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一. the act of displaying something ostentatiouslyo4q中文字网

e.g. his behavior was an outrageous flaunto4q中文字网


一. display proudly
act ostentatiously or pretentiouslyo4q中文字网

e.g. he showed off his new sports caro4q中文字网

Synonym: flashshow offostentateswanko4q中文字网

一. 炫耀;夸耀;卖弄
If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other people's admiration.o4q中文字网

e.g. They drove around in Rolls-Royces, openly flaunting their wealth...
e.g. One secret he learned very early on was not to flaunt his success.

二. 招摇过市;卖弄性感;搔首弄姿
If you say that someone is flaunting themselves, you disapprove of them because they are behaving in a very confident way, or in a way that is intended to attract sexual attention.o4q中文字网

e.g. She's asking for trouble, flaunting herself like that. Did you see the way Major Winston was looking at her?
e.g. ...tourists flaunting themselves in front of the castle guards in bra and shorts.

一. 炫耀:楚王为了炫耀(flaunt)自己的富有,决定亲自带领使者参观(visit)章华台. 使者早就耳闻楚国的章华台. 这章华台是一座富丽堂皇的高台,是楚灵王调集全国的能工巧匠花了很长时间修筑的,专供国王和大臣们登高望远之用.o4q中文字网

二. 夸耀:回去后,小绿到处夸耀(flaunt)自己抓过一只野牛. 他决定把抓野牛的方法教给老鼠毛毛. 到了河边,小绿把毛毛背在背上,一跳,落到河中央,两个只好拼命游到对岸,差点被淹死.o4q中文字网

三. 招展:flatworm 扁形虫 | flaunt 招展 | flauntily 虚华地o4q中文字网

四. 炫耀--飞来的姑姑在炫耀:flair 本能--飞在空中是本能 | flaunt 炫耀--飞来的姑姑在炫耀 | flock 一群--锁到一起是一群o4q中文字网

  • 经典引文o4q中文字网

  • The Miss Lambs might now be seen flaunting along the streets in French bonnets.o4q中文字网

    出自:W. Irving
  • 近义词o4q中文字网

  • 临近词o4q中文字网

  • flash闪光
  • air空气
  • show证实
  • flourish茂盛
  • vaunt吹嘘
  • show off炫耀
  • ostentate炫耀
  • boast自夸
  • parade游行
  • display显示
  • exhibit展览
  • swank炫耀
  • brandish挥
  • crow乌鸦
  • sport运动
  • flaunt one's riches
  • flatus
  • flaunty
  • flaunt one's success
  • flavor
  • flauntiness
  • flaunt one's power
  • flaunt one's wealth
  • flaunt wealth
  • flaunt oneself
  • flaunting consumption
  • flauntily
They so love to flaunt their work.(他们很喜欢炫耀自己的成果。)
Flaunt your unique accessorizing skills by nailing down the hottest headband trends.(掌握了最热门的发带趋势,你就可以去炫耀你独特的配饰技巧啦。)
If you've got it, don't flaunt it - it ruins it for your man (there are a few things best left to the imagination, honey).(如果你正是这样穿的,千万别招展-这会在你的男人面前毁了你的形象(我们最好还是给一些事情留些想象空间,宝贝)。)
One secret he learned very early on was not to flaunt his success.(他很早就学到的一个秘诀就是不要夸耀自己的成功。)
If you don't want it, flaunt it.(如果你不想要它,那就取笑它吧。)
Some of you delight to flaunt in our faces the warning against sectional parties given by Washington in his Farewell Address.(你们有些人喜欢当着我们的面卖弄华盛顿在他的告别演说中提出的对地方主义的警告。)
We don't raise these issues to make to us look good, or to flaunt publicly that we have done so.(我们提出这个问题不是想显示我们看起来多高尚,也不是炫耀我们已经这样做了。)
Flaunt it and share it with the world!(要炫耀,然后跟全世界分享。)
Besides that, Barcelona has a glorious past to flaunt.(另外,巴塞罗那有着辉煌的过去。)
Once you have a bit of success don’t flaunt it but let other people know.(如果你已经取得了一定的成绩,别去炫耀,真诚地与别人分享你的经验。)