
  • 英英释义01e中文字网

  • 词典解释01e中文字网

  • 网络解释01e中文字网


一. a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)01e中文字网

Synonym: dependent01e中文字网



一. addicted to a drug01e中文字网

Synonym: dependentdrug-addictedhookedstrung-out01e中文字网

二. contingent on something else01e中文字网

Synonym: dependentqualified01e中文字网

一. (子女等)受抚养者
Your dependants are the people you support financially, such as your children.01e中文字网

e.g. The British Legion raises funds to help ex-service personnel and their dependants.

Take care not to confuse dependant and dependent.
注重不要混淆 dependant 和 dependent。

一. 侍从:dependably 可信任地 | dependant 侍从 | dependence 相关01e中文字网

二. dependant01e中文字网

二. 家属;遗属:departmentally controlled stores 部门自用物料 | dependant 家属;遗属 | dependant pension 受养人退休金;受养人抚恤金;遗属抚恤金01e中文字网

三. 依赖的:密封的sealed | 依赖的dependant | 依赖,依存dependence01e中文字网

  • 近义词01e中文字网

  • 临近词01e中文字网

  • hooked钩状的
  • qualified有资格的
  • dependent依靠的
  • strung-out排成一条线的...
  • drug-addicted吸毒成瘾的
  • satellite卫星;人造卫星...
  • Dependants Assistance Program
  • dependant pension
  • dependants'pension
  • dependant contract
  • dependable
  • dependant security
  • dependant child
  • dependence
  • dependant coefficient
This process also builds any dependant JAR files and packages them appropriately.(此流程还将相应地构建任何依赖性JAR文件和包。)
The first order of business, after the new plug-in wizard has done its magic, is to add the core FIT Eclipse plug-in as a dependant plug-in.(在完成了新插件向导后,第一步要进行的工作是添加核心FITEclipse插件作为依赖插件。)
Non-portable. They are services that, once your application is dependant upon, you are “locked in.”(它们是那种一旦应用依赖上,就“无法摆脱”的服务。)
With it shall come your release from being dependant on out dated methods of travel, medicine and food production.(随着它,你们将从依赖这些过时的旅游方式,药品和食品生产中解脱出来。)
As mentioned earlier, the cache is also context dependant.(如前所述,缓存也依赖于上下文。)
The soreceive function makes the protocol-dependant requests when either the MSG_OOB flag is set or when the data reception is complete.(当设置MSG_OOB标志时或数据接收完成后,soreceive函数进行与协议相关的请求。)
This will break scripts dependant on the private-public key pair.(这会破坏依赖于公私密钥对的脚本。)
The adoption of this technology is highly dependant on the roles and revenue models a business entity may decide to deploy.(这项技术的采用高度依赖于商业实体在其所在行业中的角色及其收入模式。)
So again you can use these broker attributes to provide environment-dependant configuration.(同样,您可以使用这些代理属性来提供与环境相关的配置。)
My woune son is still a dependant .(我的小儿子还是一个受抚养者。)