She conjectured the existence of a completely new species.(她推测有一个全新物种存在。)
Atheists deny the existence of God.(无神论者否定上帝的存在。)
Public worries about accidents are threatening the very existence of the nuclear power industry.(公众对事故的担心正威胁着核电工业的生存。)
I lead a pretty mundane existence.(我过着相当平淡的生活。)
Of course, the colored world was not so much a neighborhood as a condition of existence.(当然,有色人种的世界与其说是一个社区,不如说是一种生存条件。)
From this information, he was able to confirm the existence of a pattern.(从这些信息中,他能够确认一种模式的存在。)
Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence for most of her childhood.(她父亲是军人,全家人在她童年的大部分时间过着一种流动的生活。)
They seek strong sensations to dull their sense of a meaningless existence.(他们追求强烈的刺激以减轻他们没有价值的存在感。)
No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period.(该时期的任何文献中都没有提及他们的存在。)
It is coeval with the origins of writing, and has occurred throughout our social existence.(它与书写的起源是同时代的,并且贯穿于我们的社会存在。)