
  • 详情解释vax中文字网

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  • 网络解释vax中文字网

  • 纵火(罪)
  • 放火(罪)
  • 蓄意放火
  • 放火纵火
  • [U]纵火(罪); 放火(罪) the crime of deliberately setting fire to sth, especially a building


一. malicious burning to destroy propertyvax中文字网

e.g. the British term for arson is fire-raisingvax中文字网

Synonym: incendiarismfire-raisingvax中文字网

一. 纵火(罪);放火(罪)
Arson is the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building or vehicle.vax中文字网

e.g. ...a terrible wave of rioting, theft and arson...
e.g. They vented their anger by carrying out arson attacks.

一. 纵火:青少年法庭会尽最大的努力来教养(rehabilitation), 而不是处以监禁(incarceration)等惩罚. 只有在像谋杀(murder),绑架(kidnap),纵火(arson)和强奸(rape)等重罪案件中,青少年才会被当作成人来对待,这将取决于法官的判断.vax中文字网

二. 纵火(罪):从前的杀害与烧毁房屋变成了关于暴力伤害罪(mayhem)与纵火罪(arson)的控诉. 扰乱治安伤害(depaceetplagis)之诉与暴力伤害之诉变成了(或者在实质上已经是)仍然为律师们所熟悉的侵害行为之诉(theactionoftrespass).vax中文字网

三. arson什么意思vax中文字网

三. 纵火犯:Easy:诱拐犯 (Kidnapping) Normal:纵火犯 (Arson) Hard:伪造犯 (Counterfeining)先到二楼东侧的员工电梯间,进到电梯里,会发现只能载一人,必须先把身上所有的东西放到柜子里,坐电梯的一楼,出电梯的左方有员工用旅馆地图,vax中文字网

四. 放火,纵火:arm-twisting 施加压力 | arson 放火,纵火 | assembly hall 会议厅vax中文字网

  • 常用例句vax中文字网

  • 词汇搭配vax中文字网

  • Fighting, plundering and arson have erupted all over the city.
  • The store burned down, and the police suspected arson.
  • He committed arson by burning down two buildings.
  • The police suspect the fire was the result of arson.
用作名词 (n.)
  • carry out an arson attack进行纵火袭击
  • commit arson纵火
  • 近义词vax中文字网

  • 临近词vax中文字网

  • ignition点火
  • incineration烧成灰
  • pyromania纵火狂
  • burning燃烧的
  • fire-raising 纵火罪
  • torching烧去漆
  • incendiarism放火
  • art
  • Arsonval
  • arsono
  • Arsonor
  • arsono-
  • arsonate
  • arsonous
  • arsonium
  • arsenic
  • arsons
  • arsonist
  • Arsonneau
The jury convicted the accused man of theft and arson.(陪审团判决被告犯有偷窃和纵火罪。)
I have no tolerance, gang, for anyone who commits arson.(我对任何纵火犯是决不宽恕的,朋友们!)
And just days after the arson attacks, two mysterious explosions shook the farm.(而在遭纵火攻击后几天内,两次神秘的爆炸案震动了农场。)
They have called a no-confidence debate in parliament, while staying silent on the red-shirt violence and arson.(他们在议会发起了一场没有胜算的辩论,并且对红衫军“的暴行、纵火缄口不提。”)
Strong, arson, fraud and so on.(奸、虐待儿童、放火罪、诈骗等等。)
In Bauchi, there were reports that police had foiled an arson attack on an election centre.(在包奇,有报道称警方阻止了不法分子在一个选举中心的纵火行为。)
Some of the arson is no doubt insurance fraud.(某些纵火行为无疑只是保险欺诈。)
Their safety and property are threatened by various crimes: robbery, theft, rape, kidnapping, murder, arson, vandalism and violence.(他们的安全和财产受到各种犯罪的威胁:抢劫、盗窃、强奸、绑架、谋杀、纵火、破坏公物和暴力。)
To prevent further ACTS of arson, the new tower is engineered completely from metal.(为了防止更糟糕的纵火行为,新塔完全使用金属材料。)
He was arraigned on a charge of arson.(他因被指控犯纵火罪而被传讯。)