一. a quick run
Synonym: sprint
二. the act of moving with great haste
e.g. he made a dash for the door
Synonym: bolt
三. distinctive and stylish elegance
e.g. he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
Synonym: elanflairpanachestyle
四. the longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code
Synonym: dah
五. a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text
Synonym: hyphen
六. a footrace run at top speed
e.g. he is preparing for the 一零零-yard dash
一. add an enlivening or altering element to
e.g. blue paint dashed with white
二. break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
e.g. Smash a plate
Synonym: smash
三. hurl or thrust violently
e.g. He dashed the plate against the wall
Waves were dashing against the rock
Synonym: crash
四. cause to lose courage
e.g. dashed by the refusal
Synonym: dauntscare offpallfrighten offscare awayfrighten awayscare
五. run or move very quickly or hastily
e.g. She dashed into the yard
Synonym: dartscootscudflashshoot
六. destroy or break
e.g. dashed ambitions and hopes
一. 飞奔;猛冲
If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.
e.g. Suddenly she dashed down to the cellar...
e.g. She dashed in from the garden.
二. 马上离开;赶紧走
If you say that you have to dash, you mean that you are in a hurry and have to leave immediately.
e.g. Oh, Tim! I'm sorry but I have to dash...
e.g. See you tomorrow night. Must dash now.
三. (往食物或饮料里添加的)少量,少许
A dash of something is a small quantity of it which you add when you are preparing food or mixing a drink.
e.g. Add a dash of balsamic vinegar.
四. (某种特质的)少量,些许
A dash of a quality is a small amount of it that is found in something and often makes it more interesting or distinctive.
e.g. ...a story with a dash of mystery thrown in.
e.g. ...A fake fur collar or cuff adds a dash of glamour to even the simplest style.
五. (朝墙上等)猛摔,猛掷,猛撞
If you dash something against a wall or other surface, you throw or push it violently, often so hard that it breaks.
e.g. She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.
六. 使(希望或期望)破灭
If an event or person dashes someone's hopes or expectations, it destroys them by making it impossible that the thing that is hoped for or expected will ever happen.
e.g. The announcement dashed hopes of an early end to the crisis...
e.g. They had their championship hopes dashed by a 三-一 defeat.
七. 急匆匆;仓促
If you do something in a dash, you do it very quickly, perhaps with very bad results.
e.g. He's in a dash to get Russia back into Europe.
e.g. ...the dash to buy shares in internet companies.
八. 短跑(比赛)
A dash is a short fast race.
九. 破折号
A dash is a straight, horizontal line used in writing, for example to separate two main clauses whose meanings are closely connected.
一零. 该死;可恶;讨厌
You can say dash or dash it or dash it all when you are rather annoyed about something.
e.g. Dash it all. It's just not playing the game, is it?
一一. (汽车的)仪表板
The dash of a car is its dashboard .
一二. 潇洒;闯劲;勇猛
Dash is a mixture of stylishness, enthusiasm, and courage.
e.g. The Prince was driving with great fire and dash.
一三. 风度翩翩;大胆出位
If you say that someone cuts a dash, you mean that they have an attractively stylish appearance or a rather bold manner.
e.g. If you're determined to cut a dash in a designer dress, consider hiring one.
一四. (为逃离等而)飞速奔向,猛冲向
If you make a dash for a place, you run there very quickly, for example to escape from someone or something.
e.g. I made a dash for the front door but he got there before me...
e.g. Hand clamped over his mouth, he made a dash for the bathroom.
一五. 迅速前往
If you dash off to a place, you go there very quickly.
e.g. He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe...
e.g. They dashed off to Paris for a couple of days.
一六. 急速写好;匆匆写成
If you dash off a piece of writing, you write or compose it very quickly, without thinking about it very much.
e.g. He dashed off a couple of novels.
一. 破折号:英语破折号的用法 破折号(dash)是标点符号的一种,形状为--(汉语中为两个汉字长,英语中为两个英文字母长). 用来表示意思的转折,或者标明行文中解释说明的语句. 汉语中破折号有二零余种用法,而英语中破折号用法相对较少,约有一零种左右,
二. 猛冲:升级后的猛冲(dash)特技牺牲一轮行动,使下三次行动的主动加倍,算是相当恐怖的特技,即使没有生物宝物的加成,罗刹王dash后也能把主动撑到最高的一六,配合不受反击特技和高杀伤,几乎可以跟七级兵对砍.
三. 划:五*五 变换矩阵(I 或 J 视为同一字符): CIPHE RABDF GKLMN OQSTU VWXYZ 加密规则:按成对字母加密 相同对中的字母加分隔符(如 x) ballon -> ba lx lo on 同行取右边:he->ec 同列取下边:dm->mt 其他取交叉:kt->mq od->tr 例如:ballon -> ba lx lo on -> db sp gs ug [摩斯电码] 摩斯电码(摩尔斯电码)是一种
四. dash:the dietary approaches to stop hypertension; 以食物手段阻止高血压
五. dash:directory architecture for shared memory; 共享存储器的目录体系结构
六. dash:digital audio stationary head; 数字音频静止磁头
七. dash:disabilities of the arm shoulder and hand; 手功能障碍
Day and night the waves dash against the rocks.
Waves dashed against the ship.
dash sb/sth against sthHe dashed the chair against the door.
The force of the blast dashed him against the wall of the cave.
The waves dashed the boat against the rocks.
I'm sorry,I must dash away now,I'm already late for the concert.
dash sth ⇔ awayShe turned round, and dashed away the tears with a corner of her handkerchief.
一. cut a dash : 大出风头;
二. dash off : 匆忙完成;
三. at a dash : 一鼓作气地;
四. dash out : 冲出, 删去;
She takes upon her bravely at first dash.
出自:一 Henry VI,ShakespeareA brave vessel..Dash'd all to pieces!
出自:Tempest,ShakespeareRefinement was a frail construction continually dashed by waves of a raw..humanity.
出自:S. Hazzard词语用法