But there are signs that the dynamics of debate are changing.(然而有迹象表明,辩论的格局正在发生改变。)
Look at the dynamics of geographically distributed development.(考虑地理分布开发的动态性。)
Yet the dynamics of Germany's relationships have changed.(但德国国际关系的态势已经发生了变化。)
In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems: inertia and momentum.(在物理学中,运动的物体有两个特征与理解能量系统动力学相关:惯性和动量。)
General Dynamics is prime contractor for the JTRS HMS program.(通用动力公司是JTRSHMS无线电的主承包商。)
Changes in the competitive dynamics of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to consolidate.(这个支离破碎的行业竞争动态的变化,终于使批发商整合成为可能。)
OK, so now we've laid the groundwork, let's look at the dynamics.(好,那么现在我们已经奠定好基础,让我们看看动力学。)
Pedodiversity also affects forest dynamics.(土壤多样性也会影响森林的生命力。)
Moreover, an examination of the apparent sequential connections among military, economic, and cultural forms of progress might help explain the dynamics of historical change.(此外,对军事、经济和文化发展形式之间明显的顺序联系的考察可能有助于解释历史变化的动力。)
What is needed is insight into the dynamics of the social system.(所需要的就是对社会制度反动力的洞悉。)