
  • 双解释义M4i中文字网

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  • vt. & vi. (笨拙地)摸索或处理(某事物) touch or handle (sth) awkwardly or nervously
  • vi. 乱摸,笨拙地弄 struggle with sth,handle in an awkward fashion



一. (sports) dropping the ballM4i中文字网

Synonym: muffM4i中文字网


一. drop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounderM4i中文字网

e.g. fumble a grounderM4i中文字网

二. handle clumsilyM4i中文字网

三. feel about uncertainly or blindlyM4i中文字网

e.g. She groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroomM4i中文字网

Synonym: gropeM4i中文字网

四. make one's way clumsily or blindlyM4i中文字网

e.g. He fumbled towards the doorM4i中文字网

Synonym: blunderM4i中文字网

五. make a mess of, destroy or ruinM4i中文字网

e.g. I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movementM4i中文字网

Synonym: botchbodgebumblebotch upmuffblowflubscrew upball upspoilmuck upbunglefluffbollixbollix upbollocksbollocks upbobblemishandlelouse upfoul upmess upfuck upM4i中文字网

一. 乱摸;摸索;笨拙地处理
If you fumble for something or fumble with something, you try and reach for it or hold it in a clumsy way.M4i中文字网

e.g. She crept from the bed and fumbled for her dressing gown...
e.g. He fumbled with the buttons at the neck...

二. 笨嘴拙舌地说话;结结巴巴地说话
When you are trying to say something, if you fumble for the right words, you speak in a clumsy and unclear way.M4i中文字网

e.g. I fumbled for something to say...
e.g. He fumbled his lines, not knowing what he was going to say.

一. fumble什么意思M4i中文字网

一. 掉球:一是攻方在传球和带球跑的过程中掉球(fumble). 另一种是攻方的传球被守方拦截(interception). 这两种情况下守方都可以带球直接达阵. 在球类运动里,美式橄榄球的规则比较复杂. 但这并不意味着非得读懂晦涩的规则手册才能看橄榄球.M4i中文字网

二. 使敌人放下手中的物品,当然包括武器:Force Field-----全身被能量球保护,使伤害减小,但受到数次攻击后会消失 | Fumble-----使敌人放下手中的物品,当然包括武器 | Haste-----加速魔法M4i中文字网

三. 漏接:free throw percentage罚球命中率 | fumble漏接 | goal中篮M4i中文字网

  • 常用例句M4i中文字网

  • 经典引文M4i中文字网

  • She fumbled in the dark for the light switch.
  • His awkwardness made him fumble with the key.
  • I fumbled with the catch of the front door, my hands trembling with nervousness.M4i中文字网

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • I fumbled in my shopping bag..for our supper.M4i中文字网

    出自:E. Figes
  • Mark would not fumble..he would move with absolute assurance.M4i中文字网

    出自:L. Auchincloss
  • Fumbling in his mind for something to say.M4i中文字网

  • 近义词M4i中文字网

  • 临近词M4i中文字网

  • botch up搞坏
  • bollix弄槽
  • mishandle粗暴对待
  • bungle拙劣地工作
  • misstep失足
  • blow打击
  • scrabble爬寻
  • mess-up混乱
  • botch拙笨地修补
  • mess up混乱
  • louse up破坏
  • bumble说话含糊
  • bobble失误
  • blunder大错
  • slip-up错误
  • bollocks胡说
  • grope(暗中)摸索
  • muck up弄脏
  • muff皮手筒
  • foul up混乱(故障)
  • rummage到处翻寻
  • ball up使混乱, 搞成一团糟, ...
  • muddle混乱
  • mess混乱
  • spoil宠坏
  • flub做得不佳
  • bodge(劣质的)修补...
  • error错误
  • root根
  • search搜寻
  • fuck up[美粗]搞糟
  • mistake错误
  • fluff软毛
  • screw up拧紧
  • fumble at a lock
  • fume
  • fulsome
  • fumble the ball
  • fumble in goal
  • fumble for
  • fumbled grounder
  • fumble around
  • Fumble with
  • fumbler
  • fumble about
  • fumble in pocket
I think this needs to fumble ceaselessly in practice cannot be an armchair strategist.(我认为,这需要在实践中不断摸索,不能纸上谈兵。)
The penalty area was the main fumble area.(罚球区是失球的主要区域。)
I slowly carrying out, slowly fumble, of course what redound gives me is more and more joyance.(我慢慢的实践着、慢慢的摸索、当然回报给我的是越来越多的喜悦。)
We still can fumble further, if have newer progress, we can be Shared with everybody.(我们还会进一步摸索,如果有更新的进展,我们会和大家分享。)
Nobody wants to see you fumble your way through your file system for that diagram you were supposed to explain.(没有人希望看到你为了找到要向大家解释的图,而在文件目录中苦苦搜寻。)
Millions of people struggle out of bed each morning, fumble into some clothes, and make their way to a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper.(天天清晨,成千上万的人挣扎着起床,摸索着穿上衣服,然后喝咖啡,看早报。)
The ref said it was a fumble.(裁判员判定为失球。)
Words frustrate her, like fastened buttons at which she can only fumble.(言语使她感到挫败,就像扣上的扣子,她只能摸索着按。)
With her free hand, Li managed to fumble it out, but there was no signal.(李万枝用另外一只手左摸右掏的总算把手机拿了出来,但是没有信号。)
Sina's profits are growing at double-digit rates, while Focus Media's recent past has been marked by one fumble after another.(新浪的利润在以两位数的速度增长,而分众传媒最近却是接二连三的失误。)