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一. an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right)7QE中文字网

e.g. a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job7QE中文字网

Synonym: fringe benefitperquisite7QE中文字网


一. gain or regain energy7QE中文字网

e.g. I picked up after a nap7QE中文字网

Synonym: perk uppercolatepick upgain vigor7QE中文字网

一. 补贴;津贴;额外待遇
Perks are special benefits that are given to people who have a particular job or belong to a particular group.7QE中文字网

e.g. ...a company car, private medical insurance and other perks...
e.g. One of the perks of being a student is cheap travel.

相关词组:perk up7QE中文字网

一. 外快:Pentagon 五角大楼 | perk 外快 | politburo 政治局7QE中文字网

二. perk的反义词7QE中文字网

二. 振作:perjury 伪证 | perk 振作 | perky 自信的7QE中文字网

三. 额外收入:staff advantage 员工福利 | perk 额外收入 | discount 折扣7QE中文字网

四. 额外津贴:Pentagon 五角大楼 | perk额外津贴 | politburo 政治局7QE中文字网

  • 相关词组7QE中文字网

  • 经典引文7QE中文字网

一. perk up : (使)振作, (使)活跃起来;7QE中文字网

  • The main perks are expenses, particularly while on location.7QE中文字网

    出自:Sunday Times
  • Free lunch...This pathetic little perk of the office was taken very seriously.7QE中文字网

    出自:T. K. Wolfe
  • The male was off again, perking up his feathers.7QE中文字网

    出自:M. Dibdin
  • I just perked some coffee...Would you like a cup?7QE中文字网

    出自:R. Macdonald
  • 近义词7QE中文字网

  • 临近词7QE中文字网

  • freebie免费的东西
  • pick up捡起
  • perk up昂首翘尾
  • bonus红利
  • plus加
  • extra额外的
  • percolate过滤
  • sweetener甜味剂
  • pro能手
  • plus point好的一面
  • benefit利益
  • privilege特权
  • gratuity小费
  • perquisite额外补贴
  • fringe benefit小额利益
  • advantage优势
  • incentive刺激的
  • Perkko
  • Perka
  • perjury
  • Perkins
  • Perko
  • Perkov
  • Perkok
  • Perkki
  • Perkel
  • perkan
  • Perkun
  • Perker
If your apple slices have withered, salt water will also perk them up.(如果你的苹果切片已经看起来不新鲜了,盐水也可以使其重新振作起来。)
Jack Wallen explains the first steps he takes to perk up a sluggish system.(杰克·沃伦(JackWallen)解释了自己让迟滞的系统重新抖擞的首要步骤。)
But there are many ways that couples can perk up their relationship.(但夫妻们仍可以用很多方式来重拾爱火。)
No matter how you grab it, it's guaranteed to enliven your coffee break and perk up your pantry.(不管你怎么拿它,都能点亮你的下午茶时刻,装扮你的餐具柜哦。)
House prices could perk up during the fall.(秋季房价可能会上涨。)
This new system is sure to perk up the ears of gamers and thrill enthusiasts the world over.(这个新的系统肯定能够使全世界的游戏玩家和发烧友为之惊喜和跳跃。)
By consolidating the hawks, the new alignment may also unify and perk up the doves in Israel's aviary.(通过巩固鹰派,新的结盟也可能团结和振奋以色列的鸽派。)
But by consolidating the hawks, the new alignment may also unify and perk up the doves in Israel's aviary.(但是通过对鹰派的整合,新的联盟也许已经统一并且使以色列人看到了和平的希望。)
Consider installing a new sink-it's a relatively inexpensive renovation that will perk up your entire kitchen.(考虑一下换一个新的洗涤槽,这是一个相对花费不高却能让你整个厨房活跃起来的改造。)
Your whole life will perk up once you get to the last part of May.(五月的末期,你整个生活将活跃起来。)