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一. instructive (especially excessively)DHJ中文字网

Synonym: didacticalDHJ中文字网

一. 教导的;教诲的;(尤指)道德说教的
Something that is didactic is intended to teach people something, especially a moral lesson.DHJ中文字网

e.g. In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes.

二. 好灌输的;好说教的
Someone who is didactic tells people things rather than letting them find things out or discussing things.DHJ中文字网

e.g. He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process.

一. 教诲的:最后,这些正典具有教诲的(didactic)功能,它们让以色列人明白:历史上发生了什么事,神的应许何以尚未应验,以及为什么君主政体是必要的. 但人参孙的故事描述一个边境的男人只身对抗非利士人(士十三一-十六三一). 但是一连串的胜利却没有带来成功,DHJ中文字网

二. 教导的:dictionary of occupationaltitles 职业分类典 | didactic 教导的 | didactic analysis 教育分析DHJ中文字网

三. 教训的,教导的,说教的:detrimental不利的,有害的 | didactic教训的,教导的,说教的 | dilapidated塌坏的DHJ中文字网

四. 教诲的,启发人的:Curmudgeonly 脾气坏的人~ly小气的 | Didactic 教诲的,启发人的 | Ledge 壁架,岩架DHJ中文字网

  • 经典引文DHJ中文字网

  • The dullest of all possible didactic and moral poetry.DHJ中文字网

    出自:T. F. Dibdin
  • Letting Harry London get to the point in his own didactic way.DHJ中文字网

    出自:A. Hailey
  • 近义词DHJ中文字网

  • 临近词DHJ中文字网

  • moralizing说教
  • educational教育的
  • improving改良
  • moral道德的
  • moralistic狭隘道德观的...
  • edifying有益的
  • teaching教学
  • informative提供消息的
  • instructive教育性的
  • didactical教学的
  • didacticalally
  • did
  • didactically
  • didactical
  • diddle
  • didactic works
  • didactical goal
  • didacticalism
  • didactics
  • didactical game
  • didacticism
  • didactic code
This obligation included both entertainment and instruction, which are not, says Baym, at odds with one another in these books, nor is entertainment the sweet coating on a didactic pill.(贝姆说,这种义务既包括娱乐也包括指导,在这些书中两者并不矛盾,娱乐也不是披在说教药丸上的甜蜜外衣。)
Gough said the School's series was "an opportunity to turn self-help on its head, " promising: "They won't be didactic, prescriptive books.(高芙说生活学校这次要出版的系列是“一个颠覆‘自助’形象的机会”,她保证:“它们不会是说教的、规定性的书籍。)
My art is not didactic as I prefer to leave the experience of my works open to interpretation by the viewer.(我的作品并不是迂腐的学究,我倾向于在作品中注入自己的经历而让观众自己去体会。)
According to their contents, the psalms may be grouped as follows: (一) hymns of praise, (二) elegies, and (三) didactic psalms.(根据他们的内容,诗篇可归纳如下:(一)赞美诗赞美,(二)哀歌,和(三)教学诗篇。)
Unlike the other artists in the exhibit, his work seems more personal, less didactic.(与其他的艺术家与众不同的是,他的作品表现的更个体,而平实。)
Their lack of form, represents the weakening of an older line of didactic communication.(他们在写作上没有形式,表明老一派说教性的表达方式已在走下坡路。)
Part one 'didactic' depicts the transformation of the existing building through diagram, plan and axonometric.(第一部分“直观呈现”,通过示意图、平面图和轴测图展示了原建筑的改变。)
He mentioned in his paper the didactic tendency in Chinese literature.(他在论文中提到了中国文学中的道德说教倾向。)
Teaching through inquiry is far more demanding for the teacher than the old-style didactic method.(探究式的教学比老式的说教对老师的要求高得多。)
And a teacher's style in Japan is didactic.(在日本,老师(ateacher'sstyle)是好说教的。)