
  • 详情解释PQ6中文字网

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  • 词典解释PQ6中文字网

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  • 启发,启迪,启蒙
  • 开导
  • 阐明
  • 使摆脱蒙昧,使明白,使领悟
  • 教育,教导,授与…知识
  • 使摆脱偏见
  • 照耀
  • 提示
  • 开明,开化
  • 使摆脱无知
  • 讲清(用意),告诉,通知
  • vt. 启发,开导 cause to understand; give more knowledge to; free from false beliefs


一. make free from confusion or ambiguity
make clearPQ6中文字网

e.g. Could you clarify these remarks?
Clear up the question of who is at faultPQ6中文字网

Synonym: clearclear upshed light oncrystallizecrystallisecrystalizecrystalisestraighten outsort outilluminateelucidatePQ6中文字网

二. give spiritual insight to
in religionPQ6中文字网

Synonym: irradiatePQ6中文字网

三. make understandPQ6中文字网

e.g. Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposalPQ6中文字网

Synonym: edifyPQ6中文字网

一. 启发;开导;教化
To enlighten someone means to give them more knowledge and greater understanding about something.PQ6中文字网


e.g. A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession...
e.g. If you know what is wrong with her, please enlighten me.

...an enlightening talk on the work done at the animal park...
It can be an enormously enlightening and exciting experience.

一. 启迪:老师:如果你被赋予了能够启迪(enlighten)人类群众和能够毁灭人类的权力的话,那会怎么样?你不会是地球上最有权力的人吗?学生:因为如果我不受限制了,我就是从那些会降低我的灵性(spiritual awareness)之事物中解放出来了. 老师:这种情况,PQ6中文字网

  • 常用短语PQ6中文字网

  • 常用例句PQ6中文字网

  • 词汇搭配PQ6中文字网

  • 经典引文PQ6中文字网

    使(某人)领悟〔明白〕(某事) cause to understand; free from false beliefs
    enlighten sb about〔on〕 sth

    Nobody seemed to be anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute.PQ6中文字网


    Would you enlighten me on your plans for the future?PQ6中文字网


  • Peter thought the world was flat until I enlightened him.
  • The object of his novel writing is to amuse and enlighten the general reader.
  • Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened.
用作动词 (v.)
  • enlighten a child〔reader, student〕开导小孩〔读者,学生〕
  • enlighten about〔on〕使(某人)领悟〔明白〕(某事)
  • Siddhartha became the enlightened one or Buddha.PQ6中文字网

    出自:G. Vidal
  • 词义讲解PQ6中文字网

enlighten, illuminate, illumine, illustrate, light, lighten
  • 这组词的共同意思是“照亮”。它们之间的区别是:illuminate指用光线照亮黑暗处,引申可指启发、阐明复杂或难懂的问题; illumine与illuminate同义,多为文学和诗歌用语; light多指照亮道路或某一处所; lighten也指使黑暗处明亮一些,常引申作诗歌用语; enlighten原指照耀,现只用于引申义指启发、开导或使人摆脱偏见、迷信等; illustrate指增加光泽,引申指美化或润色。
    • 近义词PQ6中文字网

    • 反义词PQ6中文字网

    • 临近词PQ6中文字网

    • instruct
    • bewilder
    • confuse
    • enlighten age
    • enlightening mode
    • enlightened
    • enlargement
    • enlightened gentry
    • enlightened views
    • enlighten warrior
    • enlightening
    • enlightenment
    • enlighten-type
    • enlightened a.
    • enlightenism
    Would you enlighten me on your plans for the future?(请给我解释一下你将来的计划好吗?)
    I thought perhaps you could enlighten it.(我想也许你能够让他搞明白。)
    It was an elite that believed its task was to enlighten the multitude.(精英人物都会认为自己的职责就是启迪群众。)
    Nonetheless, the emperor asked courteously, "What can you enlighten me on?"(不过,这位国王还是蛮客气地说:「你有什么指教?」)
    I wish to enlighten my people with knowledge in order to give them power.(我希望用我的知识去启蒙人们,以给他们力量。)
    Instead, she set up Enlighten our Future, a charity that reaches students in the countryside how to write poems.(相反,她成立了一个名为“启迪我们的未来”的慈善机构,教导农村的学生如何写诗。)
    She didn't enlighten him about her background.(她未向他讲明自己的出身背景。)
    But now, the parents have more time to comprehend and enlighten their child.(现在,父母们有更多的时间了解和教育自己的子女。)
    A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.(少数富有献身精神的医生为启蒙这一行业而奋斗多年。)
    Use this book to enlighten yourself, your loved ones, your world, and your future.(利用这本书来启发你自己,你的爱人,你的世界和你的将来。)