
  • 详情解释17B中文字网

  • 双解释义17B中文字网

  • 英英释义17B中文字网

  • 词典解释17B中文字网

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  • 缺乏,不足,缺少,短缺,欠缺
  • 缺陷,缺点,不足之处
  • 不足的数额,不足额
  • 亏空,亏损,赤字
  • 缺乏症状
  • [U][C]缺乏,不足,短缺 the quality of being deficient; lack


一. lack of an adequate quantity or number17B中文字网

e.g. the inadequacy of unemployment benefits17B中文字网

Synonym: insufficiencyinadequacy17B中文字网

二. the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable17B中文字网

e.g. there is a serious lack of insight into the problem
water is the critical deficiency in desert regions
for want of a nail the shoe was lost17B中文字网

Synonym: lackwant17B中文字网

一. (尤指身体所需物质的)缺乏,缺少,不足
Deficiency in something, especially something that your body needs, is not having enough of it.17B中文字网


e.g. They did blood tests on him for signs of vitamin deficiency...
e.g. There are serious deficiencies in the numbers of suitable aircraft.

二. 缺点;缺陷;瑕疵
A deficiency that someone or something has is a weakness or imperfection in them.17B中文字网


e.g. ...a serious deficiency in our air defence.

一. 缺陷:港务监督根据国际公约对进港船舶进行港口国安全检查(PSC)时,发现缺陷(DEFICIENCY)责令限期纠正(TO BE RECTIFIED)的,常常需要在当地安排修理和修理后检验.17B中文字网

二. 缺乏:其实身边也不缺乏(deficiency)对自己好的男人! 可我总是会不满足! 也许是贪心吧! 谁不是有了好的还想有更好的呢? 我也觉得自己那是不知足! 人们常说:知足者常乐! 可我并不是真的快乐(pleasure)(pleasure)!我想别人也是一样吧!17B中文字网

三. 缺失:二六缺失(deficiency)导致染色体末端无着丝粒染色体区段、染色单体区段,或亚染色单体区段的丢失,以及这一染色体区段所含有的遗传信息的丢失,所产生的一种染色体结构变异.17B中文字网

  • 常用例句17B中文字网

  • 词汇搭配17B中文字网

  • 经典引文17B中文字网

  • The deficiencies in the system soon became obvious.
  • Cosmetics do not always cover up the deficiencies of nature.
  • During the war children suffered from a deficiency of food.
用作名词 (n.)
  • cover up the deficiency掩饰缺点
  • fill up a deficiency弥补不足
  • hearing deficiency听觉缺陷
  • vitamin deficiency缺乏维生素
  • deficiency in vitamins缺乏维生素
  • deficiency of 五零 pounds 五零英镑的亏空
  • Where art has to supply the deficiencies of nature.17B中文字网

    出自:J. H. Newman
  • Mrs Poulter was very short of gin and had to make up the deficiency with water.17B中文字网

    出自:H. Cecil
  • In children vitamin C deficiency may delay bone growth.17B中文字网

    出自:P. Parish
  • 词源解说17B中文字网

  • ☆ 一六三零年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的deficiens,意为没有做好。
  • 近义词17B中文字网

  • 反义词17B中文字网

  • 临近词17B中文字网

  • lack
  • abundance
  • Deficiency of QI
  • defiant
  • deficiency bills
  • deficiency fire
  • deficiency odor
  • deficient
  • deficiency sum
  • deficiency need
  • deficiency loop
  • deficiency judg
  • deficiency rate
  • deficiency love
Note the cheilosis at the corners of the mouth from riboflavin deficiency as a result of the malabsorbtion.(可见核黄素缺乏其嘴角出现唇干裂,此为对核黄素吸收障碍所致。)
This deficiency can be dealt with using the Velocity Verlet algorithm.(这个缺陷可以用维尔莱速度算法处理。)
So there's a deficiency here.(因此,此处出现了一个缺陷。)
There are thirteen or more of them, and if any is missing, a deficiency disease becomes apparant.(我们身体中拥有有十三种或更多维他命,如果任何一种消失,缺乏症会很明显。)
The deficiency of zinc may lead to hypogonadal dwarfs.(缺锌可能会导致性腺机能减退型侏儒。)
This lack of guidance is a major deficiency.(这种指南的缺乏是一个主要的不足之处。)
Nutrient deficiency is not easy to cure.(营养的缺乏并不容易治愈。)
Chlorophyll, although exquisitely evolved to capture the energy of sunlight, can sometimes be overwhelmed by it, especially in situations of drought, low temperatures, or nutrient deficiency.(叶绿素虽然已经进化得极为精巧,能捕捉阳光中的能量,但有时也会应接不暇,特别是在干旱、低温或缺乏营养的情况下。)
Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins.(眼球晶状体的混浊可由缺乏某些维生素引起。)
They did blood tests on him for signs of vitamin deficiency.(他们给他做了血检看是否有缺乏维生素的迹象。)