A method of mirror face protection for (AlGa) as visible laser is presented.(本文介绍了一种可见光激光器端面镜面保护方法。)
An autotrophic, unicellular, green alga presents the minimum of specialization.(一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。)
Magical microbe: Lyngbya, a blue-green alga usually has many cells joined together(神奇的微生物:螺旋藻(Lyngbya),一种蓝绿色海藻,一般由许多细胞组合在一起。)
In June, the largest alga bloom in more than 一零 years was seen along the Pacific coast, from California to Alaska.(今年六月,从加州到阿拉斯加的太平洋沿岸出现了近一零多年以来最大规模的藻华。)
"There's no way on earth that genes from an alga should work inside an animal cell," says Sidney Pierce from the University of South Florida.(来自南佛罗里达大学的西德尼·皮尔斯说:“在地球上,藻类的基因不可能在动物细胞内起作用。”)
Even more strangely, the researchers think the salamanders might inherit the alga from their parents.(更奇怪的是,研究人员认为这些海藻是火蜥蜴从它们父母那里继承来的。)
The crust of alga-sand particle was early form of crust by desert alga.(提出了藻沙粒结皮是荒漠藻结皮的早期形式。)
These are not single individual plants; each one is a symbiotic combination of an alga and a fungus.(这些不是单个的植物;每一种都是藻类和真菌的共生组合。)
Alga was a good monitoring biology.(藻类是一个很好的测试生物。)
A. the cooling tower physical cleaning and sterilizing alga.(冷却塔的物理清洗及杀菌灭藻。)