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  • (大)圆
  • 赤道圈
  • (地球)赤道
  • 中纬线
  • 赤道似的圈
  • [S]赤道 imaginary line around the earth at an equal distance from the North and South poles


一. an imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south polesrZC中文字网

e.g. the equator is the boundary between the northern and southern hemispheresrZC中文字网

二. a circle dividing a sphere or other surface into two usually equal and symmetrical partsrZC中文字网

一. 赤道
The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth at an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole.rZC中文字网


一. 赤道:一)赤道(equator)永远出现正规半日潮(semidiurnaltide三)同时考虑月球和太阳对潮汐的效应,在朔望(syzygy)之时,长轴方向靠近,两潮叠加形成大潮(springtide上、下弦之时,两潮抵消形成小潮(neaptide).rZC中文字网

二. rZC中文字网

二. (地球)赤道:但是当你越洋过海从地球赤道(Equator)的老家吉隆坡去到在地球北回归线(topic of cancer)的香港,距离超过二五一六公里,若是你,是否也曾想过,你的神是否同样伴随著你呢?rZC中文字网

三. equatorrZC中文字网

三. 赤道线:这里还必须指出的是,地球的赤道线(equator)在一天(二四小时)之内向东旋转一周(三六零º),亦即每小时一五º,而赤道线每转一º的距离为六零海里(约一一一公里),也就是说,赤道上的任一点每小时都向东旋转一六六五公里(≈一五×一一一),rZC中文字网

四. rZC中文字网

四. 赤道,<<衣可以脱>>赤道衣可以脱了:million-一百万<> 一百万要埋一窝银 | equator-赤道,<>赤道衣可以脱了 | mansion-大楼 <>满城的大楼rZC中文字网

  • 常用例句rZC中文字网

  • 经典引文rZC中文字网

  • Singapore is near the equator.
  • It is very hot near the equator.
  • Possible landing sites along the moon's equator.rZC中文字网

    出自:New Yorker
  • 词源解说rZC中文字网

  • ☆ 一四世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的eaquare,意为均分。
  • 临近词rZC中文字网

  • equatorium
  • equestrian
  • equatorial air
  • equatorward
  • equator of egg
  • equator of eye
  • equator side
  • equatorial
  • equatorial low
  • equatorial day
  • equation
  • equatorial net
For those living near the equator in particular, its waxing and waning was more conspicuous than the passing of the seasons.(尤其对于那些生活在赤道四周的人来说,它的盈亏比季节的变化更为明显。)
Only during the short lag between onset of global temperature change and sea level response can warm-adapted species migrate from the equator toward higher latitudes.(只有在全球气温变化开始和海平面反应之间的短暂滞后期间,适应气候变化的物种才能从赤道向高纬度地区迁移。)
During cooling most migrants would be expected to travel toward Africa, which is near the equator, since this is the direction dictated by habitat changes on a cooling Earth.(在气候变冷期间,大多数迁徙者预计将前往靠近赤道的非洲,因为在气候变冷的地球上,这是栖息地变化所决定的方向。)
That's about how high an object would have to be orbiting straight up from the equator to constantly remain directly above the exact same spot on the rotating planet Earth.(这大约是一个物体从赤道沿轨道垂直向上运行的高度,这样它就可以一直保持在地球同一地点的正上方。)
In the Southern hemisphere winter has begun, and it is summer north of the equator.(在南半球,冬天已经开始,赤道以北是夏天。)
Undaunted, he remained south of the equator, keeping himself busy by studying the islands of Mauritius and Madagascar before setting off to observe the next transit in the Philippines.(他毫不气馁,继续留在赤道以南,在动身前往菲律宾观察下一个过境点之前,他一直忙于研究毛里求斯和马达加斯加群岛。)
Our planet Earth is comparatively small, with only about 二四,九零二miles around the equator.(我们的地球相对来说比较小,绕赤道一周只有二四九零二英里。)
At these times of the year, the sun appears to be directly over Earth's equator.(每年的这个时候,太阳出现在地球赤道的正上方。)
All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, around its equator.(所有行星基本在同一个平面上围绕太阳赤道运转。)
Clear Waters Make Hurricanes Hug equator.(清澈的海水使飓风拥抱赤道。)