
  • 详情解释MfP中文字网

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  • 词典解释MfP中文字网

  • 网络解释MfP中文字网

  • 微温的,温热的,温吞的,微热的
  • 不热情的,不太热烈的,不冷不热的,不热心的
  • 平常的,冷谈的
  • 微弱的
  • 半心半意的


一. feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasmMfP中文字网

e.g. a halfhearted effort
gave only lukewarm support to the candidateMfP中文字网

Synonym: halfheartedhalf-heartedlukewarmMfP中文字网

二. moderately warmMfP中文字网

e.g. he hates lukewarm coffee
tepid bath waterMfP中文字网

Synonym: lukewarmMfP中文字网

一. (水等液体)微温的,微热的
Water or another liquid that is tepid is slightly warm.MfP中文字网

e.g. She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.

二. (感情、反应等)冷淡的,不够热情的
If you describe something such as a feeling or reaction as tepid, you mean that it lacks enthusiasm.MfP中文字网

e.g. His nomination, while strongly backed by the President, has received tepid support in the Senate.

一. tepid的翻译MfP中文字网

一. 微温的:acting#代理的 | tepid#微温的 | obsequious#顺从的;逢迎的MfP中文字网

二. 温热的:tepefy 微热 | tepid 温热的 | tepidity 微热MfP中文字网

三. 微温:lukewarm 不够热 | tepid 微温 | tasteless 味道太淡MfP中文字网

四. MfP中文字网

四. 温的:四. rosated 烤 | 五. tepid 温的 | 六. cookbook 烹调书MfP中文字网

  • 经典引文MfP中文字网

  • The smart set..were tepid in their support.MfP中文字网

    出自:E. Waugh
  • 近义词MfP中文字网

  • 临近词MfP中文字网

  • lackadaisical无精打采的
  • half-hearted缺乏热情的
  • moderate适度的
  • apathetic缺乏感情的
  • halfhearted半心半意的
  • mild温和的
  • hot热的
  • warmish尚暖和的
  • lukewarm微温的
  • unenthusiastic不热心的
  • warm温暖的
  • indifferent漠不关心的
  • tepidness
  • tepid water
  • tepid bath
  • tenure
  • tepidone
  • tepid tea
  • tepidly
  • tequila
  • tepidaria
  • tepidarium
  • tepidity
  • tepid spring
The tragedy of "a frog in tepid water" will be more likely to happen in China.(所以温水煮蛙的悲剧很容易在中国上演。)
Regularly dip into water - try tepid showers - and carry damp flannels for babies and young children.(要经常泡在水里——可以尝试温水淋浴——并且为你的孩子们特别是婴儿准备湿的法兰绒。)
Why has the most devastating natural disaster in recent memory generated such a tepid response from the international community?(记忆里,这场洪水是最近发生的自然灾害中最具毁灭性的,那为什么国际社会的反应却如此不冷不热?)
Rapid productivity gains and tepid wage growth have meant relatively fat profits for the corporate sector.(工人生产率的提高和工资的滞涨意味着企业获得了更多利润。)
His support for free trade is tepid.(他对自由贸易的的支持是温热的。)
But the pace has nonetheless been tepid with unemployment flirting with 一零 percent, consumer confidence dim and lending standards restrictive.(但是失业者对这一措施仍然不怎么热情,仅有一零%的人偶尔想想,消费者信心暗淡,借款标准受限。)
When a rapid rise in the value of the yen battered Japan’s exports last month, Kan’s tepid response did nothing to stem the damage.(在日元的急剧升值和日本的出口矛盾重重的时候,菅直人不温不火的反应并无法阻止危害的产生。)
In other words, it's not for the pious, the blindly faithful or those seeking tepid consolation.(换言之,它不是给那些虔诚的、盲信的或者那些寻求温柔安慰的人看的。)
Washing the hair in tepid water is better for the follicles with the added bonus of saving money on your bills.(用温水洗头发对毛囊更好,还有个好处就是省水电费。)
Despite tepid performance in 二零一零 investors have remained enthusiastic about macro funds.(尽管宏观基金二零一零年的业绩差强人意,但投资者仍然趋之若鹜。)