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  • 隔离的,绝缘的,分开的
  • 隔离,分开
  • 【物、计】(使)绝缘,与...绝缘
  • 使脱离,使孤立
  • 使绝热,使隔热
  • 使成岛
  • 使隔音,使隔声
  • 使免除(不愉快的经历), 使免受(不良影响)
  • 使隔离,使隔绝
  • 使分开,使分离
  • vt. 隔离,使绝缘 protect sb or sth from the unpleasant effects of sth



一. place or set apartPt4中文字网

e.g. They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmatesPt4中文字网

Synonym: isolatePt4中文字网

二. protect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with insulating materialPt4中文字网

e.g. We had his bedroom insulated before winter camePt4中文字网

一. 将…隔离(以免受外界影响)
If a person or group is insulated from the rest of society or from outside influences, they are protected from them.Pt4中文字网

e.g. They wonder if their community is no longer insulated from big city problems...
e.g. Their wealth had insulated them from reality.

They lived in happy insulation from brutal facts.

二. 使隔热;使隔音
To insulate something such as a building means to protect it from cold or noise by covering it or surrounding it in a thick layer.Pt4中文字网

e.g. It will take almost 二五 years to insulate the homes of the six million households that require this assistance...
要为 六零零 万户有此需求的家庭进行住宅隔热隔音处理得花将近 二五 年的时间。
e.g. Is there any way we can insulate our home from the noise?...

三. 使绝缘
If a piece of equipment is insulated, it is covered with rubber or plastic to prevent electricity passing through it and giving the person using it an electric shock.Pt4中文字网

e.g. In order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated.
e.g. ...electrical insulating tape.

一. Pt4中文字网

一. 绝缘:离开只能放弃(abdicate)线路圆的才循环(circulate),只有可靠才计算(calculate),表达清楚有艺术(articulate),投机特别靠推测(speculate)张贴海报要推测(postulate),里面有蛇才绝缘(insulate),哥哥老鼠来祝贺(gratulate),Pt4中文字网

二. Pt4中文字网

二. 隔离:insular 岛的岛状的岛民的岛国的 | insulate 隔离 | insulate 使绝缘使隔热Pt4中文字网

三. 绝缘、绝热、隔离:Instrument panel 仪表盘 jJ八六Ch | Insulate 绝缘、绝热、隔离 Kxb_九y零`r | Insulator 绝缘子 ?fcQd六-}Pt4中文字网

四. 使绝缘、隔离:insufficient 不足的、不够的 | insulate 使绝缘、隔离 | intake (水管、煤气管的)进口、出口Pt4中文字网

  • 常用短语Pt4中文字网

  • 常用例句Pt4中文字网

  • 词汇搭配Pt4中文字网

  • 经典引文Pt4中文字网

    防止…,与…隔绝 separate from sth
    insulate sb/oneself/sth against sth

    Index-linked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases.Pt4中文字网


    They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation.Pt4中文字网


    This room is insulated against noise.Pt4中文字网


  • Asbestos can be used to insulate a cooking stove.
  • Rubber is used to insulate electric wires.
  • The function of a mammal's fur is to insulate the body.
用作动词 (v.)
  • insulate the body使身体保温暖
  • insulate a cooking stove使炉灶绝热
  • insulate electric wires使电线绝缘
  • insulate against与…绝缘
  • insulate for使…与…绝缘
  • Ere Britain had been insulated from the continent.Pt4中文字网

    出自:D. Wilson
  • 词语用法Pt4中文字网

  • 词义讲解Pt4中文字网

  • insulate的基本含义是“使隔离,使绝缘”,指通过特定的隔离物使某人或某物与外界或某种特别 物质相隔离,使他们无法接触,从而达到某种目的。
  • insulate通常用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。
insulate, isolate
  • 这组词的共同含义是“隔离”。其区别是:
  • insulate是用某种物质将两个物体隔开,使其不接触,但这种“隔离”不会产生很大的距离; 而isolate则是将两物分离开来,使之相隔遥远。
    • 近义词Pt4中文字网

    • 临近词Pt4中文字网

    • line线
    • sequester 使 ... 隔绝
    • cloister修道院
    • wad填料
    • fill装满
    • shield盾
    • isolate使孤立
    • separate分开的
    • segregate分离
    • cut off切断
    • pad便签纸
    • lag落后
    • protect保护
    • insulated toll
    • insulated gate
    • insulation
    • insulate from
    • insulated rod
    • insulated van
    • insulated oil
    • insular
    • insulated eye
    • insulated car
    • insulate v.
    • insulated
    Will having a degree insulate you from getting laid off?(是否有了学位就能让你高枕无忧,远离裁员呢?)
    Fee increases may even insulate some schools from the downturn, by making them the preserve of the super-rich.(费用的增加甚至能让一些学校不受经济衰退的影响,将其变为超级富豪们的保留学校。)
    A data integration platform has to insulate services implementation from the underlying data sources.(一个数据集成平台需要将服务实现与底层数据源分隔开。)
    Insulate your hot water tank, your loft and your walls.(使你的热水箱,阁楼和墙壁隔热。)
    Aluminum fiber paints insulate the car but allow for GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth signals to pass through unimpeded.(铝纤维涂层增加了车身的隔热能力,同时也保证不干扰GPS,WiFi以及蓝牙信号的通过。)
    The garments can absorb water, insulate the body and dry in minutes.(太空服能吸水、隔热,而且几分钟内就能干透。)
    "It's important for parents to insulate their kids from the severity of it until it becomes definite," Alessi said.(对父母来说,在残酷的事实来临之前,避免孩子与其接触非常重要。)
    Is there any way we can insulate our home from the noise?(有什么办法能使我们家隔音吗?)
    Rails will not insulate you from basic database performance issues.(Rails不会让您摆脱基本的数据库性能问题。)
    "Sitting on a nest like that only made sense if it had feathers" to gently insulate its young, says Sues.(“像这样的端坐在巢中,它身上肯定长有能为幼兽保温的羽毛,只有这样才说得通,”苏伊士说。)