化学师(Chemist)那里. 与化学师对话然后将你的Coal Tar倒入外面的蒸馏器(Distiller).加入一些煤炭来增加热度. 当热度(Heat Level)变绿时,打开右边的阀门(Valve). 如果气压超过绿色范围(Pressure Level),LMf中文字网

二. 化验师:到案发现场搜集证物. 证物放入法证科专用胶袋后,科学鉴证主任(S.E.O)或化验师(Chemist)会将袋口密封及签名,确保证物原封不动. 科学鉴证主任(S.E.O)或化验师(Chemist)会穿便装出勤,到达案发现场时,会带上手套搜集证物.LMf中文字网

三. LMf中文字网

三. 师:证物放入法证科专用胶袋后,科学鉴证主任(S.E.O)或化验师(Chemist)会将袋口密封及签名,确保证物原封不动. 科学鉴证主任(S.E.O)或化验师(Chemist)会穿便装出勤,到达案发现场时,会带上手套搜集证物.LMf中文字网

  • 常用例句LMf中文字网

  • 词汇搭配LMf中文字网

  • He is a well-known chemist.
  • I got this medicine at the chemist's shop.
用作名词 (n.)
  • technical chemist药学士
  • chemist's shop药店,药房
  • 近义词LMf中文字网

  • 临近词LMf中文字网

  • pill roller 医生
  • pharmacologist药物学家
  • pharmacist药剂师
  • posologist配药学家
  • pharmacy药房
  • druggist药商
  • pill pusher医生
  • apothecary药剂师
  • dispensing chemist药剂师
  • chemist's shop
  • chemist rs
  • chemist rs shop
  • chemistry
  • chemists shop
  • Chemist Leo Baekeland
  • Chemist's Certificate
  • chemical
  • chemists
  • Chemiststry of Natural Products
  • chemisty teaching
  • chemist's
The Chinese chemist Tu Youyou is honoured with the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her contribution in treating malaria.(中国化学家屠呦呦获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖以表彰其在治疗疟疾方面所做出的贡献。)
She worked as a research chemist.(她是一名化学研究员。)
After graduating, she worked as a chemist.(毕业后,她当上了一名药剂师。)
His last task was to make cheeses, cherry flavor and chestnut flavor. After several days' hard work, the chemist decided to have a taste.(他最后的课题是制造奶酪,樱桃味的和栗子味的。在几天辛劳 工作之后,这个化学家决定尝一尝。)
The chemist and the mistress insist that the mist consists of several chemicals.(化学家和女教师坚持认为薄雾由几种化学物品构成。)
Chemist: We have a number of them.(药剂师:我们这儿有好几种。)
The chemist had something to do with a company.(化学家和一个公司有点关系。)
He distinguished himself as a great chemist.(他作为一个了不起的化学家而使自己杰出。)
The "coca" in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drink's originator, chemist John Pemberton, mixed with his sugary syrup.(名称中的“可口”指的是这种饮料的发明者,化学家约翰·彭伯顿用来与糖浆汁混合的古柯叶提取物。)
Chemist: Just a moment, please.(药剂师:请稍等片刻。)