
  • 详情解释LD1中文字网

  • 英英释义LD1中文字网

  • 词典解释LD1中文字网

  • 网络解释LD1中文字网

  • 最年长的,最老的,年龄最大的人,年事最高的
  • 排行中第一的(指人,尤指同一家庭里三个或三个以上成员)
  • 领头的
  • 最年长者



一. the offspring who came first in the order of birthLD1中文字网

Synonym: firstbornLD1中文字网


一. first in order of birthLD1中文字网

e.g. the firstborn childLD1中文字网

Synonym: firstbornLD1中文字网

一. 最年长的;年龄最大的
The eldest person in a group is the one who was born before all the others.LD1中文字网

e.g. The eldest child was a daughter called Fiona...
e.g. David was the eldest of three boys...

一. 最年长的:field 田地,方面 | eldest 最年长的 | elder 年长的LD1中文字网

二. eldest的翻译LD1中文字网

二. 家中排行:宗教信仰: buddhist | 家中排行: eldest | 口头禅: oh realli?LD1中文字网

三. 年长的:think of=考虑; | eldest=年长的; | daughter=女儿;LD1中文字网

四. 最年长:elders 尊长 | eldest 最年长 | eldestsecondthirdandyoungestofbrothersorderofseniorityamongbrothers 伯仲叔季LD1中文字网

  • 经典引文LD1中文字网

  • Carlyle was the eldest of nine children.LD1中文字网

    出自:R. Garnett
  • Mr. Leivers and Edgar, the eldest son, were in the kitchen.LD1中文字网

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  • 近义词LD1中文字网

  • 临近词LD1中文字网

  • oldest最老的
  • first-born头生
  • firstborn长子(或长女)...
  • first第一的
  • eldest son
  • eldest hand
  • Eleanor
  • eldest child
  • eldest daughter
  • eldest sister
  • eldest brother
  • elderly
If only he were the eldest.(如果他是长子该有多好啊。)
He is the eldest among the 三 brothers.(他是三兄弟中最年长的。)
The eldest said, "it is nothing but a nail in the wall."(大女儿说:“这只不过是墙上的一颗钉子。”)
I told him I was his second eldest grandson.(我告诉他我是他的第二个孙子。)
This was the time when my brother Jyotirindra decided to start the Bharati with our eldest brother as an editor, giving us fresh food for enthusiasm.(就在这个时候,我的哥哥乔迪楞德拉决定与我们的大哥一起创办《婆罗蒂》,大哥担任编辑,为我们的热情提供新鲜的食粮。)
Maybe he's expressing his rightful position as eldest child and role model.(也许他是在表达自己作为长子和榜样应有的地位。)
Warren's eldest son is an art student.(沃伦的长子是一名学艺术的学生。)
My eldest brother was then busy with his masterpiece "The Dream Journey".(我大哥当时正忙于他的杰作《梦之旅》。)
The eldest son is being groomed to take over when his father dies.(长子正在接受培养,以在父亲过世后接手父业。)
David was the eldest of three boys.(大卫是三个男孩中年龄最大的一个。)