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一. turn away from by persuasionNhr中文字网

e.g. Negative campaigning will only dissuade peopleNhr中文字网

Synonym: deterNhr中文字网

一. 劝阻;劝(某人)不要做(或相信)
If you dissuade someone from doing or believing something, you persuade them not to do or believe it.Nhr中文字网


e.g. Doctors had tried to dissuade patients from smoking...
e.g. She steadfastly maintained that her grandsons were innocent, and nothing could dissuade her from that belief...

一. 劝阻,阻止:dissonance 不协调,不调和 | dissuade 劝阻,阻止 | distant 遥远,远离的Nhr中文字网

二. 劝阻,劝正:dogger reporters: 记者狗仔队 | dissuade: 劝阻,劝正 | accompanying: 陪着Nhr中文字网

三. 全职:Hobby 业余爱好 | Dissuade 全职 | Forlorn 孤立无助的 凄凉的Nhr中文字网

  • 经典引文Nhr中文字网

  • The more she dissuaded, the more he was determined to go.Nhr中文字网

    出自:V. Woolf
  • 近义词Nhr中文字网

  • 反义词Nhr中文字网

  • 临近词Nhr中文字网

  • out出
  • put off不安
  • deter阻止
  • discourage阻碍
  • talk交谈
  • of关于
  • talk out of说服(某人)放弃...
  • persuade说服
  • dissuade sb from doing
  • dissonance
  • distal
  • dissuade from an attempt
  • dissuade from
I tried to dissuade him, but it was too late.(我试图劝阻他,但为时已晚。)
Doctors had tried to dissuade patients from smoking.(医生曾试图说服病人不要抽烟。)
He wasn't saying that to dissuade me, he said. It was just a fact.(他对我说,他讲这些并不是为了劝阻我,那是现实。)
Sometimes women used the very fact they were female to dissuade the victim from "telling" ("who would believe you?").(有时候她们就是凭借自己是女性而说服受害者保持沉默(“谁会相信你呢?”))
Summits sometimes dissuade leaders from beggaring their neighbours, since the neighbours' complaints may have to be faced in person.(高层面对面的会谈通常会阻止(dissuadefrom)一些领导人使其邻邦陷入贫苦(注重:beggaring是“使陷入贫困”,而不是begging,乞求),因为他们必须亲自面对(inperson)自邻国的抱怨。)
The irrefutable truth was that nothing-neither butter nor Mr. Chen-would dissuade the jumpers from coming: So what was the point of being here at all?(有一件事无法否认,不管是桥上涂的黄油还是老陈,都无法阻止自杀者的到来:既是如此,待在这里到底又有什么意义?)
You'd better dissuade him from doing that.(你最好劝阻他别那样干。)
I tried to dissuade him from giving up his job.(我劝过他,让他不要放弃自己的工作。)
But that is still high enough to deter foreign investors and dissuade most of Iraq's 二m refugees and 三m internally displaced people from going home.(但是这已足够使外国投资者望而却步,使伊拉克的两百万难民和国内三百万流离失所的人的大部分不敢回到家园。)
You can't allow these naysayers to dissuade you, to stop your journey before it even begins.(你绝不能让这些唱反调的人阻止你,阻挡你迈向创业的旅程。)