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  • 炮击,炮轰,攻击,乱轰
  • 捣毁,摧毁
  • 打碎,敲碎,打烂,打坏
  • (使)向上递倾
  • 磨损,磨破
  • 把...用旧,把…穿旧
  • 作连续猛击,连续地猛打,乱打,猛烈敲打,砰砰敲打,猛击
  • 往后递倾
  • 【建】内倾
  • 从下而上向后倾斜
  • 捶薄,把...打得七凸八凹,打扁
  • 砸倒,砸毁
  • 殴打
  • 糊状物
  • 打击手,击球员,正在击球的球员
  • 墙壁等的向上缓倾
  • 倾度
  • 【烹】奶油面糊,面糊(煎料)
  • 磨损,毁损
  • 捶薄
  • 棒球
  • 铅字或铅版的磨损处
  • 由于铅字或铅版的磨损而造成印刷品的模糊不清
  • vt. & vi. 连续猛击;殴打 hit sb/sth hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage
  • 毁损;打坏,打烂 damage, break, or cause to lose shape by continual hard use or beating



一. a liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking4tC中文字网

二. (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting4tC中文字网

Synonym: hittersluggerbatsman4tC中文字网



一. make a dent or impression in4tC中文字网

e.g. dinge a soft hat4tC中文字网

Synonym: dinge4tC中文字网

二. strike violently and repeatedly4tC中文字网

e.g. She clobbered the man who tried to attack her4tC中文字网

Synonym: clobberbaste4tC中文字网

三. strike against forcefully4tC中文字网

e.g. Winds buffeted the tent4tC中文字网

Synonym: buffetknock about4tC中文字网

一. 殴打;痛打;毒打
If someone is battered, they are regularly hit and badly hurt by a member of their family or by their partner.4tC中文字网

e.g. ...evidence that the child was being battered.
e.g. ...boys who witness fathers battering their mothers.

Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.

二. (用拳头或重物)多次重击,连续猛打(某人)
To batter someone means to hit them many times, using fists or a heavy object.4tC中文字网

e.g. He battered her around the head...
e.g. A karate expert battered a man to death...

Her battered body was discovered in a field.

三. (风、雨或暴风雪等)肆虐,严重破坏
If a place is battered by wind, rain, or storms, it is seriously damaged or affected by very bad weather.4tC中文字网

e.g. The country has been battered by winds of between fifty and seventy miles an hour.
e.g. ...a storm that's been battering the Northeast coastline.

四. (用拳头或重物)多次重击,连续猛打(某物)
If you batter something, you hit it many times, using your fists or a heavy object.4tC中文字网


e.g. They were battering the door, they were breaking in...
e.g. Batter the steaks flat.

五. (面粉、鸡蛋和牛奶和成的)糊,面糊
Batter is a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk that is used in cooking.4tC中文字网

e.g. ...pancake batter.
e.g. ...fish in batter.

六. (棒球和垒球等运动中的)击球员,击球手
In sports such as baseball and softball, a batter is a person who hits the ball with a wooden bat.4tC中文字网

e.g. ...batters and pitchers.

七. see also: battered;battering4tC中文字网

相关词组:batter down4tC中文字网

一. 4tC中文字网

一. 击球手:击球手Vs.投球手 其实棒球的规例和术语都颇复杂,非三言两语可轻易解释,棒球的玩法简单说是投球手(Pitcher)和击球手(Batter)之间的对抗,作防守和进攻. 棒球比赛中每一队有九人,两队轮流攻守,共打九局来决胜.4tC中文字网

二. 面糊:(c) 面糊(Batter)是指一种半流体物质,通常包含面粉和其他成份. 要加工的主要成份可在其中浸蘸,或用它涂膜,或直接用它制成焙烤食品. (e)关键控制点(Critical control point)是指食品加工过程中的一个点,在这个点上控制不好就可能造成或引发危害,4tC中文字网

三. 击球运动员:batsman 板球运动员 | batter 击球运动员 | men's singles 单打运动员4tC中文字网

  • 常用短语4tC中文字网

  • 常用例句4tC中文字网

  • 词汇搭配4tC中文字网

  • 经典引文4tC中文字网

    粗暴地对待treat sb or sth roughly
    batter sb/sth ⇔ about

    The man was put in prison for battering his wife about.4tC中文字网


    The car must have been battered about in the race.4tC中文字网


  • Flies battered against the windowpanes.
  • High winds battered against the windowpanes.
  • The rain battered against the windows.
  • Waves battered against the pier.
  • The police battered at the door.
  • She battered at the door with her fists.
用作动词 (v.)
  • batter apartment houses冲击公寓大楼
  • batter one's children殴打自己的孩子
  • batter the baby虐待婴儿
  • batter down冲垮,摧毁
  • batter up毁坏
  • batter away at接连不断地砸
  • batter against不停地撞击
  • batter sth to pieces把某物打成碎片
  • batter sth with stones用石头砸
  • With a log Batter his skull.4tC中文字网

  • A number of huge packing cases stood about, and upon these the Red Guards and soldiers fell furiously, battering them open with the butts of their rifles.4tC中文字网

    出自:J. Reed
  • The door was battered down and in came the Palace guard.4tC中文字网

    出自:R. Graves
  • The hail roars and batters on the windows.4tC中文字网

    出自:G. Maxwell
  • I unroll the veal that I remembered to batter out flat this morning.4tC中文字网

    出自:D. Lessing
  • 词语用法4tC中文字网

  • batter的基本意思是“连续猛击;持续打击;冲击;撞击”,指猛烈打击使人或物严重受伤、变形或毁坏,表示严重毁损外形但不失去肢体或组成部分,常译作“捣毁”“砸烂”“重创”等。可用作及物动词或不及物动词。
  • batter还可表示因不加爱惜而“磨损”或“用坏”,是及物动词,常用于被动结构。
  • batter还可作“使遭受猛烈攻击或批评”解,其宾语一般为某人、某观点或某理论,是及物动词。
  • batter用作及物动词时后接副词down表示“不断打击某物使之倒下”,后接介词to表示“经常猛力打击使某物变成…状”;用作不及物动词时后接介词against或at表示“连续猛击某人〔物〕”。
  • 近义词4tC中文字网

  • 临近词4tC中文字网

  • slugger重击者
  • clobber狠揍
  • thrash打(谷)
  • smash打碎
  • pound磅
  • hitter打击手
  • thump重击
  • maim使伤残
  • buffet自助餐
  • knock about粗暴地对待
  • bang巨响
  • dinge 黑人
  • attack攻击
  • mixture混合
  • beat打
  • assault攻击
  • baste疏缝
  • batsman击球手
  • baseball player棒球运动员
  • hammer锤
  • brutalize使残酷无情
  • abuse滥用
  • Batterton
  • Batternay
  • Batterson
  • Batteraud
  • batten
  • Batterbee
  • battern
  • batteries
  • battery
  • batterie
  • batterer
  • battered
Whisk the batter with a wire whisk or hand beater until it is smooth and light.(用搅拌器搅拌糊状物直到糊状物变得光滑酥松。)
Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes.(搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。)
It's a thin flat cake made from batter and Fried on both sides - much like a crepe.(这是一种由鸡蛋,面粉,牛奶混合而成的面糊做成的薄而平的蛋糕,两面煎炸---其实更像可丽饼。)
Batter can be made a day before and stored in refrigerator!(可以提前一天做好面糊,放在冰箱里就行。)
I can see my hand when I'm writing. At Little League games, I can see where the catcher, batter, and umpire are.(我写字的时候能看见我的手。在少年棒球联盟的比赛中,我可以看到接球手、击球手和裁判在哪里。)
The enraged cyclist used his bike to batter the motorist’s car until a bystander punched him.(骑车者抡起自行车猛砸对手的汽车,直到一个围观者出手制止了他。)
Toad-in-the-Hole sausages are covered in batter and roasted.(面拖烤香肠被面糊包裹然后烤制。)
Try baking blueberries into oatmeal to create your own oatmeal-blueberry granola bar, or mixing them into the whole wheat pancake or waffle batter.(试着把蓝莓放入燕麦中烘培,制成你自己的燕麦蓝莓麦片棒,或者把它们混合加入全麦煎饼或华夫饼面糊中。)
The pitcher beanballed purposely at the head of the batter.(该投手故意向那名击球手头部投球。)
The Marlin pitcher struck out the first batter he faced.(那位马林投手使他面对的第一个击球员三击不中而出局。)