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  • 排出,排放
  • 喷出,喷射,射出
  • 赶出,驱逐,赶走,逐出
  • 输出
  • 排除
  • 把…除名,开除
  • 放逐
  • 驱逐出境
  • 剥夺…的权利
  • vt. 驱逐,赶走,放逐 send away by force; force to leave
  • vt. 把…除名,把…开除 dismiss officially from a school, club, etc.
  • vt. 排出 force out from the body or container


一. eliminate (a substance)3Vy中文字网

e.g. combustion products are exhausted in the engine
the plant releases a gas3Vy中文字网

Synonym: exhaustdischargeejectrelease3Vy中文字网

二. cause to flee3Vy中文字网

e.g. rout out the fighters from their caves3Vy中文字网

Synonym: routrout out3Vy中文字网

三. remove from a position or office3Vy中文字网

e.g. The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds3Vy中文字网

Synonym: oustthrow outdrum outboot outkick out3Vy中文字网

四. force to leave or move out3Vy中文字网

e.g. He was expelled from his native country3Vy中文字网

Synonym: throw outkick out3Vy中文字网

一. 开除;将…除名
If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly.3Vy中文字网

e.g. More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating.
e.g. ...a boy expelled from school for making death threats to his teacher.

二. 逐出;驱逐
If people are expelled from a place, they are made to leave it, often by force.3Vy中文字网

e.g. An American academic was expelled from the country yesterday...
e.g. They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees.

三. 排出;喷出
To expel something means to force it out from a container or from your body.3Vy中文字网

e.g. Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins...
e.g. As the lungs exhale this waste, gas is expelled into the atmosphere.

一. 驱逐:*[[一零月二五日]]--[[联合国大会二七五八号决议]]通过,承认[[中华人民共和国]]为[[中国]]代表,會員名稱仍為[[中华民国]],並將蔣介石代表驅逐(expel)出聯合國.3Vy中文字网

二. 排除;开除:exert 施加(压力) | expel 排除;开除 | explore 探究3Vy中文字网

三. 驱逐,逐出:expeditious 敏捷,迅速的 | expel 驱逐,逐出 | expend 花费,消耗3Vy中文字网

四. 开除,驱除:四一 house V. 为--提供住房 | 四二 expel 开除,驱除 | 四三 reimburse 报销,伏款 = refund3Vy中文字网

  • 常用例句3Vy中文字网

  • 经典引文3Vy中文字网

  • They expelled the enemy.
  • They expelled a foreign spy from their country.
  • He expelled smoke from his lungs.
  • The whale expelled water from his blowhole.
  • After the outbreak of fighting, all foreign journalists were expelled.
  • The body was expelled from school.
  • He was expelled from the club for breaking the rules.
  • In 一二九零 Edward I expelled the Jews.3Vy中文字网

    出自:E. Huxley
  • She drew, puffed, expelled long coils of smoke.3Vy中文字网

    出自:W. Golding
  • They were expelled on a flight leaving for Namibia later in the day.3Vy中文字网

    出自:Daily Telegraph
  • He strove..to expel even from his mind all that might be incriminating or unseemly.3Vy中文字网

    出自:P. Norman
  • 词义讲解3Vy中文字网

  • 词源解说3Vy中文字网

expel, banish, exile
  • 这组词的共同含义是“驱逐”“放逐”。其区别是:
  • 一.从行为主体上说:banish是法律;exile是政府;而expel则指一般机关或企事业单位。
  • 二.从地点上说:banish指驱逐出境;exile可指驱逐出境,也可指流放某地;expel既可指驱逐出境,也可指开除离校或开除离岗。
  • 三.从含义上说:exile不一定含有耻辱的意味;expel则往往含耻辱的意味;而banish则既可含也可不含耻辱的意味。
  • 四.exile一般不用于比喻;banish用于比喻可表示“排除”某种疑虑、惧怕 等,指不存在;expel用于比喻可表示“排出”某种物质如空气、污水等,指由内到外的位置变化。
    • ☆ 直接源自中古英语的expellen,意为驱逐,开除,赶出。
    • 近义词3Vy中文字网

    • 反义词3Vy中文字网

    • 临近词3Vy中文字网

    • eject
    • discharge
    • eliminate
    • hire
    • accept
    • admit
    • take in
    • expellable
    • expeditious
    • expel air
    • expellant gas
    • expellent
    • expellee
    • expeller
    • expellant bag
    • expend
    • expellant
    • expel from
    • expelling
    Fill the syringe with solution, attach the needle and expel air.(注射器吸满漱口液,接上针头,排出注射器内空气。)
    Yellow paper with magic incantations is regarded by superstitious people as a means to expel evil spirits.(写有符咒的黄色纸张被善男信女们当做趋吉避凶的精神支撑。)
    The pain, termed renal colic, was my body straining to expel it.(我感觉到的疼痛,学名叫做肾绞痛,就是我的身体竭力排除结石的反应。)
    As nozzles expel the pearly material, layer by layer, you imagine the elaborate designs this device could make on gingerbread cookies.(当喷嘴层层喷洒这些珍珠粉般的物质时,你大可以想象这台机器将如何在姜饼上面绘制精美的图案。)
    The heart muscles contract to expel the blood.(心脏肌肉收缩以挤压出血液。)
    They can expel insects, get rid of the humidity, help digestion and cure inner heat.(它的叶子可以用作药材。茱萸具有驱虫去湿,助消化去内热的功效。)
    Rockets expel the stuff at altitudes three times as high - in the stratosphere more than 四零 kilometres above sea level.(而火箭排出物三倍高于飞机---在海拔四零多千米的平流层。)
    Intermediate and wet-weather tyres have full tread patterns, necessary to expel standing water when racing in the wet.(中性胎和湿地胎上都有完整的胎面花纹,这些胎面花纹在湿地比赛时用来排水的。)
    I expel all outside forces in my works.(在我的作品中,我驱散了外部力量。)
    These cause the algal cells to expel the oil almost as soon as they have manufactured it.(这使得海藻细胞可以在制造出油料的同时便迅速排出。)