
  • 详情解释eF5中文字网

  • 双解释义eF5中文字网

  • 英英释义eF5中文字网

  • 词典解释eF5中文字网

  • 网络解释eF5中文字网

  • 难以置信的
  • 极好的,绝妙的
  • 传说的;寓言般的;神话式的
  • 惊人的,无比的,非常的
  • 巨大的,很大的
  • 荒唐无稽的
  • 编写寓言的
  • 想象的,无根据的
  • [A]寓言般的,难以置信的 appearing in fables; legendary
  • 巨大的 incredibly great
  • 极为美好的 wonderful; marvellous


一. barely credibleeF5中文字网

e.g. the fabulous endurance of a marathon runnereF5中文字网

二. extremely pleasingeF5中文字网

e.g. a fabulous vacationeF5中文字网

Synonym: fabeF5中文字网

三. based on or told of in traditional stories
lacking factual basis or historical validityeF5中文字网

e.g. mythical centaurs
the fabulous unicorneF5中文字网

Synonym: mythicmythicalmythologicmythologicaleF5中文字网

一. 极好的;绝妙的
If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good.eF5中文字网

e.g. This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun...
e.g. The scenery and weather were fabulous.

二. (成功)极大的;(美貌)惊人的
If you talk about someone's fabulous beauty, for example, or their fabulous success, you are emphasizing that they are extremely beautiful or extremely successful.eF5中文字网

e.g. Despite his fabulous wealth, he is very much a man of the people.

...their fabulously rich parents.

一. 荒诞无稽的,不存在的:二. delusion 欺骗 | 三. fabulous 荒诞无稽的,不存在的 | 四. exhilarating 令人高兴的eF5中文字网

二. 太精采了:Thanks. 谢谢. | Fabulous! 太精采了 | Thanks. 谢谢.eF5中文字网

三. 真是令人难以种 信:Oh, Grandpa! How exciting! 啊 爷爷 真亮瞬 起. | Fabulous! 真是令人难以种 信. | Why, I didn't know that your grandfather was born in Germany. 你看 我竟然膊 知道您的爷爷出生在德国.eF5中文字网

  • 常用例句eF5中文字网

  • 经典引文eF5中文字网

  • One cannot always be a fabulous hero, but can always be a man.
  • This is a fabulous sum of money.
  • We had a fabulous time at the party.
  • Trueman puffed at a cigarette and said he felt fabulous.eF5中文字网

    出自:Alan Ross
  • 近义词eF5中文字网

  • 反义词eF5中文字网

  • 临近词eF5中文字网

  • wonderful
  • amazing
  • real
  • small
  • fabulously wealthy/rich
  • fabricate
  • faBulous creatures
  • FAC
  • fabulousness
  • fabulously
  • faBulous heroes
  • fabulous idea
  • fabulously rich
  • fabulous age
  • faBulous wealth
  • Fabulous Complimentary Offers
The capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount.(投入的资金数量惊人。)
Mike: Rita, these tapes are fabulous.(迈克:丽塔,这些带子太棒了。)
It was fabulous to read these people as they debated what will happen to Russia, the kind of westerners and those in between.(西方两派间关于俄国走向的辩论,读起来实在是一件快事。)
I wish you all a fabulous New Year.(祝愿你拥有一个美好的新年。)
Jane's a fabulous cook.(简的烹饪技巧堪称一绝。)
Ordinarily it would be fun to be taken to fabulous restaurants.(被人带到豪华饭店去通常会很开心。)
It's decadent. And it's fabulous.(它很颓废,并且令人难以置信。)
I think it's a fabulous question, and imagine she's not the only one struggling with this issue.(我认为这是一个极好的问题,并且推断她不是唯一一个为此问题而烦恼的人。)
It has a fabulous double roof of yellow tiles.(它有美妙的琉璃双层屋顶。)
Her fabulous recipes will delight anyone who loves chocolate.(她那些绝妙的配方将使每一个爱吃巧克力的人感到愉悦。)