
  • 英英释义ZdB中文字网

  • 词典解释ZdB中文字网

  • 网络解释ZdB中文字网


一. the act of searching for food and provisionsZdB中文字网

Synonym: foragingZdB中文字网

二. bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattleZdB中文字网

Synonym: eatagepasturepasturagegrassZdB中文字网


一. wander and feedZdB中文字网

e.g. The animals forage in the woodsZdB中文字网

二. collect or look around for (food)ZdB中文字网

Synonym: scroungeZdB中文字网

一. 搜查;搜寻
If someone forages for something, they search for it in a busy way.ZdB中文字网

e.g. They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel.

二. (动物)觅食
When animals forage, they search for food.ZdB中文字网

e.g. We disturbed a wild boar that had been foraging by the roadside...
e.g. The cat forages for food.

三. 饲料;草料
Forage is crops that are grown as food for cattle and horses.ZdB中文字网

e.g. ...the amount of forage needed to feed one cow and its calf.

一. forage的解释ZdB中文字网

一. 牧草:英国谷物网络组织(CropNet)建有玉米、大麦、高粱、菜豆农作物以及苜蓿(Alfalfa)、牧草(Forage)、玫瑰等基因组数据库. 除了模式生物基因组数据库外,基因组信息资源还包括染色体、基因突变、遗传疾病、分类学、比较基因组、基因调控和表达、放射杂交、基因图谱等各种数据库.ZdB中文字网

二. 喂草料 feed 喂食:一四七 flatter 奉承 compliment 赞美 | 一四八 forage 喂草料 feed 喂食 | 一四九 forward-looking 有远见的 progressive 进步的ZdB中文字网

三. 草料:forage for 搜查 | forage 草料 | forager 抢劫者ZdB中文字网

四. forage的意思ZdB中文字网

四. 饲料:for 为了 | forage 饲料 | forbear 容忍ZdB中文字网

  • 经典引文ZdB中文字网

  • Flowers producing forage for the honeybee.ZdB中文字网

    出自:T. Hooper
  • Noble and Peasant had been pillaged, ransomed, foraged, eaten-out by so many different Armies.ZdB中文字网

  • 近义词ZdB中文字网

  • 临近词ZdB中文字网

  • look for寻找
  • foraging觅食
  • explore探测
  • seek寻求
  • animal food动物性食品
  • silage青贮饲料
  • scavenge到处觅食
  • quest探索
  • sortie出击
  • pasturage畜牧
  • scrounge四处搜寻
  • grass草
  • pasture牧场
  • provision食品
  • foray突袭
  • animal动物
  • rummage到处翻寻
  • feed喂养
  • grain谷物
  • exploration探险
  • food食物
  • eatage青草
  • ransack彻底搜索
  • fodder饲料
  • hunt狩猎
  • look看
  • search搜寻
  • forage for
  • forage fish
  • Forage oat
  • forage cap
  • forage tank
  • forage box
  • foray
  • for
  • forage feed
  • forager
  • forage rye
  • Forage type
Why these skills evolved is not hard to imagine, since it would help almost any animal forage for food, says Gallistel.(格里·斯泰尔说,可以想见,动物们之所以在进化过程中需要识数技能,是因为识数能力可以帮助绝大多数的动物更有效地获得食物。)
You’d have to forage for your favoriteextensions all over again and gather all the websites you had painstakinglybookmarked.(答案通常都是肯定的。你不得不重新搜寻你的最喜欢的扩展程序和你曾经添加到书签栏的所有网址。)
Antarctica has no hospitals, no food to forage and if you get lost, not a lot of hope.(南极洲可没有医院,也没有吃的,要是你走丢了,那就什么都别想了。)
When they do forage for food and for shelter materials, they have to leave their homes and go up on land where their main predators are.(当它们寻找食物和遮蔽物的时候,它们不得不离开家,到主要捕食者所在的陆地上去。)
The few aid organisations in-country report a big rise in people taking to the hills to forage for wild foods.(一些国内的援助组织汇报说,越来越多的人们到山里寻找可食用的野生物品果腹。)
Their forage and water supplies have diminished, but the cattle must still be fed.(尽管他们的草料和供水减少了,但他们还是要喂养牛群。)
They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel.(他们被迫匆忙搜寻衣物和燃料。)
Cows and sheep depends forage to feed.(牛和羊依靠草料喂养。)
He can't even walk, let alone forage for food or sleep beyond 六am.(他甚至不会走路,更别说自己觅食,和撑到下午六点以后睡觉了。)
Such forage fish already account for nearly a fifth of the world’s total annual catch; another fifth goes to feed pigs and poultry.(这样的饲料鱼已经差不多占每年世界总捕鱼量的五分之一;另有五分之一被用于喂猪和家禽。)