The other was fuelled by normal diesel.(而另一架是采用普通的柴油发动机。)
Non conflagate and less insitation, it is an ideal substitute for gasoline and diesel oil using for cleaning.(它不挥发且低刺激,是汽油和柴油理想的清洁替代品。)
I ran downstairs ahead of him to throw my backpack in his old white diesel Mercedes, and there it was: a big, glittery rainbow flag sticker.(我跑下楼越过他,把我的背包扔进他老旧的白色柴油梅赛德斯里,然后我看见:一个巨大、闪闪发光的彩旗贴纸。)
The new ship will be powered by two gas turbines and four diesel engines.(那艘新轮船将由二台燃气涡轮机和四台柴油机驱动。)
Ethanol is corrosive and has less energy per litre than petrol and diesel.(乙醇具有腐蚀性,每升的能源比汽油和柴油少。)
They operate diesel engines in this room.(他们在这个房间里操作柴油发电机。)
These are the diesel engines.(这些都是柴油机。)
Or a conductor on a diesel train?(一名柴油列车列车长又该如何是好?)
In designing a diesel engine, a technologist might impress individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and fitness.(在设计柴油发动机时,技术专家可能会通过持续使用正确和合适的直觉来给机器留下非语言思维方式的印象。)
She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.(她把柴油代替汽油灌入油箱,造成发动机失灵。)