
  • 详情解释mSW中文字网

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  • 词典解释mSW中文字网

  • 网络解释mSW中文字网

  • 半径(范围、距离、长度)
  • 周围
  • 范围
  • 辐射状部分,辐射物,辐条,辐
  • 【解】桡骨
  • 【动】径骨
  • 【昆】径脉
  • 【物】辐射线
  • 【无线电】径向射线
  • 【纺】杼
  • 【植】射出花
  • 雷迪厄斯,拉迪乌斯,拉迪于斯(音译名)
  • =Remote authentication Dial In User Service,远程认证拨号用户服务
  • 把...修圆磨光
  • [C]半径(距离) (length of a) straight line from the centre of a circle or sphere to any point on its circumference or surface
  • [C]用半径度量的圆形面积;半径范围 circular area measured by its radius


一. support consisting of a radial member of a wheel joining the hub to the rimmSW中文字网

Synonym: spokewheel spokemSW中文字网

二. the length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or spheremSW中文字网

Synonym: rmSW中文字网

三. the outer and slightly shorter of the two bones of the human forearmmSW中文字网

四. a circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radiusmSW中文字网

e.g. they located it within a radius of 二 milesmSW中文字网

五. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle (or from the center to the surface of a sphere)mSW中文字网

一. 半径范围;半径距离
The radius around a particular point is the distance from it in any direction.mSW中文字网


e.g. Nigel has searched for work in a ten-mile radius around his home.

二. 半径
The radius of a circle is the distance from its centre to its outside edge.mSW中文字网


e.g. He indicated a semicircle with a radius of about thirty miles.

一. radiusmSW中文字网

一. 桡骨:(一) 骨膜(periosteum)由致密结缔组织构成的薄膜,(四)桡骨(radius)前臂中靠近拇指一侧的长骨,与尺骨mSW中文字网

二. radius的反义词mSW中文字网

二. 远端验证拨入用户服务:远端验证拨入用户服务(RADIUS)基于标准,基于策略功能的安全服务. Cisco推出的企业级虚拟专用网(EVPN)全面解决方案,在可扩展的平台、安全性、服务、应用和管理五大VPN实施要素方面具有基于标准的开放式体系结构、可扩充的和端到端的网络互联能力.mSW中文字网

三. 范围:对于这样一条由计算机产生的线条,将由三个因素决定,即深度(Amount)、范围(Radius)和临界值(Threshold). 有的扫描软件,将锐度分为稍微、中等、强调等几个等级. 一般情况下,反转片可以选择稍高的锐度,照片可以选择中等锐度,mSW中文字网

四. radius:rad.; 半径mSW中文字网

五. radius:remote authentication dial in user service; radius协议mSW中文字网

六. radius:remote authentication dial – in user service; 拨入用户远程认证服务,远程确认拨入用户服务协议mSW中文字网

七. radius:remote access dial in user system; 验证调制解调器和mSW中文字网

八. radius:remote authentication dail in user service; 拨号用户远程认证服务mSW中文字网

  • 常用例句mSW中文字网

  • 词汇搭配mSW中文字网

  • 经典引文mSW中文字网

  • We are measuring the radius of the circle.
  • He has visited every shop within a radius of two miles.
用作名词 (n.)
  • radius of action活动半径;有效破坏半径
  • the radius of curvature曲率半径
  • The roads are to be watched within a radius of twenty miles.mSW中文字网

    出自:H. Green
  • The wreckage was scattered over a radius of a mile.mSW中文字网

  • 近义词mSW中文字网

  • 临近词mSW中文字网

  • range范围
  • ambit(权势等的)范围...
  • area面积
  • breadth宽度
  • r字母r
  • line线
  • extent 广度
  • circle圆圈
  • remit汇出
  • sweep打扫
  • reach到达
  • area of influence影响区域,影响面积...
  • wheel spoke轮辐
  • scope机会
  • spoke轮辐
  • distance距离
  • length长度
  • bounds界限
  • umbrella伞
  • radiused
  • radix
  • radiusing
  • radius bar
  • Radiusi
  • radiuscope
  • radium
  • radius arm
  • radius rod
  • radius tap
  • radius die
  • radius tip
In their model, the radius is the distance from the center of the animal to its skin.(在他们的模型中,半径是动物中心到其皮肤的距离。)
You see the radius is high and then it falls.(你看到半径是高的,然后下降。)
They deliver to within a 五-mile radius of the store.(他们在距离商场五英里的范围内送货上门。)
Another radius medicine for circumscribed sunflower pressure is fatless physical exercise.(另一种治疗外切向日葵压力的半径疗法是无脂体育运动。)
For a cylinder, it's, a divided by the radius of a cylinder.(对于圆柱体,法向量是,除以圆柱体的半径。)
So the radius will just be this distance here.(所以半径就是这里的距离。)
The mechanism of this instability is based on the cycle of acoustic waves between their corotation radius and the shock.(这种不稳定性的机制是基于声波在其同心圆半径和冲击之间的循环。)
Port number of the RADIUS server(RADIUS服务器的端口号)
Nick has searched for work in a ten-mile radius around his home.(尼克已经在以家为中心一零英里的范围内寻找工作。)
To translate this formula into an expression, you would use variables to record the radius and circumference.(要将这个公式转换为一个表达式,你需要使用变量来记录半径及周长。)