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  • 兰花
  • 淡紫色
  • 【植】兰科(Orchidaceae)植物
  • 称赞
  • 表扬
  • 淡紫色的



一. any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors8Qp中文字网

Synonym: orchidaceous plant8Qp中文字网

一. 兰科植物;兰花
Orchids are plants with brightly coloured, unusually shaped flowers.8Qp中文字网



一. orchid什么意思8Qp中文字网

一. 兰花:三一 - 兰花(Orchid)高雅清丽之芬芳,燃起大自然的风味,闻后彷佛置身天堂. 轻松的心情,舒适 的心灵,可帮助你澄清思绪,美容良方. 三二 - 紫罗兰 (Violet)高贵神秘的紫,令人炫丽,可安眠,放松颈部肌肉各种偏头痛可不药而愈,舒缓精神焦虑,8Qp中文字网

二. 兰:澳大利亚梅兰(ORCHID)国际有限公司是国际知名企业集团,总部设在澳大利亚美丽的海滨城市----布里斯班. 主要从事公共广播产品的开发、设计、制造、加工,并在弱8Qp中文字网

三. 幽兰:脾......幽兰(ORCHID)香调:清新花果香调头香:柠檬、金盏花、哈密瓜中香:黑醋栗、凤梨尾香:兰花、白雪松、琥珀、白...[摘要]热情、性感、欢悦热情(FEUVOR)香调:花木香调头香:黑色小葡萄、木兰花中香:粉特牡丹、琥珀、百合花尾香:麝香、黄金木 热情香水 发布单位:广州贝珠香香精香料...[摘要]高贵、优雅、魅力,8Qp中文字网

四. 淡紫色:orangered橙红色 | orchid淡紫色 | oysterwhite乳白色8Qp中文字网

  • 近义词8Qp中文字网

  • 临近词8Qp中文字网

  • purple紫色的
  • Orchidea
  • orchidic
  • orchid ham
  • Orchids
  • orchiditis
  • ORD
  • orchidist
  • orchid tea
  • Orchidales
  • orchestrate
  • orchidauxe
  • orchid-
I was told there were patches of wild orchids and to the eastern side of Dacao Tiankeng, there was a huge national wild orchid reserve.(我听说那里有一片片的野生兰花,在大槽天坑的东侧,有一个巨大的国家野生兰花保护区。)
He did indeed import flowers and sell them to other orchid-lovers.(他确实进口了一些兰花,然后卖给其他兰花爱好者。)
Alternatively, in line with the orchid concept, some children could be extra sensitive to bad and good parenting.(另外,与兰花概念相一致,一些孩子可能对坏的或好的养育额外敏感。)
European orchid having shorter racemes of strongly spiraling snow-white flowers.(欧洲兰花,花色雪白,总状花序较短、呈螺旋状。)
"If I see any kind of flower, I can do it in gelatin, " she says. "I took my orchid gelatinas to friends' parties, and they were wowed.(“如果我看见一种花,我就能把它制成胶冻,”她说,“我把我的兰花胶冻带到了朋友的聚会上,他们都啧啧称奇。)
A gust of wind swept through, then dancing orchid, like a butterfly, like stretching his body.(一阵风吹过,蝴蝶兰便翩翩起舞,像个花蝴蝶一样伸展着自己的身躯。)
"If I see any kind of flower, I can do it in gelatin," she says, "I took my orchid gelatin to friends' parties, and they were wowed."(“如果我看见任何一种花,我就可以用胶冻做,”她说,“我把我的兰花胶冻带到了朋友的聚会上,他们都赞不绝口。”)
This semester our class launched the "orchid-cleaning, I clean" activities.(这学期我们班开展了“兰花洁,我也洁”的活动。)
One orchid deposits its pollen on a particular bee's front legs. The other leaves pollen only on the bee's abdomen.(一种兰花把它的花粉放在一个蜜蜂的前腿上,另外一种兰花把花粉置于这个蜜蜂的腹部。)
The fleshy-flowered orchid (Cadetia kutubu) is one of eight new orchid species found in New Guinea's Kikori region.(肉质花兰(Cadetiakutubu)是在新几内亚的基科里地区发现的八个新兰花品种之一。)