
  • 详情解释8t4中文字网

  • 双解释义8t4中文字网

  • 英英释义8t4中文字网

  • 词典解释8t4中文字网

  • 网络解释8t4中文字网

  • 分水岭,分水线,分水界
  • 分歧,不和
  • 分,分配
  • 分裂
  • 分界,分界点,分界线
  • 标度
  • 不同,差异
  • 分享
  • 除数运算
  • 分裂,分
  • 分开,隔离,分离,隔开
  • 分发,分配,分给,分享
  • 【数】除(尽), 被除尽
  • 使对立
  • 分担,分摊
  • 使分开,使隔开,使分离
  • 意见分歧,产生分歧,争执
  • 区分,划分
  • 分派
  • 分成…;分割
  • 分散
  • 把分别用于
  • 使分裂
  • 使分割
  • 使不一致
  • 分组进行表决
  • vt. & vi. 分,划分 split or break up
  • vt. & vi. 分离,隔开 separate



一. a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems8t4中文字网

Synonym: watershedwater parting8t4中文字网

二. a serious disagreement between two groups of people (typically producing tension or hostility)8t4中文字网


一. perform a division8t4中文字网

e.g. Can you divide 四九 by seven?8t4中文字网

Synonym: fraction8t4中文字网

二. force, take, or pull apart8t4中文字网

e.g. He separated the fighting children
Moses parted the Red Sea8t4中文字网

Synonym: separatedisunitepart8t4中文字网

三. come apart8t4中文字网

e.g. The two pieces that we had glued separated8t4中文字网

Synonym: separatepart8t4中文字网

四. make a division or separation8t4中文字网

Synonym: separate8t4中文字网

五. separate into parts or portions8t4中文字网

e.g. divide the cake into three equal parts
The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I8t4中文字网

Synonym: splitsplit upseparatedissevercarve up8t4中文字网

六. act as a barrier between
stand between8t4中文字网

e.g. The mountain range divides the two countries8t4中文字网

Synonym: separate8t4中文字网

一. (使)分开;(使)分散;(使)分裂
When people or things are divided or divide into smaller groups or parts, they become separated into smaller parts.8t4中文字网

e.g. The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors...
e.g. It will be easiest if we divide them into groups...

二. 分配;分享;分担
If you divide something among people or things, you separate it into several parts or quantities which you distribute to the people or things.8t4中文字网

e.g. Paul divides most of his spare time between the study and his bedroom...
e.g. Divide the sauce among 四 bowls.
把酱汁分到 四 个碗里。8t4中文字网

三. 除;除以
If you divide a larger number by a smaller number or divide a smaller number into a larger number, you calculate how many times the smaller number can fit exactly into the larger number.8t4中文字网

e.g. Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six.
量一下温室的建筑面积再将它除以 六。8t4中文字网

四. 分隔;把…分开;是…的分界线
If a border or line divides two areas or divides an area into two, it keeps the two areas separate from each other.8t4中文字网

e.g. ...remote border areas dividing Tamil and Muslim settlements.
e.g. ...the artificial line that divides the city.

五. (使)产生分歧;(使)意见不一
If people divide over something or if something divides them, it causes strong disagreement between them.8t4中文字网

e.g. She has done more to divide the Conservatives than anyone else...
e.g. The democrats are divided over whether to admit him into their group...

六. 明显差异;(常指引起争论的)分歧
A divide is a significant distinction between two groups, often one that causes conflict.8t4中文字网

e.g. ...a deliberate attempt to create a Hindu-Muslim divide in India.

七. (时间、过程的)分界线,分界点
A divide is a moment in time or a point in a process when there is a complete change from one situation to another.8t4中文字网

e.g. The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.

八. 分水岭
A divide is a line of high ground between areas that are drained by different rivers.8t4中文字网


in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 watershed

九. 分而治之
You use divide and rule to refer to a policy which is intended to keep someone in a position of power by causing disagreements between people who might otherwise unite against them.8t4中文字网

e.g. The government's policies of divide and rule have only contributed to the volatility of the region.

相关词组:divide offdivide up8t4中文字网

一. 除:关系操作的数据查询和数据维护功能使用关系代数中的选择(Select)、投影(Proieet)、连接(Join)、除(Divide)、并(Union)、交(Intersection)、差(Difference)和广义笛卡儿积(Extend-ed关系的实体完整性(Entity Integrity)规则为:主关键字值必须是唯一的,8t4中文字网

二. 等分:令介绍八-二 建立填充区域(SOLID)命令介绍八-三 环形填充(DOUNT)命令介绍八-四 矩形(RECTANG)命令介绍八-五 样条曲线(SPLINE)命令介绍八-六 建立多线类型(MLSTYLE)命令介绍八-七 绘制多线(MLINE)命令介绍八-八 等分(DIVIDE)命令介绍八-九 图8t4中文字网

三. 除以:我们所能提供的服务相等于呼求的平方,除以(divide)或整合(由基本一的法则指出)还没有觉察造物合一性的自由意志. RA:我是RA. 如同我们刚才通过这个器皿所说的,我们必须整合你们社会记忆复合体在幻象分解形式呈现中的所有部分.8t4中文字网

  • 常用短语8t4中文字网

  • 常用例句8t4中文字网

  • 词汇搭配8t4中文字网

  • 经典引文8t4中文字网

    在…之间分派〔分配〕 separate and give out or share
    divide sth among sb

    You may divide the blame among you.8t4中文字网


    The apples were divided among the children.8t4中文字网


  • The train divides at York.
  • The curtain divided and the play began.
  • The river divides and forms two streams.
  • They agree to divide evenly.
  • The cells begin to divide rapidly.
用作动词 (v.)
  • divide booty分赃
  • divide funds分配资金
  • divide highway分隔公路
  • divide inheritance分遗产
  • divide land分配土地
  • divide mails分拣邮件
  • divide proceeds分配买卖的收益
  • divide profits分红
  • divide ventilation分道通风
  • divide much(看法)大相径庭
  • divide equally平均分配
  • divide evenly平均分配
  • divide finely细小地划分
  • divide formally正式地划分
  • divide invariably永久分离
  • divide originally最初划分
  • divide wisely明智地划分
  • divide off隔开
  • divide out分发
  • divide up the work分工
  • divide against发生内讧
  • divide among在…中分配
  • divide between在两者中分配
  • divide by用…除尽,因…而分开
  • divide from把…分开
  • divide in(意见)不一致
  • divide into分成
  • divide into equal proportions分成相等的份数
  • divide into postal districts划分为若干邮区
  • divide on对…看法不一
  • divide with sb与某人分担…
  • Julius contented himself with dividing it into four pieces.8t4中文字网

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • I start dividing the primroses.8t4中文字网

    出自:H. Nicolson
  • 词语用法8t4中文字网

  • 词义讲解8t4中文字网

  • 常见错误8t4中文字网

  • 词源解说8t4中文字网

  • divide的基本意思是把整体分成若干部分,有“分份”和“分享”的含义,引申可用于表示“广泛地分离”和“相互间的对抗”,即“分裂”“使疏远”“使失和”。
  • divide可用于数学中表示“除”。
  • divide可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后还可接介词短语或副词。
  • divide也可用作不及物动词,这时其后常接副词。
divide among, divide with
  • divide among含有“给…分”的意思,即完全分给他人,自己丝毫不拿, divide with的意思是“和…一起分”,既和他人分享,自己也拿一份。
  • v.(动词)

      She has divided the cake into three parts for ten minutes.8t4中文字网

      She divided the cake into three parts ten minutes ago.8t4中文字网



      Their views were very divided on the subject.8t4中文字网

      Their views were much divided on the subject.8t4中文字网

      divide的过去分词divided可用作形容词,在句中作表语,可用much, very much等修饰,但不可用very来修饰。8t4中文字网

    • ☆ 一四世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的dividere:di (分开) + videre (分离),意为分开,分裂。
    • 中考真题例句8t4中文字网

    • 考研真题例句8t4中文字网

    中考真题例句 OG 一.divide

    Sometimes the children are divided into three groups to play games.8t4中文字网



    中考真题例句 OG 二.divide

    The course is divided into two parts.8t4中文字网



    中考真题例句 OG 三.divide

    Some villagers divided the house into three classrooms by using pieces of wood.8t4中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.divide

    Tim Harford points to a study in the early 一九八零s that divided undergraduates into two groups.8t4中文字网

    Tim Harford指出,二零世纪八零年代初的一项研究将本科生分为两组。8t4中文字网


    考研真题例句 OG 二.divide

    Obesity, in turn, can be divided into moderately obese, severely obese, and very severely obese.8t4中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 三.divide

    We divide newcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad.8t4中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.divide

    These tools can help you win every argument in the better sense of learning about the issues that divide people.8t4中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 二.divide

    None of these tricks will help you understand them, their positions or the issues that divide you.8t4中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 三.divide

    Indeed, this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides, and decrease opportunities to cross them — especially for young people.8t4中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.divide

    BMI equals body mass divided by the square of height.8t4中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.divide

    Each spouse retains whatever property he or she brought into the marriage, and jointly-acquired property is divided equally.8t4中文字网



    • 近义词8t4中文字网

    • 反义词8t4中文字网

    • 临近词8t4中文字网

    • break
    • break up
    • allocate
    • distribute
    • share
    • disunite
    • disjoin
    • apportion
    • separate
    • part
    • unify
    • join
    • merge
    • unite
    • collect
    • gather
    • divide up
    • Divide off
    • divest
    • divide by
    • dividers
    • divide BIN
    • dividend
    • divide out
    • divider
    • divided by
    • dividedly
    • divided
    We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor.(我们需要设法缩小穷人和富人之间的健康差距。)
    You can divide this between you.(这个你们可以两人平分。)
    Do you divide your hair at the side or in the middle?(你的头发是偏分还是中间分?)
    It is not an idea around which the community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.(这不是一个可以让我们的组织团结起来的主意。恰恰相反,我看它会分裂我们。)
    The concrete wall that used to divide this city has now all but gone.(这堵曾经被用来分隔这座城市的水泥墙现在差不多不存在了。)
    The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to divide.(这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法。)
    How should we divide the shares?(我们该如何划分股份?)
    Those cells divide and give many other different types of cells.(那些细胞分裂后形成许多其他不同类型的细胞。)
    The children are already learning to multiply and divide.(孩子们已经开始学习乘法和除法了。)
    Look at this rough drawing of one of them, one Chromosome about to divide into two.(看一下其中一条的草图,一条将要分裂成两条的染色体。)